We were here long before you, and we'll be here long after you pale into insignificance.
You'll get destroyed by China, just like the Vietnamese took you apart.
Look up Operation Masterdom.
Took us 6 months to win, took you 10 years. And you lost.
Time has a way of fixing these things.
OK, let's take it a line at a time shall we?
"We were here long before you, and we'll be here long after you pale into insignificance.". I'm Canadian remember who's gonna pale into insignificance and why?
"You'll get destroyed by China, just like the Vietnamese took you apart" I'm assuming yer referring to the Vietnam war, Canada didn't participate. If the USA is destroyed by China what chance does the UK have alone? I assume your one of the fools that's for Brexit.
As for "Operation Masterdom", different time, different enemy, don't look for any repeat performances. An idiotic comparison.
"Time has a way of fixing these things" Ya wanna re-fight the revolutionary war? Britain lost that one remember?