Cheap uk nutrients revisited


Well-Known Member
A while back I created a post on this found below (it's still a good read just to see how much you can save, and to relate to the below).

I've used those same nutrients for a few year now and while they or me are not perfect they do a very good job, I've also learned a bit more since then so hopefully this is a helpful update.

What I came to appreciate is that cana has a wide ppm tolerance range (nutrient strength). In basic terms this means that one person could be using a certain nutrient at full strength, another person could be using the same nutrient at 3/4 strength yet they both get the exact same end good result. The only real difference here is that one person is needlessly wasting nutrients for no extra gain.

This is something worth thinking about, since a lot of liquid bottle company's deliberately tell you to use strengths that are in the upper limit. While it does not ''hurt'' the plant if done right, it means you use more/waste more and thus have to buy more. They also split nutrients up into many bottles when it is simply not necessary.. in practice it essentially creates problems on top of costing you a hell of a lot more.

The link above is one the only cana specific ''elemental ppm'' charts I've been able to find that goes into more detail. Elemental ppm is not the same as tds ppm, this was a confusing path to go down but it is an important thing to note. Completely forget about tds meters if you move on to ''powder'' nutrients. What you are dealing with now is elemental ppm that you can work out mathematically for far greater accuracy, you don't need to ''measure'' ppm because you actually already know it before you put it in. I've mostly done the leg work on that so all you really need to do is follow along if you don't have the desire to learn all this, more than understandable ;p.

I have used the above link as the frame work to tailor my own ratios and strengths and so far the below is what I have revised to with no ill effect on health or end weight.

Solufeed base - 0.5 prams per liter (gl for short)

N - 75 ppm
P - 15
K - 132
M - 10

Cal nitrate - 0.5gl

N - 75
C - 95

Epsom salts - 0.5gl

Mg - 50
Su - 65

Mpk - 0.10/0.20/0.30 gpl. >>>Use this stuff cautiously and always double check you worked it out with the decimal fraction and not a whole number. For example 1.0gpl is 9x more P than you need (defo not good for the plant) but not a difficult mistake to make if you get careless. Don't let this put you off, just stay respectful of how concentrated this stuff is and double check you used 0.X decimal.

P - 23/45/69
K - 28/57/84

Total: PPM

N - 150
P - 38/60/84
K - 160/189/216

C - 95
M - 60
S - 65

You'll notice the total PPM of p and K has varying amounts. This is because the ''mpk'' product is used as a slight boost. The more of that you use, the greater the over all P and K will be.

For veg you'd use the values above, but you would use the mpk product at 0.10gpl. This is to bring the P above 30ppm during veg (the minimum amount).

For the stretch in flower nothing really changes. By the end of week 2 going into week 3 you can up the mpk to 0.20gpl (60ppm P). By week 4 to 5 you should be up to 0.30gpl of the mpk boost (84ppm P). At week 7 of a 8 to 9 week strain you can cut the over all nutrient strength to 3/4 and feed that (with run off) until harvest. You can experiment going lower if you like but I would not drop to less than half over all strength. A calculator is a must for this, as is a digital scale to weight out amounts.

If you look over the total ppm amounts they are always within or close to the limits set out by the link frame work. It isn't a perfect match ofc, but close enough where I've seen no ill effect and saved even more on nutrients.

Some things to take into account are your water quality. Mine comes with a bit of calcium, say 30 to 50ppm worth. If you are within that range you should be fine. If you are above that range, say 50 to 100, you should also still be ok, since cana can tolerate high levels of C. If above that, you may need to look into alternative water or calcium source.

The magnesium level has never given me any issues. Some people say they need to use more with leds but I've never had that issue myself (using cobs). I have a sneaky suspicion that the reason some people have mag issues is because their root zone temps are getting too low on account of no longer using hps. This would then lead to slower uptake and mag issues. It is worth checking your root level temps and ensuring they are never any lower than 65F (I try to keep mine at 70F). This will ensure the root zone is warm, happy and taking up what it needs. If your root temps are always in range and you have mag issues, then simply up the epsom salts by 0.10gpl per week until the problem stops, then you know your level.

