Everything MMA Thread

Tomorrow fight night , I only follow the results of bellator as of now .

Haven’t canceled my fight pass yet and made the switch over to Dazn. I enjoy the regional and English fight pass events .

Crazy weigh in ,great clip ! I missed that live but heard the follow up asking if she was ok ,now i get it .

@ +120 might put couple hundred on Germaine for fun and bet against lads recovery time. Line started @+ 160 if I remember correct ,so it’s getting action .
If I was gonna bet in would be on germaine after seeing that weigh in.
Line moved to far to make a solid underdog bet so ,hard pass on the main . Plus it kinda feels like an espn video trap ;) .

3 years off and declining at retirement gotta think the mullet is gonna starch the(hof) cally kid,idk but here we go
I used to hate C. Cyborg after the G. Carano fight.. Things change, I think she's a class act and I love watching her fight. Seemingly a phenomenal person and active in the community. Congrats on your win, Cyborg.

Wow. I knew they were butting heads... but damn. Too bad, I really wanted to see her rematch Nunes with a different approach. I don't think she would have won the rematch... but it would've been a better fight.

Dana is a bit of a prick and was wrong about that W. Silva comment (I lol'd, it was true, she did look like him in a dress :P ). Cris is a great fighter and competitor but needs to not be so emotional and sensitive. When two people refuse to get along... smh.

What a damn shame.

Thanks for the link, @SpaceGrease
Great clip!

Conner didn’t even mess the old man’s hair up .like an og boss that old man,well done

Couple great sounds bites in the Nate Diaz clip “ I heard someone ask what strain “ but couldn’t make out the answer.

Kid said “that’s the quality that’s quality”, outstanding ,that just made my day great .
Great clip!

Conner didn’t even mess the old man’s hair up .like an og boss that old man,well done

Couple great sounds bites in the Nate Diaz clip “ I heard someone ask what strain “ but couldn’t make out the answer.

Kid said “that’s the quality that’s quality”, outstanding ,that just made my day great .
When the guy asks what strain smokin nate says "game up nutrition" at 3:00 minutes. I don't know why the ufc didn't do more to promote this guy a long time ago the fans love him.
Nate was smoking that CBD. No laws were broken. McGregor just keeps showing more and more how little class he has. That guy he punched was probably just some local, geriatric drunk. Conor should have simply walked away. Ridiculous.