Help please plants starting to have brown/black spots


New Member
I have been growing just a few plants outdoors on my porch in 5 gal pots with Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil. They all entered flowering stage roughly two weeks ago or so and one of them isn’t looking too good, the fan leaves are developing brown/black spots all over them and the tip of the leaves are curling upwards. The only nutritiebts I’ve been feeding them is Fox Farm Big Bloom about once a week. This is my first grow and I am very inexperienced, if someone could share some knowledge as to what may be causing this and a way to help it would be greatly appreciated!



Well-Known Member
looks like a possible calcium deficiency

are you using tap water or hose water or distilled water or what?

edit: if not using tap, use tap.


New Member
Ah yes, that’s what I’ve been told. And yes I use water out of my sink. My other pant looks 10X healthier and they get the same water although just today I noticed some of the bottom leaves on the healthy plant to start getting discoloration. What do you suggest if it indeed is a calcium deficiency?


Well-Known Member
its odd that you would have a calcium deficiency using sink water.

i wouldn't get cal-mag. i'd get a complete cannabis nutrient. like house and garden, megacrop, jacks 321 system ect.

you really shouldn't need cal-mag if you're growing with tap water in soil with proper nutrients.

edit: yeah on 2nd look it could be phosphorous too. either way i'd recommend getting a complete nutrient.


Well-Known Member
The best thing I can tell you from using this fox farm is.. it needs replenishing.
I’ve noticed that without following the feed sheet to some degree my plants suffered..I was reviewing the chart and found I hadvbeen been totally under feeding... and plants looked that way as well..
Also due to being indoors I only feed at half strength, my indoor plants can’t handle full strength....
My outdoor plants do better with larger doses.. this has to be due to the limited potting soil.. vs Mother Earth


Well-Known Member
Also try some organic happy frog fertilizer and just has calcium and mag... not that you want need the cal mag... some of these strains require much more..


Well-Known Member
The best thing I can tell you from using this fox farm is.. it needs replenishing.
I’ve noticed that without following the feed sheet to some degree my plants suffered..I was reviewing the chart and found I hadvbeen been totally under feeding... and plants looked that way as well..
Also due to being indoors I only feed at half strength, my indoor plants can’t handle full strength....
My outdoor plants do better with larger doses.. this has to be due to the limited potting soil.. vs Mother Earth

I would say its due to the light source and not the potting soil.


Active Member
I have been growing just a few plants outdoors on my porch in 5 gal pots with Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil. They all entered flowering stage roughly two weeks ago or so and one of them isn’t looking too good, the fan leaves are developing brown/black spots all over them and the tip of the leaves are curling upwards. The only nutritiebts I’ve been feeding them is Fox Farm Big Bloom about once a week. This is my first grow and I am very inexperienced, if someone could share some knowledge as to what may be causing this and a way to help it would be greatly appreciated!
Mildmood check this link to help determine your issue. It looks and sounds like phosphorous deficiency.