The N levels seem low for veg, this ''may'' be too low for some strains but again, if you find the leaves are way too light, you can look to up the cal nitrate a little. Since they do have a wide calcium tolerance you can get away with using cnite to up the N. Again, unless you have very hard water.

A tip for the interested. At max the over all ppm is 700 (not including what's already in your water). At such a low ppm you can get away with less run off. I tend to only have around 5 to 10% as an example, this also means you're saving yet again as you use less water/nutrients as run off waste. Saving up to 15% run off reduces the amount of fill ups you have to do. For me that means I save around a full day of my life per year not filling up. I wasted last years free day on working that out ;p.

Lastly. You don't HAVE to use the products I've pointed out, but with a bit more understanding on the various ppm levels it will enable you to tailor your own powder feeds and save a small fortune. You can simply use the PPM values I've given here as a reference point.
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I've been using your previous recipe at a max of half strength for just over a year. I also grow under cobs. I tend to jack up the calcinit & Epsom salts by 0.5g per lite at the end of veg & into the stretch. Once the stretch is over I revert to the standard recipe & just slowly reduce the base whilst upping the mpk. Been working like a charm. I think most of the calmag probs people are having is the result of to low a grow room temp. Thanks for all the info.
I've been using your previous recipe at a max of half strength for just over a year. I also grow under cobs. I tend to jack up the calcinit & Epsom salts by 0.5g per lite at the end of veg & into the stretch. Once the stretch is over I revert to the standard recipe & just slowly reduce the base whilst upping the mpk. Been working like a charm. I think most of the calmag probs people are having is the result of to low a grow room temp. Thanks for all the info.

I see, so what ppm of N, C and M do you have during that phase?. Just checking I'm not misunderstanding you.
I see, so what ppm of N, C and M do you have during that phase?. Just checking I'm not misunderstanding you.

I’m sorry Flowki I don’t go into as much detail as counting & recording my ppm’s for individual elements.

I do keep a record of my EC though if that is any help. The highest I have gone is 1.3 in weeks 1 & 2 of flower. My last grow I didn’t go over 1.2. Week 3 I’m working down to around 1.0. Around week 4 I’m down to 0.9.

I’ve been starting to add mpk around the end of week 2 of flower & working up to 0.2g per litre as quickly as possible without burning leaves. I generally run at 0.2g per litre until week 5 where I start hitting them hard with mpk.

I’ve gone as far as 0.5g per litre with mpk in weeks 5 & 6. Bearing in mind this is a 7 week strain we are talking about. I know the mpk level sounds excessive but with each increase during weeks 5 & 6 I see increased bud growth the following day & they seem happy enough to take it.

By that point I’m down to 0.2g-0.25g per litre of Solufeed with corresponding Epsom & Calcinit.

I will give the new recipe a try with the next run of plants.

I do have a question for you on this though. I’ve been using this with coco run to waste which has pretty much been idiot proof. I did run it once with an autopot & that do not go so well. That may have been grower error or not.

How well do you think this new recipe would work with something like an autopot system where the plant is bottom fed. Is this recipe balanced enough for something like that?
P.s I just realised what I wrote about increasing the calcinit & Epsom salt levels was completely wrong!

I increase each by 0.05g per litre. I wrote 0.5g per litre! That would probably burn the hell out of any plants.

I essentially mix up 10Lt at a time & drop in an extra 0.5g of Epsom & Calcinit.

Sorry for the confusion.
I’m sorry Flowki I don’t go into as much detail as counting & recording my ppm’s for individual elements.

I do keep a record of my EC though if that is any help. The highest I have gone is 1.3 in weeks 1 & 2 of flower. My last grow I didn’t go over 1.2. Week 3 I’m working down to around 1.0. Around week 4 I’m down to 0.9.

