About to transplant...need some input


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone. I am transplanting my clones from 1 gallon fabric pots to 5 gallon and i am using soil. My question is using Natures Care Premium potting Soil or any soil in general...when i transplant into the bigger pots and using new soil should i wait to introduce nutrients for a bit and let the nutrients in the soil deplete first? If so, how do i know when to start introducing nutrients? Thanks everyone!


Well-Known Member
Are you feeding the plants currently in the 1 gallon pots? I would transplant and just water with plain water the 1st time, then continue with the fertilizer after that. I have been using Black Gold potting soil 0.05-0.0-0.0 and I don't notice any issues like nute burn when using the fertilizer manufacturers recommended dose.


Well-Known Member
when i transplant into the bigger pots and using new soil should i wait to introduce nutrients for a bit and let the nutrients in the soil deplete first?

Natures care, like most potting soils, is already fortified with some nutrients. It's done that way for a reason: when you plant something in it, it's going to go into a bit of shock, so the last thing you want to do is put it into a bare bones environment.

If so, how do i know when to start introducing nutrients? Thanks everyone!
I would give it about two weeks to settle in and recover. Then you can return to your regular feeding schedule.


Well-Known Member
Are you feeding the plants currently in the 1 gallon pots? I would transplant and just water with plain water the 1st time, then continue with the fertilizer after that. I have been using Black Gold potting soil 0.05-0.0-0.0 and I don't notice any issues like nute burn when using the fertilizer manufacturers recommended dose.
Hey Boston,yes i am currently feeding them in the 1 gallon pots. They have been in them for a month and i want to put these girls into flower in the next two weeks. So i will just use ph balanced water with no nutes for the next couple weeks then start bloom nutes, sound like a good plan? This way they see a bit of a flush before flowering nutes.

Nutrients Being used:
General Hydroponics Maxigro with FloraBlend in veg. just got Cal-mag and will introduce that in flower along with MaxiBloom by GH and the Florablend.

Anything else i should be using in flower?
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Well-Known Member
Hey Boston,yes i am currently feeding them in the 1 gallon pots. They have been in them for a month and i want to put these girls into flower in the next two weeks. So i will just use ph balanced water with no nutes for the next couple weeks then start bloom nutes, sound like a good plan? This way they see a bit of a flush before flowering nutes.

Nutrients Being used:
General Hydroponics Maxigro with FloraBlend in veg. just got Cal-mag and will introduce that in flower along with MaxiBloom by GH and the Florablend.

Anything else i should be using in flower?
I use Megacrop and only worry about increasing the dose as they get bigger and haven't had any issues. I always transplant very carefully then just water, the 2nd watering is back to regular schedule. I use the Black Gold 0.05-0.0-0.0 because they have it cheap right down the street and so far no issues with clones or seedlings. I don't know much about flushing, I don't flush anything. I even reuse potting soil and just mix it all up and pop clones in it.


Well-Known Member
yes when using any sort of medium with nutrients in it you should wait off a bit to kind of let the plant use it up. this highly depends on how much the manufacturer puts in the medium. take for example fox farm. they got ocean forest which i believe is rated for 3-4 weeks , happy frog which i believe 2-3 weeks?, and strawberry fields which i believe 1-2 weeks?

i personally like to go 1 week before the last dated week. so say ocean forest as i tend to use a lot of soil rated around 3-4weeks usually. last dated week is 4 so i will start feeding at week 3. depending how big the plant is will depend on how much i feed. the smaller they are the less dosage i tend to give. once they are big i feed full dosage. i always try to leech the feedings inbetween though giving about 3 waterings with just plain water. you NEED to understand what you are buying. if you don't understand what you are buying medium wise that is where your first fuck up is. figure out how many weeks of nutrients it should last and work from there. some medium contain little to no nutrients added and in those cases you need to feed earlier.


Well-Known Member
I use Megacrop and only worry about increasing the dose as they get bigger and haven't had any issues. I always transplant very carefully then just water, the 2nd watering is back to regular schedule. I use the Black Gold 0.05-0.0-0.0 because they have it cheap right down the street and so far no issues with clones or seedlings. I don't know much about flushing, I don't flush anything. I even reuse potting soil and just mix it all up and pop clones in it.


Well-Known Member
Picture taken 24 hours after transplant. Little yellowing on tip of 1st leaf . anything I should worry about?
what is that white stuff around the edges of the leaves? to me it looks like some parts have spider webs on it like the top leaf. if it's yellowing and its kind of hard to see but my guess would be soil is too high in nutrients or acidic ( i believe ). not too sure on that but i see some damage on the right leaf tip looks like tip burn to me which usually is associated with too much nitrogen if i am correct.

i wouldn't worry too much for not but depending what kind of medium it is i would either assume it is time for some feeding or medium it is in has too much nutrients/acidity.


Well-Known Member
ye i too don't really flush anymore i don't even water to drain anymore either. i leech my soil thats for sure but i have been reusing my soil as well due to car issues i can't just buy soil as easily so i compost it and reuse. i vermicompost though. never cloned or popped clones but with seeds so far no issues.


Well-Known Member
what is that white stuff around the edges of the leaves? to me it looks like some parts have spider webs on it like the top leaf. if it's yellowing and its kind of hard to see but my guess would be soil is too high in nutrients or acidic ( i believe ). not too sure on that but i see some damage on the right leaf tip looks like tip burn to me which usually is associated with too much nitrogen if i am correct.

i wouldn't worry too much for not but depending what kind of medium it is i would either assume it is time for some feeding or medium it is in has too much nutrients/acidity.
Its something perfectly in the background. Double checked nothing on the leaf.


Well-Known Member
I use Megacrop and only worry about increasing the dose as they get bigger and haven't had any issues. I always transplant very carefully then just water, the 2nd watering is back to regular schedule. I use the Black Gold 0.05-0.0-0.0 because they have it cheap right down the street and so far no issues with clones or seedlings. I don't know much about flushing, I don't flush anything. I even reuse potting soil and just mix it all up and pop clones in it.
I use natures care too, first water.. Straight water.. Than back to half strength mute.. Third... A little over half...
I use Hesi nutes...and if I used full strength they'd shrivel up and die immediately..so I go with my ppm pen... I shoot for about 400 in second week of true veg... Trying to hit about 600 by bloom. Less is more when it comes to nutes in veg from my experience


Well-Known Member
I use natures care too, first water.. Straight water.. Than back to half strength mute.. Third... A little over half...
I use Hesi nutes...and if I used full strength they'd shrivel up and die immediately..so I go with my ppm pen... I shoot for about 400 in second week of true veg... Trying to hit about 600 by bloom. Less is more when it comes to nutes in veg from my experience
Awesome i appreciate the input thats exactly what i did today. Just watered with ph balanced water and thats it back in the tent.