Cloning issues


Active Member
So now, as of 9 days ago. I am amazed the clones a have are ridiculous! Let me tell ya what I did. I did a test.

I used huge cuttings, 8in total length. Kinda woody. Here is the important part. When I removed the extra branches or nodes, I did not cut them off. I pulled them straight down. It breaks them off, and the hemp fibers pull out all the way to the bottom of the cutting. Just like celery. I did a few like this on accident first, that's when I saw roots comming from the groove where the strings pulled out. This last time I did them all like that. I was not delicate with them either, very fast process.

Then dip in gel and straight to the bubbler. No scraping or cutting up the bottom.

I used creek water straight! (Been having problems with my tap). I also put in a table spoon of nutes in there too. Small led lights from hardware store, and BOOM! Awesom roots in 5 days! I could not be live it. My temps are set at 72 with heater in the water. Hope this helps. Ill post a pic when i get home!


Active Member
In my bubble cloner. The stems sit 1 inch above the water. Lots of bubbles. Water splashes all the way to the lid!

Side note, I made my machine to hold 50 clones, im having 99.9% success atm.


Well-Known Member
So now, as of 9 days ago. I am amazed the clones a have are ridiculous! Let me tell ya what I did. I did a test.

I used huge cuttings, 8in total length. Kinda woody. Here is the important part. When I removed the extra branches or nodes, I did not cut them off. I pulled them straight down. It breaks them off, and the hemp fibers pull out all the way to the bottom of the cutting. Just like celery. I did a few like this on accident first, that's when I saw roots comming from the groove where the strings pulled out. This last time I did them all like that. I was not delicate with them either, very fast process.

Then dip in gel and straight to the bubbler. No scraping or cutting up the bottom.

I used creek water straight! (Been having problems with my tap). I also put in a table spoon of nutes in there too. Small led lights from hardware store, and BOOM! Awesom roots in 5 days! I could not be live it. My temps are set at 72 with heater in the water. Hope this helps. Ill post a pic when i get home!
Your peeling those did the same as scraping. Removes the protective outer layer. I still haven’t split one. Apparently they root quicker like what you witnessed. I’m going to try your new method next time.


Active Member
Your peeling those did the same as scraping. Removes the protective outer layer. I still haven’t split one. Apparently they root quicker like what you witnessed. I’m going to try your new method next time.
I don't think splitting does anything really. But where the string is removed, the roots spew out the groove. However far the grove goes, that's how far the roots will go up the stalk


Active Member
So no condensation in my dome right now and the cubes are moist wait till when to spray I’ve heard people spray the cubes spray the leaves and spray the domes what is really going on how to notice success is happening so I don’t have this anxiety is it working having no success is it because I rip them out of the ground was thinking it was the light schedule but I’m not even having success a little bit I’ve done three cloning attempts with the about the same way everybody does the step by step process my only dilemmas are becoming maybe anxiety or too much misting and causing the rooting solution to be washed away that’s my logical approach or evaluation I don’t want to just here ur methods I want to hear the basic foundation and notice what’s going on in my plant I see so many different methods and aeroponic, hydroponic w dome tried cutting tried in a water cup I haven’t tried soil cuz success should’ve been better with Rockwool or aeroponics im not sure why I can clone other plants no issue cannabis is legit my most difficult plant I’ve been working with time sensitivity and not having access to readily available resources makes it hard to reattempt multiple clonings, time of cutting also I have notice many variations should have much factorization on success rates ugh this confusion and I want to just be paid to be taught and practice ur methods regardless each farm/industrial complex has their research methodology I just wish I had more investors then to be the sole investor in this project to be let down multiple times or getting outdoor buds that just look horrible in quality it’s upsetting yet it’s farming at is finest, please more experienced farmers have to notice something out of the ordinary is give air flow causing them to die they don’t droop over until 7 days and look like swollen feet I can keep them longer with my sprays if I spray less they die faster something has to be wrong if do I need the heating pad only to cause the perspiration rate to rise and now less condensation if no water in the done should’ve evaporated so I’m confused how u keep it at ur temperatures spraying one time and the clone not feeling stressed out
Don't be stressed. We have all been there. This hobby does take time. My last several runs did poorly, half died, and or molded. This run went ok, but then got bud mold because they actually became dense this time round...

Personally I'm no fan of Rockwood cubes. For me they were always too wet, and dampend off at the base and died. I've always been areo spray or bubbler for cloning, rdwc for veg, and flood and drain for the finish.


New Member
Love the roots you have I need to bring my hydro/aero system inside and try them out and this cut/scrape/split seems really effective how you did it going to try this as well with my next cuts however don’t have a mother tree right now hoping to get clone to be able to practice and see what works for me always saw humidity dome and tray methods but I’ll give it all a try I know it works in the least desirable environment so when I give it more and more factors it wants it should only get more successful however haven’t been seeing that just bad cuts I’m starting to think . Along with too wet too dry environment really that balance for me is tough to juggle