I’ve been starting to add mpk around the end of week 2 of flower & working up to 0.2g per litre as quickly as possible without burning leaves. I generally run at 0.2g per litre until week 5 where I start hitting them hard with mpk.

I’ve gone as far as 0.5g per litre with mpk in weeks 5 & 6. Bearing in mind this is a 7 week strain we are talking about. I know the mpk level sounds excessive but with each increase during weeks 5 & 6 I see increased bud growth the following day & they seem happy enough to take it.

By that point I’m down to 0.2g-0.25g per litre of Solufeed with corresponding Epsom & Calcinit.

I will give the new recipe a try with the next run of plants.

I do have a question for you on this though. I’ve been using this with coco run to waste which has pretty much been idiot proof. I did run it once with an autopot & that do not go so well. That may have been grower error or not.

How well do you think this new recipe would work with something like an autopot system where the plant is bottom fed. Is this recipe balanced enough for something like that?

Yeah I tend to try and keep a steady amount for everything but the mpk. You are obviously getting away with lowering the base so I may give that a try. My only worry was the micro nutrient levels, I don't have much knowledge on those ranges yet so was scared to lower base under half aside from the last week or so.

I tried blumats with 0 run off on one plant and 700ppm is too much (think I used mpk at around 0.10 to 0.15). The single test plant never at any point looked toxic or deficient, it drank more than the rest but it was just stunted, no other way to put it. From that I figured the nutrient level or ratio needed lowered or adjusted (who knows maybe the P was actually too low). Alternatively I could have sustained 700ppm but every 3 weeks or so manually watered once with good run off to refresh the coco. Hopefully I can get back on track with that venture.

I can't say for sure with the auto pots and 700ppm, if the blumats is anything to go off you may be ok if you refresh the res at every second fill up. I guess that would be my personal starting point given current understanding. I believe people in hydro run higher ppm but I don't know if that is actually required or if it's a passed down bad habit. I do recall somebody saying that you should not feed less than 600ppm in coco, I don't know if that is a over all misconception given the old warnings of coco and calcium issues, as in, 600ppm to that person just so happened to be the point where he ran into cal issues.

I'm rambling now sorry ;p. Best if you read more into it I guess.
I do use solufeed Tec (micro nutrients) at 0.2g per 10 Lt to bolster the base. I had it left over from treating a suspected deficiency before moving on to your recipe. Thought I'd start adding it to the mix. Maybe why I can go so low as 0.2gpl with the base.
I did run dwc for a while (before finding your mix) & with hydro you generally need to use less nutrients.
I did have a few reasonable grows with your recipe & autopots but they really couldn't seem to handle any mpk. Even at 0.5,g per 10 Lt it caused leaves to yellow. In run to waste it's bullet proof.
I'll give the new recipe a try with one of my plants on the next run.
Dry ferts do save a huge amount of cash so again I appreciate you posting the recipes. So many UK growers are stuck in their ways with nutrients. I was using maxi grow/bloom before solufeed & have tried to recommend dry ferts to a few growers but they insist on buying bottled nutes. You just can't help some people.
I do use solufeed Tec (micro nutrients) at 0.2g per 10 Lt to bolster the base. I had it left over from treating a suspected deficiency before moving on to your recipe. Thought I'd start adding it to the mix. Maybe why I can go so low as 0.2gpl with the base.
I did run dwc for a while (before finding your mix) & with hydro you generally need to use less nutrients.
I did have a few reasonable grows with your recipe & autopots but they really couldn't seem to handle any mpk. Even at 0.5,g per 10 Lt it caused leaves to yellow. In run to waste it's bullet proof.
I'll give the new recipe a try with one of my plants on the next run.
Dry ferts do save a huge amount of cash so again I appreciate you posting the recipes. So many UK growers are stuck in their ways with nutrients. I was using maxi grow/bloom before solufeed & have tried to recommend dry ferts to a few growers but they insist on buying bottled nutes. You just can't help some people.

