OK then. Biden 2020.

Never thought of that but it makes sense

Pipsqueak can try to deny it I suppose but I don’t know what good it’ll do considering he’s a pathological liar with no credibility whatsoever
He tries to keep his posts short on his main account in order to avoid revealing his writing habits. He also recently deactivated his twitter. He's obsessed.
Who said anything about cures? I'm open with this stuff. I was reevaluated and I'm working now. Also, who said I was 100% just for ptsd? If you're going to dig stuff up, don't be making shit up.

Also, nobody seems to like you on the other forums you troll either.
I don't have disability anymore. PTSD is temporary and I was reevaluated after I told them I was doing much better as a result of quitting drinking four and a half years ago and that I don't need it anymore.

Spread the word that PTSD is temporary. It will be helpful to millions of people who suffer from it. Some of whom frequent this site.
Spread the word that PTSD is temporary. It will be helpful to millions of people who suffer from it. Some of whom frequent this site.
I have your twitch and your twitter, comrade. I saw that you shed the trail on your account on that real estate forum. Your Spanish is pretty good, but you have some tells. You're not a very good troll and you're a terrible hacker.
Can't wait to see some old rich fucks argue over who gets to fuck the people over the most.

Biden? Are you serious? That would be more lame of a show than Hillary running. The right wing has been calling him a pedophile for as long as I can remember. Trump would have the entire country remembering him as' Creepy Uncle Biden' it would be like feeding him another Hillary.
I don't know how much you are read up on the disinformation/ election interference campaign by foreign governments, but it is very real and very extensive. The trolls have been working these people overtime with racist and misogynistic propaganda, so much so that they can't see strait.

The evangelical/religious communities are convinced voting for Democrats is saying it is ok to murder children. Nothing is worse than that to them, and they want to schools dumbed down so that their kids quit asking hard questions, so win win if Trump wins for them.

The racists have been triggered since Obama.

The large portion of over 50 male population is triggered at the thought of a woman in power, because they are stuck in the whole 'a woman place is in the home' mindset.

Biden doesn't trigger any of those social land mines. He is the one candidate that has a chance to win both the house and the senate along with the presidency.

Yes, it was, but it doesn't stop people from remembering her as that. Trump making her look like a crook lets him get away with all sorts of crooked shit. If trump frames Biden as a pedo, imagine all the pedophile shit he will be able to get away with.
You do know that this is all bullshit disinformation right? Trump's handlers had years to line up all the hate at Clinton, they don't have that same timeframe with Biden.

And lol at you being worried about Trump calling Biden a pedophile. Trump has lied so much it no longer matters that it is over a dozen thousands of lies, his cult will vote for him and everyone else will ignore him.
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I don't know how much you are read up on the disinformation/ election interference campaign by foreign governments, but it is very real and very extensive. The trolls have been working these people overtime with racist and misogynistic propaganda, so much so that they can't see strait.

The evangelical/religious communities are convinced voting for Democrats is saying it is ok to murder children. Nothing is worse than that to them, and they want to schools dumbed down so that their kids quit asking hard questions, so win win if Trump wins for them.

The racists have been triggered since Obama.

The large portion of over 50 male population is triggered at the thought of a woman in power, because they are stuck in the whole 'a woman place is in the home' mindset.

Biden doesn't trigger any of those social land mines. He is the one candidate that has a chance to win both the house and the senate along with the presidency.

You do know that this is all bullshit disinformation right? Trump's handlers had years to line up all the hate at Clinton, they don't have that same timeframe with Biden.

And lol at you being worried about Trump calling Biden a pedophile. Trump has lied so much it no longer matters that it is over a dozen thousands of lies, his cult will vote for him and everyone else will ignore him.
40% of a active voting base is one hell of a good starting point for Trump compared to any of the current Democrats currently running. None of the Democratic candidates have anywhere near that number of dependable voters to count on at this time.

LOL at the weak argument @The Gram Reaper is trying to make. It's something that only a committed extremist (left or right) would say..
40% of a active voting base is one hell of a good starting point for Trump compared to any of the current Democrats currently running. None of the Democratic candidates have anywhere near that number of dependable voters to count on at this time.

LOL at the weak argument @The Gram Reaper is trying to make. It's something that only a committed extremist (left or right) would say..
There is a reason the Republicans have went after the Souther Strategy as hard as they have, it was a bet that has paid off very well for them.
I'd have preferred if Biden had simply retired rather than watch him prove he's not fit for the job of President.

