Growmans Stealthy Sour diesel/white widow grow


Well-Known Member
thats good man
ehhh im ok i guess had a big scare earlier and alot of pain.
guess i have to get surgery soon =(
i feel shitty and i have no weed
glad you still have some clones


Well-Known Member
=( bad shit son!

6months ago i was havin excruciating pains in my lower stomach.
had it again today... but it was worse. i was in the kitchen talkin to my mother and all of a sudden i startin feelin really dizzy and my vision went BLACK! i fell to the ground and i just started sweating.... drenched. the pains came back. i was so weak and pale. my lips were like white. i just fuckin laid there man. lasted over an hour. shit hurt sooo back. i couldnt do anythin bout it. im still really sore
so its a definate possibilty i have multiple systs on my ovaries.


Well-Known Member
ohh im so soory peace,
have you ever thought of kidney stones?
i would say come smoke some weed with me but i dont have none eighther and i cant smoke


Well-Known Member
maybe if i dont get the removed soon. but i dont think they will affect anythin like that but its just sooo fuckin painful.


Well-Known Member
well im really sorry about that peace
i hope you feel better
my plants do not look too healthy due to undertreatment because of my growing depession and hoplessness, but i am surre they will make a comeback