Yeah that makes sense, will have to read into micro nutrients properly soon. I wonder if the K in the base is too high in use with the mpk issue you found?. It seems odd the mpk alone is the issue since it's in a lot of bloom boosters or finishers. Maybe it's not related at all, I just got the feeling from using this for a while now that the K levels during veg and early bloom are just a bit too high. I've been considering using the solufeed 1:1:1 base during veg and stretch but haven't got around to working out the ppm ratios or if the high veg K is an issue yet.. kinda getting lazy since it's nice to use one recipe the whole time ;p.
I’ve not had any issues in veg with the old recipe. For me I get very healthy growth during veg. I am in a very hard water area though so maybe the extra calcium or mag in the water supply somehow helps.

The thing with autopots, in my experience at least is that they are reasonably forgiving in veg but not so much in flower. Where the system essentially automatically fills the tray, the plants are sitting in they have no choice but to consume what is being fed to them, be that too much or too little. They also generally require significantly less nutrients than you use on drain to waste. There are 2 possibilities. Either I was not reading my plants closely enough & didn’t reduce the ec enough after stretch before adding mpk or the ratio was not suitable for that type of grow, a closed system grow, I guess.

I’ll find out soon enough. I intend to run one of my next 4 plants in an autopot & feed it very gingerly to try & rule out user error.

I have always assumed that when you say use x amount of mpk per litre the figures you have given out would be the max? So, If I was say feeding 50% of the base you recommended, I would feed 50% of the mpk you recommended?

Probably a stupid question!
I like what you're doing. There is absolutely no reason to spend money on high priced bottled designer nutrients. I've been using just calcium nitrate, a micronutrient blend, and MKP for years. Prior to that I was using overpriced bottled designer nutrients. One thing I've noticed since cutting the cord with cannabis specific nutrients is that my grows have gotten better and I never have any deficiencies. I spend a fraction of what I would buying overpriced cannabis specific nutes.

Something I have observed over the years is that the majority of people having issues with deficiencies and such is that they are typically using a cannabis specific nutrient line and a bunch of additives. The majority of posters asking for help in the "Marijuana Plant Problems" section fall into that category. I'll never buy another product specifically targeted to cannabis growers.
I like what you're doing. There is absolutely no reason to spend money on high priced bottled designer nutrients. I've been using just calcium nitrate, a micronutrient blend, and MKP for years. Prior to that I was using overpriced bottled designer nutrients. One thing I've noticed since cutting the cord with cannabis specific nutrients is that my grows have gotten better and I never have any deficiencies. I spend a fraction of what I would buying overpriced cannabis specific nutes.

Something I have observed over the years is that the majority of people having issues with deficiencies and such is that they are typically using a cannabis specific nutrient line and a bunch of additives. The majority of posters asking for help in the "Marijuana Plant Problems" section fall into that category. I'll never buy another product specifically targeted to cannabis growers.

I agree. Pre-made bottled nutes seem to be way less forgiving in my experience & way more expensive.

What micronutrients are you using & what ratios are you using with the calcinit & mkp?
I’ve not had any issues in veg with the old recipe. For me I get very healthy growth during veg. I am in a very hard water area though so maybe the extra calcium or mag in the water supply somehow helps.

The thing with autopots, in my experience at least is that they are reasonably forgiving in veg but not so much in flower. Where the system essentially automatically fills the tray, the plants are sitting in they have no choice but to consume what is being fed to them, be that too much or too little. They also generally require significantly less nutrients than you use on drain to waste. There are 2 possibilities. Either I was not reading my plants closely enough & didn’t reduce the ec enough after stretch before adding mpk or the ratio was not suitable for that type of grow, a closed system grow, I guess.

I’ll find out soon enough. I intend to run one of my next 4 plants in an autopot & feed it very gingerly to try & rule out user error.

I have always assumed that when you say use x amount of mpk per litre the figures you have given out would be the max? So, If I was say feeding 50% of the base you recommended, I would feed 50% of the mpk you recommended?

