Boveda packs for drying


Active Member
Hey guys. I'm going to need to dry these soon. I was going to hang them and use a boveda pack at 58 R H.

Is this a good option for drying?
And what size pack should I use. There are 60 gram packs for 7 bucks and a 10 pack of 4 grams each. Would I be better off getting 2 60 gram packs or is that overkill....not enough? I'll probably only have 2 plants worth at best and most likely using a uhaul wardrobe closet lol (on a serious budget)....any suggestions help.

First time could all go to shit but let's hope not
Boveda packs are not good for drying. They're great for long term storage though.
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Hey guys. I'm going to need to dry these soon. I was going to hang them and use a boveda pack at 58 R H.

Is this a good option for drying?
And what size pack should I use. There are 60 gram packs for 7 bucks and a 10 pack of 4 grams each. Would I be better off getting 2 60 gram packs or is that overkill....not enough? I'll probably only have 2 plants worth at best and most likely using a uhaul wardrobe closet lol (on a serious budget)....any suggestions help.

First time could all go to shit but let's hope not

Just try to keep your humidity around 50% and temps around 20c/70f while drying until your buds are dry enough to trim or store (if you wet trimmed).
Boveda packs are really for curing, not drying. They are meant for long term storage such as in jars or any other air-tight container. Using them in a closet or other open space that's not air-tight would be extremely wasteful as they would dry out very quickly. I use the 8g boveda packs in 1ltr canning jars and they keep my buds curing perfectly for close to a year. Any boveda packs that dry out can be re-moistened or reconstituted by putting them into a container of some sort that you can keep the humidity extremely high until they absorb enough to feel like gel inside again.
I'm with @macsnax. Boveda packs are best for storage after you've dried and cured. You can hang your harvest in temps low to mid 70's with humidity mid 50's to mid 60's and get the job done. Run a fan on low but just point it at a wall to get some airflow going, but not at your buds. Cure in jars then long term storage can be jars with Boveda packs, or CVault with Boveda packs or shrink sealed.

There are lots of other ways to dry and cure. Some like 70 temp, 70 rh, 7 days. Search RIU and you will find all kinds of great dry and cure info.