Living soil is an amazing thing


Well-Known Member

I have been using organic fertilizers and amendments for my landscape and secret garden the last few years.

In my container garden i use almost the same soil recipe and fertilizer as I use on my ladies. As i was fertilizer this evening with fish and kelp all these worms came right to the surface. I haven't looked quite that close ever and just realized how alive my soil really is.
I used to use the salts...once I went organic outdoors I will never look back!View attachment 4381187
I made the switch a few years ago and have been reusing the same soil for last three years. Only getting better. Been trying to keep my father from using MG in his vegetable garden last few seasons. He's seen a much bigger yield and finally understanding.
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Ive been using salts for years and never stopped sreseasrching how to build my own living soil i still have yet to play around. For me seems like there are so many different ways to build a soil. But what’s good way to start I’m using raised beds in my greenhouse and i would like to start using a live organic soil. What would be a good starting point
Well my advice is always go to your local dairy or steer farm and buy as much composted manure as you can. If it's not composted yet then just get some brought to your yard and have it compost there for a couple yrs.
Best soil around... all you will need past that is some dry nutes and some azomite for minerals.

Just doesnt get any easier then that and plants love it.

P.s. composted manure is only around. 5/.5/.5
So it does need to be amended