Trump Demands Full Embargo of China


Well-Known Member
Toddlers in cages?

Come on mate, you don't have to go to such ridiculous extremes to make a point. This isn't 1940s Poland.

If I apply for a bank loan, then someone else just breaks into the bank with his kid and steals the money instead, is the criminal somehow doing the right thing?

And does he not deserve for his kid to be separated from him when he's caught?

There are perfectly legal ways to apply for citizenship in both the UK and the US, to not use these channels is to basically shit on those people who work very hard to do things the right way.

If you don't way to end up in a prison, don't commit a crime with your kids in toe. It's hardly complicated.
Not only is trump locking toddlers in cages, he is arguing that he doesn’t need to provide them with soap, toothbrushes, or showers

He is doing this families seeking asylum which is 100% legal

You’re a real piece of shit but you know this


Well-Known Member
Living in Alaska yes I do support some sort of New Green Deal. Read about our ongoing crises here due totally to climate change. Read about salmon dying in huge numbers of heart attacks due to warm water. Etc. I tried. I’m not an idiot whisperer. Keep seeking one.
How red is Alaska? How are Trump's and the GOP prospects there in 2020? How's the view from on the spot?


Well-Known Member
Back stabbing by tweet for sure, definitely a temper tantrum and unhinged rant are highly probable.

The best predictor of future performance is past behavior and we all know about Donald, so do the other G7 leaders. I figure they are gonna go after him on global warming and he ain't gonna like the thrashing he's gonna get.
I'm kind of glad he's pointing his meltdown at China. He is going to prison when he gets tossed out of the white house, might as well sell Taiwan some f35s and thaads while killing huawei before we get a real president.


Well-Known Member
This is no freak event. By the time people like you can be convinced we’ve cooked for a decade.
Wasn't Manhatten and Canary Wharf already supposed to be underwater?

I was born in the 70s, if I had listened to all the nonsense the IPCC push out I'd probably be living on top of a mountain in a a crazy person.


Well-Known Member
Is there a point of finding this info on Trump for you? Will it change anything about your support? Because if you think that is any economic, legal, or logical reason to stop a shade of skin colored person from entering our country, I am guessing it goes deeper than any online forum post will be able to help with.

I would imagine borders being imaginary lines are more a marking that if a countries military crosses it is an invasion. People/animals crossing is migration, not a reason to militarize the imaginary line.
Yes, there is a reason. I'd like some rational Americans to explain to me why it's a bad idea to bet on Trump getting in for a second term.

So far I have none.

And Borders aren't imaginary. Countless men and women have died to protect borders. And no, this doesn't mean the border between the US and Mexico, it means the borders that were fought for in Europe, by millions of young men and women, that now allows us the ability to have sensible discourse on forums like these.

Get out of your own echo chamber and look at the bigger picture.


Well-Known Member
Wasn't Manhatten and Canary Wharf already supposed to be underwater?

I was born in the 70s, if I had listened to all the nonsense the IPCC push out I'd probably be living on top of a mountain in a a crazy person.
Climate change is real and manmade

You should’ve learned that in college


Well-Known Member
Yes, there is a reason. I'd like some rational Americans to explain to me why it's a bad idea to bet on Trump getting in for a second term.

So far I have none.

And Borders aren't imaginary. Countless men and women have died to protect borders. And no, this doesn't mean the border between the US and Mexico, it means the borders that were fought for in Europe, by millions of young men and women, that now allows us the ability to have sensible discourse on forums like these.

Get out of your own echo chamber and look at the bigger picture.
The borders in Europe are more ephemeral than your fragile heterosexuality after two wine spritzers


Well-Known Member
Climate change is real and manmade

You should’ve learned that in college
Plastic in our seas is real and man made.

The climate always changes.

The amount of plastic the US throws into the seas is deplorable. China is the next culprit.

Go look at a beach in the Mediterranean, or South East Asia then tell me that plastic isn't a bigger problem than the bullshit the IPCC is peddleing.


Well-Known Member
Climate change is a fact of life, it is the height of arrogance to substitute your personal opinion for scientific fact, your not in the least bit qualified. When the price of oil drops so does the Russian economy, more so with a total embargo on their oil and gas exports. Other sanctions on Russia are gonna bite real hard cause America will have a lot of willing help and can twist the arms of the rest. There's gonna be a third stone age in Russia until they shit out Putin.


Well-Known Member
Climate change is a fact of life, it is the height of arrogance to substitute your personal opinion for scientific fact, your not in the least bit qualified. When the price of oil drops so does the Russian economy, more so with a total embargo on their oil and gas exports. Other sanctions on Russia are gonna bite real hard cause America will have a lot of willing help and can twist the arms of the rest. There's gonna be a third stone age in Russia until they shit out Putin.
When did I say climate change wasn't a fact?

Are you broken too?


Well-Known Member
Plastic in our seas is real and man made.

The climate always changes.

The amount of plastic the US throws into the seas is deplorable. China is the next culprit.

Go look at a beach in the Mediterranean, or South East Asia then tell me that plastic isn't a bigger problem than the bullshit the IPCC is peddleing.
The rate of change is not natural

We’ve erased 10,000 years of cooling in 100 years

You are a hack of a propagandist


Well-Known Member
Plastic in our seas is real and man made.

The climate always changes.

The amount of plastic the US throws into the seas is deplorable. China is the next culprit.

Go look at a beach in the Mediterranean, or South East Asia then tell me that plastic isn't a bigger problem than the bullshit the IPCC is peddleing.
So you don't believe that empirical research has any value. You don't believe in science.


Well-Known Member
You figure Trump is a champion of the environment and is gonna solve this issue?
Im British, I couldn't give a shit about Donald Trump outside of betting.

Is nuance something that's lost on you or are you trying to come across as ignorant?

Read my posts. Ffs


Well-Known Member
Im British, I couldn't give a shit about Donald Trump outside of betting.

Is nuance something that's lost on you or are you trying to come across as ignorant?

Read my posts. Ffs
No one believes any of your lies you uneducated racist sack of shit sock puppet