Jewish loyalty?

“The traditional Trumpist overture to Jews is that Trump might go after all the other minority groups but definitely won’t turn on Jews. That approach having failed to yield dividends, he is now turning to castigating them for failing to worship the true King of the Jews and veritable Second Coming of God.

“They don’t even know what they’re doing or saying anymore” is not usually a good pitch for any constituency. And where Jews specifically are concerned, the whole “Second Coming” thing remains a bit of a sensitive area.”

Early in our lives (at least you older ones) were we not taught that generalization is not a good thing? It just never works. “You people”. When something like that or with that scolding intent is uttered anything following it is irrelevant. People despise being lumped together. Respect their religion as a whole. Deny their religion no matter what it is from actively participating in governing. Government out of the churches and the churches out of the government.
Anyone believing Jews were Democrats or liberals at all should just watch “Marshall”. See how they treated one of their own for defending a n****r. Using that word and protesting. This was at the outset of WWII. I grew up around every Jew in West Texas who was anywhere near my age. My neighbor still had her tattoo from Auschwitz. They were never friendly to “Mexicans” or blacks or any other group. In short they were anything but liberal. I’ll promise you.
I can understand the Jews isolationism after centuries of abuse.
They have become a clan, or in a way a cult, based on survival in a hostel environment, just like the many other ostracized religions throughout history.
Now today though they are back at the forefront of race based attacks with attacks all over the world, based in my opinion because of they're isolationism and Netanyahu.
I had two girlfriends and three guys that were friends (I don't have any friends anymore) that were Jews, and I'll tell you one thing, and that's once Israel came up and I mentioned Palestine, everything changed and I was an asshole (maybe :) ) and I didn't understand the plight of the Jew in ME.
I think I do understand the Jews plight, arriving in 1948 after the Holocaust in Palestine and taking everything they set foot on with the sole help of the USA.
I think I also understand the Palestinian refugee, who had their ancestral lands stolen by a bunch of Europeans and with the sole support of the US (the UN was blackmailed) tossed into the desert, apparently never to return.
The whole situation is fucked, but unless Israel dumps Netanyahu and changes course and allows a real State of Palestine to exist,( fuck this West Bank/Gaza shit), anti-Semitism will only increase
I can understand the Jews isolationism after centuries of abuse.
They have become a clan, or in a way a cult, based on survival in a hostel environment, just like the many other ostracized religions throughout history.
Now today though they are back at the forefront of race based attacks with attacks all over the world, based in my opinion because of they're isolationism and Netanyahu.
I had two girlfriends and three guys that were friends (I don't have any friends anymore) that were Jews, and I'll tell you one thing, and that's once Israel came up and I mentioned Palestine, everything changed and I was an asshole (maybe :) ) and I didn't understand the plight of the Jew in ME.
I think I do understand the Jews plight, arriving in 1948 after the Holocaust in Palestine and taking everything they set foot on with the sole help of the USA.
I think I also understand the Palestinian refugee, who had their ancestral lands stolen by a bunch of Europeans and with the sole support of the US (the UN was blackmailed) tossed into the desert, apparently never to return.
The whole situation is fucked, but unless Israel dumps Netanyahu and changes course and allows a real State of Palestine to exist,( fuck this West Bank/Gaza shit), anti-Semitism will only increase
Hey I already said I would have been right on Dayan’s path. One hand on his coattails and the other flipping off anyone who didn’t approve. But like now I would not expect anyone else to ride to my rescue. How long has it been and we’re still supporting them financially and militarily? How many Israeli troops have ever fought next to the Americans? Yet? I don’t want Israel harmed but I want them on their own.
Oh yeah. Israel is a year older than me. I was born a year later. So if I had been on the American tit from birth until now I’m sure everyone would love me. Right? Especially conservatives. Jesus Christ this is nuts.
Its funny how hard he is pushing on this with only 2 Jewish republicans. It really is the Wealthy White Male Only party. attachment 4382889
He want's Adelson's Benjamins

Oh yeah. Israel is a year older than me. I was born a year later. So if I had been on the American tit from birth until now I’m sure everyone would love me. Right? Especially conservatives. Jesus Christ this is nuts.
September 11 was a direct attack on the USA due to our unequivocal support of Israel.
Read Bin Laden's Manifesto to the USA if you don't believe me.
You want some sort of peace in the ME?
Fuck Saudi Arabia that murdering pos nation and really help the Palestinians have a home.
Very simple
There are plenty of Jews in America who claim Israel first, how is that anti semitic rofl
If I weren't certain that you are a fair minded and unbiased person, I might look at your post and say what you just posted is based only on your own fucked up biases like that of other Jew haters.
September 11 was a direct attack on the USA due to our unequivocal support of Israel.
Read Bin Laden's Manifesto to the USA if you don't believe me.
You want some sort of peace in the ME?
Fuck Saudi Arabia that murdering pos nation and really help the Palestinians have a home.
Very simple
Evaporating 60% of the worlds currency had nothing to do with it? Trillions covered up by the Pentagon.
I can understand the Jews isolationism after centuries of abuse.
They have become a clan, or in a way a cult, based on survival in a hostel environment, just like the many other ostracized religions throughout history.
Now today though they are back at the forefront of race based attacks with attacks all over the world, based in my opinion because of they're isolationism and Netanyahu.
I had two girlfriends and three guys that were friends (I don't have any friends anymore) that were Jews, and I'll tell you one thing, and that's once Israel came up and I mentioned Palestine, everything changed and I was an asshole (maybe :) ) and I didn't understand the plight of the Jew in ME.
I think I do understand the Jews plight, arriving in 1948 after the Holocaust in Palestine and taking everything they set foot on with the sole help of the USA.
I think I also understand the Palestinian refugee, who had their ancestral lands stolen by a bunch of Europeans and with the sole support of the US (the UN was blackmailed) tossed into the desert, apparently never to return.
The whole situation is fucked, but unless Israel dumps Netanyahu and changes course and allows a real State of Palestine to exist,( fuck this West Bank/Gaza shit), anti-Semitism will only increase
Regarding Israel's human rights violations against Palestinians, is it religion or nationalism that is at the root of this problem? Regarding support for Trump's policies towards Israel, more US Jews say Trump has has the right balance than not. But compared to Christians, Christians favor Trump's policies a lot more than Jews do.

