The Public Sucks

Then why is Trump polling at historic lows against them?
It is human nature. Trump is president and he gets blamed or credited for anything that goes wrong in the country. Polls are agenda driven these days so I consider them to be unreliable. They were certainly unreliable with respect to the 2016 election. The Democrats have no clear front runner and there is little interest in the 2020 election in the population overall. This will all change so I don't treat the initial polls with much importance. Any world leader who polls 40-45% is doing real well. Don't mistake me for a Trump supporter because I am not. I am just being realistic. He was not expected to win the 2016 election. This is a huge power power struggle.
It is human nature. Trump is president and he gets blamed or credited for anything that goes wrong in the country. Polls are agenda driven these days so I consider them to be unreliable. They were certainly unreliable with respect to the 2016 election.

So that's why it's never before happened in American history.


By the way, he lost the election by 3,000,000 votes.
It is human nature. Trump is president and he gets blamed or credited for anything that goes wrong in the country. Polls are agenda driven these days so I consider them to be unreliable. They were certainly unreliable with respect to the 2016 election. The Democrats have no clear front runner and there is little interest in the 2020 election in the population overall. This will all change so I don't treat the initial polls with much importance. Any world leader who polls 40-45% is doing real well. Don't mistake me for a Trump supporter because I am not. I am just being realistic. He was not expected to win the 2016 election. This is a huge power power struggle.
Go to reliable news sources (the traditional ones) with professional journalists and who follow standards and practices, even the news part of FOX tells the truth, though sometimes spun to death. Don't believe conspiracy theories and do vote democratic, there is a difference between right and wrong and it couldn't be more clear than at the present moment. Surely the antics, unfitness, corruption and incompetence of Trump haven't escaped you, it shouldn't matter if the democrat has horns and a tail in 2020, they'd be better than Trump.
there is little interest in the 2020 election in the population overall.

Are you drunk?

I'll make a monetary wager with you right now that 2020 election will have the largest voter turnout ever ... you want to bet $20?
So, who on the democratic side do you think was involved? Remember the Clinton's are out of power and have almost no influence in the party any more. As for British royal involvement, have you ever read the British press? They would rip Andrew a new one at light speed. Sounds a bit like Qnon bullshit to me.

Jeffery was a very smart and bad man, a pervert with out of control impulses and who contrived to feed them, he's dead but the cases against his associates are far from over. Your right, I don't believe it, it is very loosely based on a gross misinterpretation of reality (most propaganda is). Sounds like it has it's roots in Russian disinformation, RT is a propaganda vehicle for a hostile foreign power. Wait for the facts to come out and they will, Epstein had lot's of employed help.
I have been a political activist for over 60 years. I watch RT along with other news outlets around the world. I don't see it. All media today is agenda driven. If the Russians are trying to influence U.S. elections, I don't see any evidence of it. If they are, I can't imaging how.

People never believe these things. I don't expect you to. Most of what transpires in government is accomplished outside of the formal democratic system. With so many in the world power structure implicated and so many members of readily identifiable organization it is almost impossible that there is not a deal. Exposing Bill Clinton would severely demoralize the base of the party, even if he is no longer politically active. Understand this. There are no facts in the present moment, not with these kinds of issues. So, we have to identify the incentives of the various players. Important people have an incentive to save themselves. In doing so they will make deals with their enemies to save themselves. This kind of thing is business as usual in Washington. Keep watching and you will see that the Media has in fact softened on Trump. Watch the Democrat campaign and as it progresses notice the tepid effort.
Are you drunk?

I'll make a monetary wager with you right now that 2020 election will have the largest voter turnout ever ... you want to bet $20?

All media today is agenda driven. If the Russians are trying to influence U.S. elections, I don't see any evidence of it.
RT is a bit more subtle than that, they only inject bullshit when they need to. Watch what you want, but be clear about your motives when you vote, this one is not about right and left, but about right and wrong, not to mention treason.
That clip kinda looks like what's gonna happen to the GOP in 2020, in particular the senate, as they follow Donald over the edge and into the abyss.