Probably a stupid question!

Yeah I suppose some issue lies with the ratio or strength. If I recall @xtsho uses blumats so he may be able to give some details that can help with autopots, I'm still fresh with it so not much help.

If you are using half the base, at 0.5gpl then the P level will only be 15ppm. This is why you must add 0.10gpl of mpk through out veg to bring the P back up to 30ppm (the minimum for healthy growth). It also why this new recipe uses mpk up to 0.30 at the peak of flower (as opposed to 0.20 with old recipe) because it brings up the P and K that you lost from dropping the base down to half. It isn't the perfect mix but it closely resembles the link in OP for the minimum/maximum ppms for health (in a drain to waste setup at-least).

The issue I had with blumats is that people were reporting you should use around 600ppm or so with no run off. I didn't know If I could safely lower the base any further from the new recipe at 700ppm. So, I used the new recipe and kept the mpk at 0.15gpl, I figured the P would build up over time and be enough. Still don't know if it was too much or not enough though.. as I get the feeling slight ph issues may have also played a part. I'd lean toward the P being to low and the base/cal being a little too high for that test if I had to really guess. The 600ppm people state does sound about right from what I've seen, just a case of having the balls to drop it that low ;p.
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Yeah I suppose some issue lies with the ratio or strength. If I recall @xtsho uses blumats so he may be able to give some details that can help with autopots, I'm still fresh with it so not much help.

If you are using half the base, at 0.5gpl then the P level will only be 15ppm. This is why you must add 0.10gpl of mpk through out veg to bring the P back up to 30ppm (the minimum for healthy growth). It also why this new recipe uses mpk up to 0.30 at the peak of flower (as opposed to 0.20 with old recipe) because it brings up the P and K that you lost from dropping the base down to half. It isn't the perfect mix but it closely resembles the link in OP for the minimum/maximum ppms for health (in a drain to waste setup at-least).

The issue I had with blumats is that people were reporting you should use around 600ppm or so with no run off. I didn't know If I could safely lower the base any further from the new recipe at 700ppm. So, I used the new recipe and kept the mpk at 0.15gpl, I figured the P would build up over time and be enough. Still don't know if it was too much or not enough though.. as I get the feeling slight ph issues may have also played a part. I'd lean toward the P being to low and the base/cal being a little too high for that test if I had to really guess. The 600ppm people state does sound about right from what I've seen, just a case of having the balls to drop it that low ;p.

Autopots & blumats seem similar in that you don’t have run off with either system. I’ve seen posts online of people saying that they run the same ec all the way through with autopots. If it works for them that’s great but in my experience ec requirements start dropping right after the stretch, then keep going down all the way to harvest so running the same ec all the way through sounds like asking for trouble. Unless somehow you have managed to grow your plants on a really really low feed level from the start. I normally find I have to up my feed levels late veg & during transition to keep my plants perky as they stretch. Then it’s a case of tapering down towards harvest.
Autopots & blumats seem similar in that you don’t have run off with either system. I’ve seen posts online of people saying that they run the same ec all the way through with autopots. If it works for them that’s great but in my experience ec requirements start dropping right after the stretch, then keep going down all the way to harvest so running the same ec all the way through sounds like asking for trouble. Unless somehow you have managed to grow your plants on a really really low feed level from the start. I normally find I have to up my feed levels late veg & during transition to keep my plants perky as they stretch. Then it’s a case of tapering down towards harvest.

Yeah I'm still not sure when is a good time to taper down. I just assume it's around the last two weeks but I'm seeing more now of people doing it from week 4 or 5. I don't know if they get leaf fade from that, do you?. I try to avoid it since most seem to hold the opinion that green til the end is better. I'd be interested if you can take the time to figure out what N ppm you use after week 3 til end if you don't get leaf fade.
In honesty I wouldn’t know how to work out the ppm of N used. I’m not that scientific. This is my current grow from day one of flower up to yesterday. This is per 10Lt mixed. This is the lowest amount I have used so far going through the first 3 weeks of flower. I bumped the recipe calcinit & Epson levels by 0.5g per 10Lt from day one of flower till the 2nd week of flower & then reverted to the standard recipe.


