Getting off Gabapentin with THC

I saw this and it looks like a good combo. CBD and Tumeric/Curcumin with black pepper (Bioperine). I am not pimping for this company. They look like a good outfit using Colo hemp.

Tumeric/Curcumin with black pepper plus also Ginger is one that I have used for minor pains. You can get a variety of companies on Amazon or go to Swanson, Piping Rock, etc.

Probably cheaper getting your own CBD or powdered isolate as mention above and the combo of Curcumin-black pepper-ginger.
I buy powdered isolate from and mix it myself with the oil I prefer. It's much less expensive.

THC is for pain and CBD is for inflammation. To the extent pain is related to inflammation CBD will help.

Which relieves pain because the human body interprets pressure as pain. I wasn't aware they had home units like that. It's a nice option.

So you could buy some isolate powder and maybe put a small tiny spoon amount in with a 1 oz hemp oil bottle?
Ratio up to 50/50. Maybe play it safe with % THC to start. (Lots of good meds in THC)

CBD oil.. personally I would go with Colorado grown and extracted. Have family that likes Fully Activateds oil. But plenty of opotion even if bbn you just look at Colrado products

Yeah I have a buddy who may make some up for me in the Colo Springs/Castle Rock area. Probably will reduce THC content to 10 or 20%.

I totally agree about Colorado grown and extracted.

The Stanley Brothers have a few mixes.
So you could buy some isolate powder and maybe put a small tiny spoon amount in with a 1 oz hemp oil bottle?
You can mix it to the strength you desire. I put 2 grams in 16 oz so it's 125 mg/oz which works out to a little over 4 mg /cc and 8 mg per day is sufficient to stop my 10lb dog from seizing.
Have you gone to see an anesthesiologist with a pain control specialty? If you haven't you may wish to consider that. Good luck with your surgery.
Yeah they are basically saying I need cancer to get a long term opiate script. Neither him or the leg team is willing to give me anything more than tram until surgery. I've been on that in the past and found it does more harm then good. Makes me really angry and getting off seems worse than real opiates.
Yeah they are basically saying I need cancer to get a long term opiate script. Neither him or the leg team is willing to give me anything more than tram until surgery. I've been on that in the past and found it does more harm then good. Makes me really angry and getting off seems worse than real opiates.
I'm sorry to hear that. My understanding was that the crack down was to encourage primary care providers to refer patients to specialists for chronic opiate care and that it was still available.
Well after reading all of page 1, I could not keep reading, it is sad how doctors confuse pharmaceuticals with medicine. My neurologist put me on pregabelin and eventually sent me to the MS clinic. In between she switched my too lyrica due to issues with pregabelin. It felt like my nervous system was having an epileptic seizure. When I finally reached the maximum dose the issue started again. The only thing that would stop it was smoking a joint. I quit it cold turkey, against everyone's wishes, and starting smoking 20-30 joints a day. Then I quit all big pharma
and now I only smoke cannabis. Occasionally (1 or 2 times a year) 'i wlll take a baclofen to relax my leg muscles so I can sleep. I quit going to the doctor for years, Internet doctors seem more reliable. Medicine is about money now, not our health and well being.
I know someone in serious pain and he has said the rec opiate users have made it terrible for people who have real pain.

Can anyone recommend a good CBD oil brand they are using for mother in law.

She has 100% Hemp oil which she says helps but I would think CBD is better.

I am talking to some of my buddies in CO who may make up some gelcaps. I would think a 90% CBD mix with 10% THC or less might be good. She does not want to get stoned. Anyone know a good mix ratio?
Lazarus Naturals, They offer a BIG discount to vets and disability. I have been using them since March 2019 and have come off all my pain meds and don't even see the pain management Dr any more. I do the full spectrum and it is a high concentrate.