Didn't I see a MAGA hat on one of those guys, they sure do act like Trumpers.
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Go to reliable news sources (the traditional ones) with professional journalists and who follow standards and practices, even the news part of FOX tells the truth, though sometimes spun to death. Don't believe conspiracy theories and do vote democratic, there is a difference between right and wrong and it couldn't be more clear than at the present moment. Surely the antics, unfitness, corruption and incompetence of Trump haven't escaped you, it shouldn't matter if the democrat has horns and a tail in 2020, they'd be better than Trump.

Don't mistake me as being a Trump supporter. I am working harder than you can imagine in opposing him. I am in fact a conspiracy theorist. That is because all activity in Washington DC is conspiracy based. I have not been able to identify a serious political initiative that is no rooted in one conspiracy or another. I am sorry sir, but there is no such thing as honest news media. Virtually every news story you hear comes from 7 corporate news outlets and what they report is largely coordinated with their corporate owner's interest. The Russians are accused of hacking elections but it is American corporations which influence elections and they do support candidates. Typically they all support the same one.
Don't mistake me as being a Trump supporter. I am working harder than you can imagine in opposing him. I am in fact a conspiracy theorist. That is because all activity in Washington DC is conspiracy based. I have not been able to identify a serious political initiative that is no rooted in one conspiracy or another. I am sorry sir, but there is no such thing as honest news media. Virtually every news story you hear comes from 7 corporate news outlets and what they report is largely coordinated with their corporate owner's interest. The Russians are accused of hacking elections but it is American corporations which influence elections and they do support candidates. Typically they all support the same one.
Think what you will, vote democratic. I'm left of center myself, but not so far as to end up in the ditch.
RT is a bit more subtle than that, they only inject bullshit when they need to. Watch what you want, but be clear about your motives when you vote, this one is not about right and left, but about right and wrong, not to mention treason.
In a country where folks brag about freedom of speech a foreign news organization should not be a threat to anyone.
In a country where folks brag about freedom of speech a foreign news organization should not be a threat to anyone.
The BBC is great and the CBC up here in Canada ain't bad either, propaganda outlets for hostile foreign powers not so much, like I said yer living in a free country just like me, watch and believe what you want. Just don't cut your own throat at the polls because of it, or bigotry, as so many white Americans do.
RT is a bit more subtle than that, they only inject bullshit when they need to. Watch what you want, but be clear about your motives when you vote, this one is not about right and left, but about right and wrong, not to mention treason.
You should also read the Muller report about Russian interference in the election and also read about the conspiracy by Trump and the GOP to cover it up and leave America's election's vulnerable in 2020. That's a real conspiracy, how could you have missed it, blind spot perhaps?
Remember when an normal, intelligent human being was POTUS? This is what normal looks like, in case you forgot what a great POTUS Obama was.
Trick or Treat: Halloween 2016 at the White House
I try to be nice to allies and will spar, but only take the gloves off for Trumpers. I made no such claims, I knew of Carlin's life story and a bit of history too from my life experience, I don't need to google and and nit pick about irrelevant details and misinterpretations.

I've been honest and clear, what's your beef

BTW: I don't mind being wrong and often thank my teachers.
I try to be nice to the Trumpkins. A lot have been roped in and haven't been exposed to anything other than vitriol from what they think is the 'left' but is really the same Russian troll arguing on several different accounts helping the one real person in the conversation to get to where they need to be to vote the way the Russians want them to vote. (feel free to substitute MBS saudi, Trump, Chinese, ect troll for Russians).
What do you think about Donald? Where do you stand and why? Inquiring minds want to know
It almost is like two people post on that account.

What do I think about Donald? He told people what they wanted to hear and made empty promises to get what he wanted.

Where do I stand? I stand here wondering why you guys fight to give power to people you never met, that will never appreciate it, and that will never repay you or improve your quality of life.

The thing is the seat will be filled. We are not 'giving' power to people, They are the ones that stepped up to run for it, it is up to us to choose from the best running. The last 50 years it really has been a choice between the Wealthy White Male Only agenda the Republicans have ran on and the Democrats who have had to govern for everyone, which is much harder. Now that Trump has been running a nonstop hate and fear campaign, I am fighting to make sure people know that when they vote in 2020 they will have seen propaganda and disinformation like never before and it is important to push against this.

