Does a plant sexually mature from size or age???

Does a plant mature by size or age?

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Newb here. My oldest plant is wayyy behind because I had literally no idea what I was doing.. Horrible soil. Bad lighting etc etc .. I have new ones that are doing great. But my question is on the older one... Its 1 month old today. Maybe 4-5 inches tops... Like I said. I had no idea what I was doing... But my question is..... Does a plant sexually mature based on size....or age...?????if you don't know....don't answer . please
Not so much damage as just shit soil and bad lighting it had . its snappes oit of it after transplanting to coco perlite and having way better lights for it. But its behind that's for sure. Wasn't sure if it would sex before the others because its older
Each plant you start from seed will grow slightly different even among the same strain. Given different conditions the disparity can be even more so. Mj plants choose sex at the onset of maturity so keeping an optimal temperature can increase the likelihood of females. It should be about a 50/50 ratio if conditions are optimal.
Plants mature by age; height does not have much to do with it but I find that the plants that shoot up first with vigorous growth tend to be male. It takes about 6 weeks from seed for a plant to be mature enough to sex out but they can be delayed by stress. Boys usually show before the girls do. So if a plant is delayed in showing sex chances are it's a girl; there's no guarantee of course. Be patient.
They are females.. More just wondering what makes a plant "mature" size or age. Not so much how to sex them.

Mostly it's age, but imho it's a little bit of both, even light hours to an extent.

There does come a time when preflowers show. For myself usually around week six or so indoors from seed. At the same time i've had outdoor plants, from exactly the same seed show much later.

It honestly varies.

Seems like your small plant is stunted. Stunting delays everything, it's anyone's guess when it'll reveal it's gender.
Each plant you start from seed will grow slightly different even among the same strain. Given different conditions the disparity can be even more so. Mj plants choose sex at the onset of maturity so keeping an optimal temperature can increase the likelihood of females. It should be about a 50/50 ratio if conditions are optimal.
Plants mature by age; height does not have much to do with it but I find that the plants that shoot up first with vigorous growth tend to be male. It takes about 6 weeks from seed for a plant to be mature enough to sex out but they can be delayed by stress. Boys usually show before the girls do. So if a plant is delayed in showing sex chances are it's a girl; there's no guarantee of course. Be patient.

Neither....Sex is shown by hours of light. Small plant tall plant big plant small plant big plant old plant young plant. They all begin to bud when the hours of light are decreased. Also you can't get more Females from air temperature being low. There either male or female from the start of
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it is all about the light cycle.

Although, even with the light cycle they have to be mature enough. If you put a seedling in 12/12 light and leave it, it still will take 2-3 (maybe even 4wks depending on strain) to mature enough to enter flowering cycle.
It will show sex when mature regardless of light cycle. 24/0 20/4 18/6 12/12 no matter what it will show when mature

Not true. althor is right. Take mother plants for instance they stay vegged 24/7. I know guys that have mothers that are 8 years old and never shown. If you keep a plant in veg light cycle it will stay vegged.

It's all about the light cycle
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"Age". But since you had issues with the first plant,no one knows how much stunting offset her development. She may be older than her siblings but may be less developed structurally or root wise,so her healthier sisters may "mature" faster. Size has no bearing on maturity,to answer your question.

Don't be surprised if the second seeds u pooped overtake the first that had issues.Thats if you got the issues sorted.