beginning to grow...need some of members expertise

Sir Piffington360

Active Member
okay well I'm doing my research like any other newbie...and i've notice already that sativa and indica are basically to difficulty levels...i've read already that indica being the easier of the two and sativa needing more of a tropical lighting...more input would be nice to help me get a further understanding the i'm going on common sense that as a newbie should i start of by growing a indica plant..or can i pull of a hybrid...i'm going to be researching for a while to minimize my mistakes when the time comes to start my own growing...but from anyones past experiences can anyone give me any strains that would benifit me as new


Well-Known Member
idk if indica is easier, its just indicas are usually smaller and bushier, so usually better for growing in smaller areas, difficulty would depend on strain, i started growing using bag seed, and iv got a couple still going because they were pretty good.


Well-Known Member
sativas can be unruly and a major pain. i have one i've kept for a few years, it stretches 3.5x, and goes wild with branches. def not for the novice grower, and be prepared for a 3 month + flower period...

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
Indica - full body high
Sativa - Head High

My favorite is an indica dominant hybrid. I am a medical user and it is good for pain.

Sir Piffington360

Active Member
okay well i think i'll go with the indica or is it possible for me to do an indica/sativa...i've been lookin at the saw some nices plants...can anyone help me out and recommend some nice hardy plants that have a nice yield and potency...


Well-Known Member
most of nirvana's stuf is decent. pick any indica, those are what you're going to want in a closet. think about force flowering after a couple of weeks, or start the seeds on 12/12. that will keep them small.

Sir Piffington360

Active Member
cool...aight so i'm going to go with either these choices don't know yet but my options are either the white widow , the white rhino , hindu kush , or skunk #1 ...if theres seems likes theres any that i can't grow please say so or if theres any extra care that needs to be put into these plants...and one other thing do the seeds get ruined after having them for too long?..i want to get the seeds a while before i actually start growing so i know what i'm doing before i start...


Well-Known Member
white rhino has been problematic and weak in the past (plant genes, not potency) and prone to herms. hindu kush and skunk1 is what i would go with, though ww is now a classic winner.

i'm just sick of seeing ww everywhere :p


Well-Known Member
seeds are good in room temp environments for up to three years. if you plan on saving them for more than 12 months, seal seeds in a jar with a silica packet for a month, then put the jar in the freezer for indefinite storage.

i recently germinated some 29 year old seeds, which have been frozen for 26 years.... :D

land race, here we come ;)

Sir Piffington360

Active Member
ooh and by the way i just want to have one plant nothing serious and then clone from then on to have to steady supple....but that would be stupid because there could be a possibility it could be male right...


Well-Known Member
Yeah it could be a male:cry: but i would suggest buy fem seeds only and have 2 rooms if u want a constant supplybongsmilie


Well-Known Member
sir, the best thing to do is find a regular bred strain rather than fem seeds (after all, hermies make more hermies...). grow all ten, and cull all males. flower early for smaller plants, and keep a clone or two of all the girls (which will have to be taken in flower if you force flower under 8 weeks from sprout...). your best girl can be chosen after harvest, allowing you the best mother of the bunch, and the strain you want, rather than what you settle for.

a strain should be chosen according to what you want from the plant, be it yield or high, you should research to the fullest, and try to find logs of others' grows. decide what you want, then find the strain to match ;)

i'll help in any way i can, though i don't frequent this site too much anymore. i do check pm's on a regular basis ;)