The Democrats are in serious trouble. Trump has made the deal of his lifetime and as part of the deal the Democrats as much as agree to lose the 2020 election. It has to do with Jeffrey Epstein. He is dead of course. There is an FBI investigation. There is enough dirt the FBI can come up with to seriously damage both the Democrat and Republican Parties. The Royal Family is implicated. Important members of the Deep State are involved. Trump may be guilty himself. If the Epstein situation is conducted honestly, it will break up the entire power structure of the world. The deal is that the Trump administration squelches meaning evidence on all of the vulnerable. What does Trump get? The Deep State calls the media off and has them go much much softer on him. The Deep State agrees to stop trying to sabotage his presidency. The pretty much concede 2020.

Do I expect you to believe that? No, and almost no one will. But, keep watching. The media has already gone soft. RT is the only network running any in depth coverage of controversy over Epstein's death or any FBI investigation. Democrats can expect no help from the media through 2020. But, keep watching because unless someone gets honest and blows his beets, it will all transpire just about the way I explained.
You do get that by 'Deep State' you just mean citizens working as public workers standing up for the law. Media, means anything anymore, blogs, memes, chat rooms and forums along with radio, television, papers, magazines, youtube videos on and on.

I would say that Human's not 'Democrats' are in serious trouble, because data has been weaponized and people have been moved into bubbles to believe the kind of stuff you just posted.
I have been a political activist for over 60 years. I watch RT along with other news outlets around the world. I don't see it. All media today is agenda driven. If the Russians are trying to influence U.S. elections, I don't see any evidence of it. If they are, I can't imaging how.

RT is 80% news, 20% planted disinformation. and a bunch of suppressed stories so that nobody can counter their agenda by searching for things like "Carter Page" on their websites. Then they (and their fake news sites like OANN) can plant cookies on your computer to follow you around to weaponize your favorite sites with disinformation.

Try AP news, or Reuters if you want unbiased sources. There are several that won't post stories unless they are verified by multiple sources, so their stories too can be trusted, but pretty much everything on the 'right' side of the news today has been purged of anything against their narrative.
I try to be nice to the Trumpkins. A lot have been roped in and haven't been exposed to anything other than vitriol from what they think is the 'left' but is really the same Russian troll arguing on several different accounts helping the one real person in the conversation to get to where they need to be to vote the way the Russians want them to vote. (feel free to substitute MBS saudi, Trump, Chinese, ect troll for Russians).

It almost is like two people post on that account.

The thing is the seat will be filled. We are not 'giving' power to people, They are the ones that stepped up to run for it, it is up to us to choose from the best running. The last 50 years it really has been a choice between the Wealthy White Male Only agenda the Republicans have ran on and the Democrats who have had to govern for everyone, which is much harder. Now that Trump has been running a nonstop hate and fear campaign, I am fighting to make sure people know that when they vote in 2020 they will have seen propaganda and disinformation like never before and it is important to push against this.

You do get that by 'Deep State' you just mean citizens working as public workers standing up for the law. Media, means anything anymore, blogs, memes, chat rooms and forums along with radio, television, papers, magazines, youtube videos on and on.

I would say that Human's not 'Democrats' are in serious trouble, because data has been weaponized and people have been moved into bubbles to believe the kind of stuff you just posted.

RT is 80% news, 20% planted disinformation. and a bunch of suppressed stories so that nobody can counter their agenda by searching for things like "Carter Page" on their websites. Then they (and their fake news sites like OANN) can plant cookies on your computer to follow you around to weaponize your favorite sites with disinformation.

Try AP news, or Reuters if you want unbiased sources. There are several that won't post stories unless they are verified by multiple sources, so their stories too can be trusted, but pretty much everything on the 'right' side of the news today has been purged of anything against their narrative.
I get the impression of "both sides are bad and there's no difference between them, give up and don't even bother", it seems they don't know right from wrong, much less left from right. When I mention Trump's behavior and treason they gloss over it, they go for fruitcake conspiracy theories and ignore the very real conspiracy that threatens their country and democracy.

It's no secret the working and middle classes have been screwed in America for decades and not much secret about who's been doing most of the screwing either.
Are you drunk?

I'll make a monetary wager with you right now that 2020 election will have the largest voter turnout ever ... you want to bet $20?

I will take that bet, we can paypal it when the time comes. People seen how fucked up the last election was, they are abandoning it. If there is a boom, its all the people that trump disappointed returning to spite vote against him.

Or are you referring to the amount of liberals that might actually go out and vote this time? Either way, I take that wager.