Israel, on the other hand is drifting into isolationism and fascism. I'd support the US cutting aid to them.

I don't think Jewish people in this country are as monolithic as you say. Seems to me that Jewish people in this country are more patriotic and supportive of US Democracy than Trump-supporting evangelists.
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He want's Adelson's Benjamins

I truly believe that he believes every legend about Jews. That’s what it is. That they’re extremely clannish and greedy. He’s the capital king. “What’s not for a Jew to like and I even moved the embassy to Jerusalem. What more do you need, Chaim?”

Yes Jews seem to prefer doing business and engaging in social life with other Jews. Who could blame them after the Holocaust where the Nazis were just the major part of the problem? People turning in others for hiding Jews. Reward? A bottle of whiskey and a pack of cigarettes. Seriously. The family hiding them was paraded around and abused before being executed publicly while the Jews were shipped off to be gassed or enslaved. So yeah it seems pretty reasonable to want to associate with others to whom this is still some very very painful memories.

But every Jew I have ever known was generous and not just to Jews. Sometimes to everyone but. They’ve never protested a neighborhood being “taken over” by using hate tactics or anything else. They might publicly bitch like anyone else but they’re rarely persecutors. Making the Israeli treatment of the Palestinians even more incomprehensible.
September 11 was a direct attack on the USA due to our unequivocal support of Israel.
Read Bin Laden's Manifesto to the USA if you don't believe me.
You want some sort of peace in the ME?
Fuck Saudi Arabia that murdering pos nation and really help the Palestinians have a home.
Very simple
Why are you laughing?
There is nothing funny about the hate for America from Islamists
Read it, and tell me what's funny about it
I read it (some of it tbh). His justification for attacking the US is the raving of a crackpot.

It would be funny if it hadn't been written with the blood of 6,000 people.

It also has little to do with why the US should stop sending aid to Israel.
September 11 was a direct attack on the USA due to our unequivocal support of Israel.
Read Bin Laden's Manifesto to the USA if you don't believe me.
You want some sort of peace in the ME?
Fuck Saudi Arabia that murdering pos nation and really help the Palestinians have a home.
Very simple
Bin Laden created Al Qaeda because of the Palestinian situation. He went off the Richter when Saudi rulers allowed the USA to use SA as an air base during the Kuwait war. Infidels on holy land.

I suggest everyone watch “Lawrence of Arabia”. Pay attention to the social structure or the lack thereof. Keep in mind this was WWI. Pay attention because it’s historically accurate. I am not a Saudi fan but when Lawrence screams out “No prisoners! No prisoners!” and they thunder off on their camels to catch a retreating column and massacre them anyone would cheer them on. Look at their dress. Listen to the issues because the real life Lawrence recorded this in records.

Check out who we are dealing with and check how they dealt with each other. Then it’s much easier to understand how they openly assassinated Khashogi.
“Savage” Native Americans had been in eastern boarding schools speaking English and wearing white mans clothing for 50 years when that went down.
Bin Laden created Al Qaeda because of the Palestinian situation. He went off the Richter when Saudi rulers allowed the USA to use SA as an air base during the Kuwait war. Infidels on holy land.

I suggest everyone watch “Lawrence of Arabia”. Pay attention to the social structure or the lack thereof. Keep in mind this was WWI. Pay attention because it’s historically accurate. I am not a Saudi fan but when Lawrence screams out “No prisoners! No prisoners!” and they thunder off on their camels to catch a retreating column and massacre them anyone would cheer them on. Look at their dress. Listen to the issues because the real life Lawrence recorded this in records.

Check out who we are dealing with and check how they dealt with each other. Then it’s much easier to understand how they openly assassinated Khashogi.
Just on Sir Lawrence of Arabia and Jerusalem. English history have it that Sir Lawrence took Jerusalem's surrender in WW1. It was actually a lowly Australian Light Horse man, by sheer coincidence he happened to get lost and found himself at a town hall, someone came out and surrendered the city. English didn't like this much and to help his esteem in the Arab part of the world Jerusalem surrendered again 2 days later.
History eh...
Maybe if Israel didn't have carte blanche access to US weapons and money with no limitations, that just might induce them to have a serious dialogue with the Palestinians, instead of just building more settlements and killing them at their whim.
That's just my opinion of course.
Rights to purchase US weapons isn't something that Israel has earned. Israel is a world power and doesn't need our aid. The US should stop with that.

OTOH, Bin Laden's ravings just show that his kind have no need for reality and they will continue on against the US regardless. We need a stable Middle East. Israel's current actions cause the opposite. So, stopping the shipments of arms and money to Israel by the US is a movement in that direction without any consideration of what U. Bin Laden wrote.

The US needs to stop fucking around with Iran and put Saudi Arabia in the same category as Israel. They are both the kind of friend that mean trouble for the US.