I don’t get a fade in leaf colour from doing this. I tend to reduce based on leaf colour & any tip burn. Part of why I reduce like this through flower is because I used to grow in a dwc system & took daily ec readings. I noticed that pretty much as soon as the stretch was over the nutrient requirements dropped considerably & then continued to slowly drop all the way through to harvest.

I switched to drain to waste using coco/perlite a couple of years ago because it’s so much easier to maintain & there is much less chance of root rot. I run multiple feeds throughout the 12-hour light cycle via drippers on a timer. Another reason I’ve been doing this is that when I ran a higher ec with the base (Sol, Eps & Calcinit) & started adding mpk in week 2/3 I was seeing leaf discolouration from overfeeding.

DWC & drain to waste are completely different systems but from my point of view that doesn’t mean the plants will need any more or less nutrients. As long as they have a constant supply of roughly the right amount, they should be alright. That’s my train of thought anyway. So far, it’s worked out well. They are green from clone to harvest. The most discolouration I get is from tip burn & slight yellowing when I ramp up the mpk right at the end of the grow. Hope this is of some help to you.
In honesty I wouldn’t know how to work out the ppm of N used. I’m not that scientific. This is my current grow from day one of flower up to yesterday. This is per 10Lt mixed. This is the lowest amount I have used so far going through the first 3 weeks of flower. I bumped the recipe calcinit & Epson levels by 0.5g per 10Lt from day one of flower till the 2nd week of flower & then reverted to the standard recipe.


I don’t get a fade in leaf colour from doing this. I tend to reduce based on leaf colour & any tip burn. Part of why I reduce like this through flower is because I used to grow in a dwc system & took daily ec readings. I noticed that pretty much as soon as the stretch was over the nutrient requirements dropped considerably & then continued to slowly drop all the way through to harvest.

I switched to drain to waste using coco/perlite a couple of years ago because it’s so much easier to maintain & there is much less chance of root rot. I run multiple feeds throughout the 12-hour light cycle via drippers on a timer. Another reason I’ve been doing this is that when I ran a higher ec with the base (Sol, Eps & Calcinit) & started adding mpk in week 2/3 I was seeing leaf discolouration from overfeeding.

DWC & drain to waste are completely different systems but from my point of view that doesn’t mean the plants will need any more or less nutrients. As long as they have a constant supply of roughly the right amount, they should be alright. That’s my train of thought anyway. So far, it’s worked out well. They are green from clone to harvest. The most discolouration I get is from tip burn & slight yellowing when I ramp up the mpk right at the end of the grow. Hope this is of some help to you.

That's some helpful info. Can you do me a favour and upload that sheet directly to the site in a pm?, even just as a screen shot would do. Or upload it here if you don't mind, should be useful to others too.
That's some helpful info. Can you do me a favour and upload that sheet directly to the site in a pm?, even just as a screen shot would do. Or upload it here if you don't mind, should be useful to others too.

I would but RIU seems to dislike every image host site I use & so only shows the link. i just tried to message you directly with the image as an attachment & RIU came up with an error message saying I cannot message you!

If there is anyway you can suggest doing this I’ll give it a go
I would but RIU seems to dislike every image host site I use & so only shows the link. i just tried to message you directly with the image as an attachment & RIU came up with an error message saying I cannot message you!

If there is anyway you can suggest doing this I’ll give it a go

Take a screen shot of the page (prtsc key). Add it to a paint (ctrl+v) crop out what you don't need, save, then upload it directly to the site.

If that doesn't work then I don't know ;p.
Anyone able to show their weekly schedule using these products for veg and flower, if so would really appreciate it. Finishing my first grow soon and didn’t get along with bottled nutes so want to try this next... cheers