Trump Demands Full Embargo of China


Well-Known Member
So you don't believe that empirical research has any value. You don't believe in science.
The same science that told us Manhatten would be underwater by 2010?

What is wrong with you?

Maybe I'm wrong, but Is there even a part of your narrow mind that might accept the concept that maybe you are too?

Do I need to post the amount of climatologists that disagree with the IPCC, or can we accept that both of us could be bouncing links off each other for the next 24 hours?



Well-Known Member
G-7 leaders push back against Trump at this year's summit
Mitch will pull the rug out from under Trump over China tariffs and a trade war. It will be a fun Christmas for Walmart shoppers this year if he follows through on this crap.


Well-Known Member
Im British, I couldn't give a shit about Donald Trump outside of betting.

Is nuance something that's lost on you or are you trying to come across as ignorant?

Read my posts. Ffs
So you have a climate change axe to grind? Do you even have a point, and if so what is it? Your posts are incoherent for the most part.


Well-Known Member
The same science that told us Manhatten would be underwater by 2010?

What is wrong with you?

Maybe I'm wrong, but Is there even a part of your narrow mind that might accept the concept that maybe you are too?

Do I need to post the amount of climatologists that disagree with the IPCC, or can we accept that both of us could be bouncing links off each other for the next 24 hours?

Manmade climate change is settled science

Take your shitty propaganda elsewhere


Well-Known Member
So you have a climate change axe to grind? Do you even have a point, and if so what is it? Your posts are incoherent for the most part.
I've been around the world and the axe to grind I have is with plastic in the seas.

I've also lived long enough to know that the IPCC has lied to me countless times, and I do not trust them.

I'm more than happy to support a reduction in fossil fuels, more than happy to support more renuable energy, but I will not be lied to by the cult of climate change crazy crusty juggling lunatics again.


Well-Known Member

I've been around the world and the axe to grind I have is with plastic in the seas.

I've also lived long enough to know that the IPCC has lied to me countless times, and I do not trust them.

I'm more than happy to support a reduction in fossil fuels, more than happy to support more renuable energy, but I will not be lied to by the cult of climate change crazy crusty juggling lunatics again.

Your college education is showing


Well-Known Member
Yes, there is a reason. I'd like some rational Americans to explain to me why it's a bad idea to bet on Trump getting in for a second term.
What are you waiting for? You have all the answers you want, so place your bet. Awe, yer just funnin', ain't ya'?


Well-Known Member
Toddlers in cages?

Come on mate, you don't have to go to such ridiculous extremes to make a point. This isn't 1940s Poland.

If I apply for a bank loan, then someone else just breaks into the bank with his kid and steals the money instead, is the criminal somehow doing the right thing?

And does he not deserve for his kid to be separated from him when he's caught?

There are perfectly legal ways to apply for citizenship in both the UK and the US, to not use these channels is to basically shit on those people who work very hard to do things the right way.

If you don't way to end up in a prison, don't commit a crime with your kids in toe. It's hardly complicated.
Otherwise wait in line and your name will be called in 5 years.


Well-Known Member

I've been around the world and the axe to grind I have is with plastic in the seas.

I've also lived long enough to know that the IPCC has lied to me countless times, and I do not trust them.

I'm more than happy to support a reduction in fossil fuels, more than happy to support more renuable energy, but I will not be lied to by the cult of climate change crazy crusty juggling lunatics again.
If you were hurt by being lied to then Trump must be a real challenge for you.

The science has gotten much better since the seventies, there a now multiple lines of evidence on climate change, kinda like evolution, you believe in that don't you? Plastics in the environment, not just the seas is an important issue too and will be tackled along with climate change. Hint: the glaciers are melting for a reason and if Greenland melts into the sea there is a very good probability the surge of fresh water will disrupt the gulf stream and the Atlantic heat conveyor system that keeps the UK and northern Europe temperate. You won't like the climate of Labrador in Canada if that happens and your at the same latitude, it's cold as Hell in the winter, which is long and the black flies will eat you alive and bleed ya white in the summer. I live on the east coast of Canada a lot further south than you and it's colder here than you'll like, but if the gulf stream is interrupted we could have palm trees in Nova Scotia. Not so good for the UK though, not to worry though most of it will be under water in a few decades (for sure this time).


Well-Known Member
What are you waiting for? You have all the answers you want, so place your bet. Awe, yer just funnin', ain't ya'?
No, I have responses from people who have a below room temperature IQ, and are blinded by the narrative of the left/socialism.

I foolishly thought I might get a sensible, and objective opinion about Trump's ability to regain the White House in 2020.

Clearly I was mistaken.

My bad.

radiant Rudy

Well-Known Member
Thank you.

I've been around the world and the axe to grind I have is with plastic in the seas.

I've also lived long enough to know that the IPCC has lied to me countless times, and I do not trust them.

I'm more than happy to support a reduction in fossil fuels, more than happy to support more renuable energy, but I will not be lied to by the cult of climate change crazy crusty juggling lunatics again.
No, I have responses from people who have a below room temperature IQ, and are blinded by the narrative of the left.

I foolishly thought I might get a sensible, and objective opinion about Trump's ability to regain the White House.

Clearly I was mistaken.
Seriously, lay off the glass dick


Well-Known Member
If you were hurt by being lied to then Trump must be a real challenge for you.

The science has gotten much better since the seventies, there a now multiple lines of evidence on climate change, kinda like evolution, you believe in that don't you? Plastics in the environment, not just the seas is an important issue too and will be tackled along with climate change. Hint: the glaciers are melting for a reason and if Greenland melts into the sea there is a very good probability the surge of fresh water will disrupt the gulf stream and the Atlantic heat conveyor system that keeps the UK and northern Europe temperate. You won't like the climate of Labrador in Canada if that happens and your at the same latitude, it's cold as Hell in the winter, which is long and the black flies will eat you alive and bleed ya white in the summer. I live on the east coast of Canada a lot further south than you and it's colder here than you'll like, but if the gulf stream is interrupted we could have palm trees in Nova Scotia. Not so good for the UK though, not to worry though most of it will be under water in a few decades (for sure this time).
I don't have a dog in this fight.

I'm more than willing to accept rational opinions, but will not accept opinions that are based upon a cult mentality.

I have nuance. Its such a shame that many on here don't.


Well-Known Member



He’s college educated folks
Honestly, it's becoming a bit embarrassing that you follow all my posts then pick out the spelling mistakes.

Do you not realise how sad/pathetic this is?

Do you want me to post some othe spelling misraces to make you feel bettr?


Well-Known Member
I don't have a dog in this fight.

I'm more than willing to accept rational opinions, but will not accept opinions that are based upon a cult mentality.

I have nuance. Its such a shame that many on here don't.
In100 years, CO2 skyrocketed from280 ppm to 400+ ppm, a level not seen in over 800,000 years

Cram your nuance up your ass with the rest of your extremely shitty propaganda you dumb fuck trump cocksucking stooge


Well-Known Member
No, I have responses from people who have a below room temperature IQ, and are blinded by the narrative of the left/socialism.

I foolishly thought I might get a sensible, and objective opinion about Trump's ability to regain the White House in 2020.

Clearly I was mistaken.

My bad.
OK, if that is your intention then I'll tell you, Trump doesn't have a snowball's chance in Hell of retaining the presidency. He's far from fucking up and is gonna become more erratic and unstable as the investigations mount and the dramatic public testimony begins. If he loses (highly probable) he knows he going to prison so he won't go quietly, there will be no orderly transition of power on inauguration day. He might even jump on AF1 and run for Moscow claiming a deep state coup, Vlad dare not refuse him while he's still got the launch codes...