FISA Abuse by FBI


Getting your bullshit posts up for that propaganda website @Bugeye ? You guys trying to throw smoke on the fact that the Russians are actively engaged in cyber warfare against our citizens? I don't think you guys are going to be able to pull it off this time, and your handlers might not have the best unemployment benefits for their internet trolls, so I wish you luck in your search for work as a spam bot.
“Former FBI Director James Comey violated official policy in the way he handled his memos describing his exchanges with President Trump, an investigation concluded— but Comey won't be charged.

Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz conducted the investigation into Comey's actions and then referred his results to prosecutors.

"After reviewing the matter, the DOJ declined prosecution," the IG's office said in a statement on Thursday.”

So much for Bughumpers wet dreams. AMF! Lol.
“Former FBI Director James Comey violated official policy in the way he handled his memos describing his exchanges with President Trump, an investigation concluded— but Comey won't be charged.

Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz conducted the investigation into Comey's actions and then referred his results to prosecutors.

"After reviewing the matter, the DOJ declined prosecution," the IG's office said in a statement on Thursday.”

So much for Bughumpers wet dreams. AMF! Lol.
lol yeah turns out if you classify something after its let out (like Comey's private notes about the meeting where Trump asks Comey to drop the investigation into Flynn) it is only able to be labeled a violation.
“Former FBI Director James Comey violated official policy in the way he handled his memos describing his exchanges with President Trump, an investigation concluded— but Comey won't be charged.

Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz conducted the investigation into Comey's actions and then referred his results to prosecutors.

"After reviewing the matter, the DOJ declined prosecution," the IG's office said in a statement on Thursday.”

So much for Bughumpers wet dreams. AMF! Lol.

No one was ever going to charge Comey over his memos. If there are any charges at all it will be based off the falsified information in the FISA warrants which would be a much greater charge then anything that would have been brought about by his personal memos. Having said that, I don't think there will be any charges because the DC swamp seems to be winning at this point.
“Former FBI Director James Comey violated official policy in the way he handled his memos describing his exchanges with President Trump, an investigation concluded— but Comey won't be charged.

Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz conducted the investigation into Comey's actions and then referred his results to prosecutors.

"After reviewing the matter, the DOJ declined prosecution," the IG's office said in a statement on Thursday.”

So much for Bughumpers wet dreams. AMF! Lol.
Meanwhile, Trump is calling for his staff to violate environmental laws and seize private property in order to get his wall built promising pardons for anyone who does so.

... but Comey violated policy!

Anyone at all approving of Trump has zero fucking business mentioning any “swamp”. This motherfucker has drained one alright. Drained it right into his administration. Every single fuck he has on board is a born swamper. Including Uncle Ben the house koon.

How do you figure? Every action he has taken gets pushed into the courts and gets ruled on.