HANOVER, N.H. — Joe Biden painted a vivid scene for the 400 people packed into a college meeting hall. A four-star general had asked the then-vice president to travel to Konar province in Afghanistan, a dangerous foray into “godforsaken country” to recognize the remarkable heroism of a Navy captain.

Some told him it was too risky, but Biden said he brushed off their concerns.

“We can lose a vice president,” he said. “We can’t lose many more of these kids. Not a joke.”

The Navy captain, Biden recalled Friday night, had rappelled down a 60-foot ravine under fire and retrieved the body of an American comrade, carrying him on his back. Now the general wanted Biden to pin a Silver Star on the American hero who, despite his bravery, felt like a failure.

“He said, ‘Sir, I don’t want the damn thing!’ ” Biden said, his jaw clenched and his voice rising to a shout. “ ‘Do not pin it on me, Sir! Please, Sir. Do not do that! He died. He died!’ ”

As he campaigns for president, Joe Biden tells a moving but false war story

Biden's problems with memory is with us once again. At the time when the action in Konar took place, he was a Senator, not VP. Ten years later, Obama, not Biden draped a ribbon holding the silver star medallion around the man's neck (it wasn't pinned as Biden claims). The hero who Obama honored was a 20-year-old army specialist, not a Navy captain.

It's a great story but it could have been just as good if he'd stuck to the facts. It wouldn't have aggrandized Biden though. But really, in this day and age, politicians should know that the facts will come out. It was not like that in Biden's hey day, 20 years ago. Biden should retire. Biden should get retired by the voters early next year during the primary.

I'd still vote for Biden in the general election if he wins the primary. Trump is less qualified than Biden is. The choice will not be hard to make but I prefer we pick somebody else to run than Biden.
I'd have preferred if Biden had simply retired rather than watch him prove he's not fit for the job of President.

HANOVER, N.H. — Joe Biden painted a vivid scene for the 400 people packed into a college meeting hall. A four-star general had asked the then-vice president to travel to Konar province in Afghanistan, a dangerous foray into “godforsaken country” to recognize the remarkable heroism of a Navy captain.

Some told him it was too risky, but Biden said he brushed off their concerns.

“We can lose a vice president,” he said. “We can’t lose many more of these kids. Not a joke.”

The Navy captain, Biden recalled Friday night, had rappelled down a 60-foot ravine under fire and retrieved the body of an American comrade, carrying him on his back. Now the general wanted Biden to pin a Silver Star on the American hero who, despite his bravery, felt like a failure.

“He said, ‘Sir, I don’t want the damn thing!’ ” Biden said, his jaw clenched and his voice rising to a shout. “ ‘Do not pin it on me, Sir! Please, Sir. Do not do that! He died. He died!’ ”

As he campaigns for president, Joe Biden tells a moving but false war story

Biden's problems with memory is with us once again. At the time when the action in Konar took place, he was a Senator, not VP. Ten years later, Obama, not Biden draped a ribbon holding the silver star medallion around the man's neck (it wasn't pinned as Biden claims). The hero who Obama honored was a 20-year-old army specialist, not a Navy captain.

It's a great story but it could have been just as good if he'd stuck to the facts. It wouldn't have aggrandized Biden though. But really, in this day and age, politicians should know that the facts will come out. It was not like that in Biden's hey day, 20 years ago. Biden should retire. Biden should get retired by the voters early next year during the primary.

I'd still vote for Biden in the general election if he wins the primary. Trump is less qualified than Biden is. The choice will not be hard to make but I prefer we pick somebody else to run than Biden.
Thanks for posting that. I wasn't aware.
a walking, talking gaffe of dementia and borderline pedophila; this is who you men want?:wall:


who would let this guy baby-sit their little girl..?
wtf is a borderline pedophilia? Someone 18?

You seemed to had been understanding the slanderous disinformation campaign that was going on, but now are falling back into buying into it. If the candidate you want needs to tear down other democratic candidates to win they have a bigger problem to deal with.

He must be gay too right?

And you know what they say, once you go black.....


Tip to tip...


wtf is a borderline pedophilia? Someone 18?

You seemed to had been understanding the slanderous disinformation campaign that was going on, but now are falling back into buying into it. If the candidate you want needs to tear down other democratic candidates to win they have a bigger problem to deal with.

He must be gay too right?

And you know what they say, once you go black.....


Tip to tip...



Wow I never knew he sniffed Al Franken..not sure if Franken enjoyed it.

Its not PC to touch anyone without asking now and it has been for quite some time.

The troll was for Bucky which you chose to intercept.

Its time to sit Uncle Joe down in an HR-like setting and stream the sexual harassment training vid.