Top or super crop? That is the question


Well-Known Member
Hey guys so im pretty new but man am i learning fast i dove into this headfirst quit my fucking job just to focus on growing..anyway im in this for fast reproduction propetual i dont smoke it!!i move it!! this is all buisness "but i have a passion for it i always have" with that being said i have super cropped in the past yea it works but is it worth the recovery time? I dont think gitls are about 18" tall 2 weeks into veg already topped once should i just top again or supercrop? I still have 2 weeks of veg left and at this rate of growth im gonna have to flip next week sometime due to growing in coco with co2..just looking for different opinions on this so i can draw my own conclusion from all the diggerent amswers i will get lolol...thanks guys


Well-Known Member
Depends on how dense your canopy is. Supercropping can block light to shorter colas. I top.. Then if in bloom some colas are getting to tall i'll supercrop them.
This is exactly what i needed to u think a second top would be best?? As of now each plant has 4-6 tops should i just top 2 of tops or all of them?? canopy is all fucked up..due to lack of working on that..


Well-Known Member
I made the mistake of only taking the amount of clones i needed not a bunch exstra so what i ended up with was some that grew fast and some that didnt some are 18" some are 8"..its anoying the fuck out of me..but next time i womt make that mistake


Well-Known Member
This is exactly what i needed to u think a second top would be best?? As of now each plant has 4-6 tops should i just top 2 of tops or all of them?? canopy is all fucked up..due to lack of working on that..
I top 3 times successively. Leaves 8 main branches. I start supercropping right as the first topping is healed. My canopy is extremely even. It just takes practice like anything else. I have 9 plants in 4X4 tent and the canopy fills it. Further they’re short enough from shaping that I don’t really have to sweat the stretch.
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Well-Known Member
I top 3 times successively. Leaves 8 main branches. I start supercropping right as the first topping is healed. My canopy is extremely even. It just takes practice like anything else. I have 9 plants in 4X4 tent and it’s the canopy fills it. Further they’re short enough from shaping that I don’t really have to sweat the stretch.
Im doing sour D gnarly strech on em..i gave a second top today...maybe one more before i flip


Well-Known Member
Im doing sour D gnarly strech on em..i gave a second top today...maybe one more before i flip
Let your tips get long enough for decent length buds because they stretch some but not in just the ends. Then flip. If you are newer to growing you might want to let your last top heal and stretch and flip. You have to regularly train them to control canopy shape and height.

I started doing this again after a couple of SCROGS. I grow multiple strains. It’s a pain getting a 9 week strain out when you have some needing 11-12. I actually started supercropping outdoors to try to hide from cops and rippers. Found it really increases yields when you get it down. You can hardly screw up. The worst is a stem leaving completely from being too aggressive. Just root it and keep snapping.


Well-Known Member
Let your tips get long enough for decent length buds because they stretch some but not in just the ends. Then flip. If you are newer to growing you might want to let your last top heal and stretch and flip. You have to regularly train them to control canopy shape and height.

I started doing this again after a couple of SCROGS. I grow multiple strains. It’s a pain getting a 9 week strain out when you have some needing 11-12. I actually started supercropping outdoors to try to hide from cops and rippers. Found it really increases yields when you get it down. You can hardly screw up. The worst is a stem leaving completely from being too aggressive. Just root it and keep snapping.
My growing knowledge is getting better wayyyyy faster than my HST LST skills thats for last canopy was the biggest hack i ever seen haha but i did end up with almost 2lbs dry with 9 plants...i was happy with it.0.5 per watt..if my canopy was better woulda yeild more for sure...that was in soil


Well-Known Member
I went from a 4x8 2000w tent grow not knowing a i think its 11'×11'×9' room 3 ton split AC... 6 1000w hps for flower 2 600w MH for vegg..2 4x8 drain tables...co2 with controler lol i find it funny wen people run co2 without a controler..stealtth ro filter 2 44gal rez..and a really pissed of girlfriend. Cuz i spent every dime i had hahah...but man i love growing weed..and im getting good at it fast..its all about the $ for me...and thanks to have helpd me alot over the past few months


