Name that deficiency!!


Hey everyone! I'm in need of some advice! I've got some brown spots showing and can't figure it out! I feed with calmag every watering, about 1.5 ml per gal. First day of 12/12 was 8/13. I'm using the hlg 100 quantum board and in about 2.5 gal pot of ff ocean forest. Today I fed with tiger bloom at a strength of 1tsp/gal, and I'm hoping that will help? I usually go 3-4 days between waterings, just when the soil feels dry. I had just watered and that's why she looks so droopy. But notice the leaf curl? I use tap water and pH to 6-6.5 and today was the first time I checked my run off and it was around 5, could that be the cause? I don't know anything about run off.. thanks for looking!



Way too much nitrogen. Leaf shape and color. The dead brown leaf tips another sign. Not a deficiency but an excess.
I see, I've had THAT particular problem in every grow with this bag of soil. I don't use much nutes, I guess my bag of ffof just has too much? I haven't had the same browning before though


Well-Known Member
I see, I've had THAT particular problem in every grow with this bag of soil. I don't use much nutes, I guess my bag of ffof just has too much? I haven't had the same browning before though
That’s pretty hot soil really. It should taper off with time and straight water.


Well-Known Member
Here is the “ reality “ ..... FFOF is plenty charged , ADDING heavy Nutes just exasperates the situation ... you have fallen into the MOST COMMON PROBLEM with those running FFOF .

You add more Nutes to an already ammended medium. That soil believe it or not WILL carry a plant for weeks on water only. Run water for at least a week at PH 6.5 so plant can feed only from the medium.
You have extra loaded it so by running water only it can burn thru it.

By the time actual flowers set and stretch is done then you can resume a supplemental BLOOM FEED ( since it will be time for flowering ) or just top dress with more FFOF ( stupid simple ) and plant will pull from it.