Why do they want us to drink alcohol so much?

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Everywhere I turn I'm bombarded with ads for beer or booze in general. News stories endlessly promoting alcohol at all levels. Restaurants promoting booze this and booze that. It's fucking endless.
Will they not be happy until we are all alcoholics?
It's no wonder we have TONS of troubles in our society with alcohol. You all know what they are! You see it...you hear it......you get affected. We all do.
Some of you who read this are already thinking of your own troubles from maybe yourself or someone you know or love. You might be nodding yes with me...I dunno.
If it isn't beer....it's some booze product. Or some activity surrounding alcohol.
My local news station loves nothing better it seems but to showcase some new business and it's alcohol interest.
I know I'm hypersensitive to this issue but I can't help but shake my head at why we have SO many alcohol problems in society. We endlessly promote it from my take on things. Fuckin kids are pre-doomed for some of them.
Imo we are always going to end up with endless alcohol issues until we stop showing it everywhere I look.
I go to eat out and on the table is 3 menus. One is for food the other two were booze and wine menus.
A 2 to one a ratio for that.
Sorry for the rant. Guess i'll just go and get pissed instead.
Since Netflix and other online means of watching my shows I barely even see commercials anymore, let alone ones for booze. Only time I see them is during football season.
Since Netflix and other online means of watching my shows I barely even see commercials anymore, let alone ones for booze. Only time I see them is during football season.
There on the sides of buses even. Jeez...drink n drive made easy. Thanks for the suggestion Corona.
where is the special booze "enforcement squad" high time they put a dent in black market booze....
I read a story yesterday they're talking about selling alcohol at the subway kiosks in Toronto...
I read a story yesterday they're talking about selling alcohol at the subway kiosks in Toronto...
I don't get it Odam. We have all those problems and they see no issue pushing it beyond reason imo.
I know it's there if I want it.
It's a fucked world.
I'm all for free enterprise so I guess I contradict myself. I'm just sick of the hype for booze is all.
Drink....don't drink...drink some more...stop drinking....cheers.....be sober....be happy...don't get tipsy.....imbibe.....abstain.......drink up......slow down........don't drink and drive......drive sober.....one for the road eh.......eat, drink and be merry......breath test......roadside screening........doubles......bottle service.......toast to you and me.....
hangover..........piss drunk.......passed out......angry drunk........sloppy drunk.......tea toddler....happy hour......cocktail hour........cut off time.......
Complicated subject isn't it?
Funny, but not, how the beer companies are scared of losing share. Apparently where cannabis went legal beer sales fell. I'd cite some link but just don't care enough.
you can find it if you look.
In japan they outlawed drinking and driving, used to be like America, under a certain blood alcohol level and you were ok, but now have zero tolerance and the fastest growing market for them now is zero alcohol beer. Maybe once America decides that there are enough dead people due to drunk driving they will choose to go this root but perhaps a drunk driver needs to crash into a walmart
Funny, but not, how the beer companies are scared of losing share. Apparently where cannabis went legal beer sales fell. I'd cite some link but just don't care enough.
you can find it if you look.


Some Journalist Who Probably Has No Idea What They're Talking About said:
“With all three of these states now having fully implemented a [marijuana] retail infrastructure, the underperformance of beer in these markets has worsened over the course of 2016,” the researchers wrote.
Yup , I bet this is why the LCBO wants in too IdI imagine. At least in some part anyway.

The LCBO leadership team was actually quite involved in the beginning.
When Ford came in he kaboshed that and took the head of the LCBO off the Cannabis project.
They've wanted back in ever since, but that would be a nightmare. Every employee would be unionized, hours restricted, etc.
If only the technology existed to make a 0.5 beer taste exactly like a 5.0....sigh

I'm with you there. My new diet doesn't allow for beer and I miss it more than I thought I would.
As much as I love my cannabis solutions, I'm still thankful for a rye and diet in the evening.
The LCBO leadership team was actually quite involved in the beginning.
When Ford came in he kaboshed that and took the head of the LCBO off the Cannabis project.
They've wanted back in ever since, but that would be a nightmare. Every employee would be unionized, hours restricted, etc.
Yeah, I still think it was a good idea to keep them from being the sole distributor.
eating,vaping and smoking herb does the same..no hang over that last all day ...

wont see you do things you would normally NOT be doing. if you were not drinking
making decisions that are sound rather than NOT THOUGHT THROUGH like booze makes it so easy to do..