Well-Known Member
Since you are in it for the $$...I hope you actually budgeted out how much your monthly costs + the money you will need to live vs what you can/have to produce. (And the lag time between crops) Then you have to move that amount....which actually should be pretty easy for awhile until more dispensaries come online and the prices drop. Not trying to dissuade you but really think about this stuff. This isn’t 10 years ago when prices were really good. kinda went big real fast..with little experience..and stuff can get out of hand get a bad bug or pm or something and you lose a crop you’re screwed. Again....more power to you....but scale up slow and really figure out what your doing first. I hate to see someone totally screwed because they didn’t plan correctly. You totally can do it....but take the pencil to the paper....figure out your watts...figure out your electric rate...nutrient and supplies...estimate yield...see if you can make it work...and assume some things go wrong sometimes.


Well-Known Member
Since you are in it for the $$...I hope you actually budgeted out how much your monthly costs + the money you will need to live vs what you can/have to produce. (And the lag time between crops) Then you have to move that amount....which actually should be pretty easy for awhile until more dispensaries come online and the prices drop. Not trying to dissuade you but really think about this stuff. This isn’t 10 years ago when prices were really good. kinda went big real fast..with little experience..and stuff can get out of hand get a bad bug or pm or something and you lose a crop you’re screwed. Again....more power to you....but scale up slow and really figure out what your doing first. I hate to see someone totally screwed because they didn’t plan correctly. You totally can do it....but take the pencil to the paper....figure out your watts...figure out your electric rate...nutrient and supplies...estimate yield...see if you can make it work...and assume some things go wrong sometimes.
U kno what?????.... Your right!! Im gonna hang tight on the 6 lights for now learn the ropes learn the strain im growing..i habe been logging down nutes nute up take ph all that good stuff so i will kno how much nutes to buy for the next for the electricity i have NO idea how to figure that out


Well-Known Member
Yea get a plant...know how to maximize it and really know it.

Ok for power. Let say you have 1 600w light that you are running 12/12 for a month. We want to figure out kilowatt hrs.

(Watts/1000)*hrs used=kilowatt per day
Kilowatt per day*30=monthly usage
Monthly usage * electric rate=Cost

(600/1000)*(12hr)= 7.2 kWh used a day
7.2*30=216kwh per month
216kwh *.14= $30.24 a month cost for the light

The .14 is just a avg rate...grab your bill and add up all the generation and transmission rates to figure out what number you should put there.


Well-Known Member
In mass its 14.91 cents...soooo 6000w @ 12/12 is??...i have done it twice and got 2 different number lol..math is not my subject..i dont kno what u mean by / *.. Is it ×,+,÷??


Well-Known Member
/ is divide.

So that would be
6000/1000 or 6. 6*12=72

Also most regular home wiring is 15 amp breaker..a 1000w light at 120v(the regular plug in house socket type) is 8.3amps, and you really only want to run a breaker about about 75% load(or about 12 amps) to run 6000 watts you are going to need a ton more breakers and lines run....preferably 30amps on each. I’m actually surprised you were about to run 2k of lights in a room. But maybe you have your power squared away already.


Well-Known Member
/ is divide.

So that would be
6000/1000 or 6. 6*12=72

Also most regular home wiring is 15 amp breaker..a 1000w light at 120v(the regular plug in house socket type) is 8.3amps, and you really only want to run a breaker about about 75% load(or about 12 amps) to run 6000 watts you are going to need a ton more breakers and lines run....preferably 30amps on each. I’m actually surprised you were about to run 2k of lights in a room. But maybe you have your power squared away already.
I used 6/3 wire a 60amp breaker and i have a 8 lights conrole box..from Autopilot each socket is 240..i had a electrician do it sooo im sure its good to go...thanks man..


Well-Known Member
I used 6/3 wire a 60amp breaker and i have a 8 lights conrole box..from Autopilot each socket is 240..i had a electrician do it sooo im sure its good to go...thanks man..
Awesome! That’s the way to go! I need an electrician friend. I’ll just enjoy my 5x5.