Sick plants please help identify


Well-Known Member
Good day RIU,

currently having 12 plants in Ebb and flow Bucket.
with nutes temp 69F. EC 0.8 I set my ph at 5.8

four of them getting sick, and roots dont look clean
three have curl down leaf, and yellow leaves on the bottom.
another sick plants dont have sign of sickness in my view,
colas form one main brunch just dropping and die

PH drop form 5.8 to 4.9 in four days.
I add 10ml H2o2, and fill up nutes water.
I set PH at 6.0 this time, again it drop to 5.0 in three days.

Please help me out identify what am I missing here.
Any feedback are welcome
Thanks guys

Good day RIU,

currently having 12 plants in Ebb and flow Bucket.
with nutes temp 69F. EC 0.8 I set my ph at 5.8

four of them getting sick, and roots dont look clean
three have curl down leaf, and yellow leaves on the bottom.
another sick plants dont have sign of sickness in my view,
colas form one main brunch just dropping and die

PH drop form 5.8 to 4.9 in four days.
I add 10ml H2o2, and fill up nutes water.
I set PH at 6.0 this time, again it drop to 5.0 in three days.

Please help me out identify what am I missing here.
Any feedback are welcome
Thanks guys

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Are you getting a sulpherous/hard boiled egg smell from the roots/res? There appears to be a film floating on the top of the water left in the bottom of the res. I'd suggest running sterile (no teas or organics/beneficials etc), at least til your suspected root rot is gone. You can use pool shock to maintain a sterile res, but use H2o2 once root rot has already set in.
In your case Id wash everything you can, rinse the hydroton and roots under tap water real good, and then use 15ml of (3%) H2o2 per gallon in the res. Run the system for 24 hrs and change out all the water. Rinse and clean all the gear again and repeat the H2o2 process once more. You should start to see everything getting whiter again within a day or two. The damge that the plants have incurred is there now, but the drooping should subside and they should begin to perk up and come back to life.

As for pH, you gotta get that in check. Those kinds of pH swings you are getting are very taxing on plants in hydroponics and a tell tale sign of root rot. What is your starting pH of your water before you do anything to it?
Also, what are you using to feed and how much?
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Are you getting a sulpherous/hard boiled egg smell from the roots/res? There appears to be a film floating on the top of the water left in the bottom of the res. I'd suggest running sterile (no teas or organics/beneficials etc), at least til your suspected root rot is gone. You can use pool shock to maintain a sterile res, but use H2o2 once root rot has already set in.
In your case Id wash everything you can, rinse the hydroton and roots under tap water real good, and then use 15ml of (3%) H2o2 per gallon in the res. Run the system for 24 hrs and change out all the water. Rinse and clean all the gear again and repeat the H2o2 process once more. You should start to see everything getting whiter again within a day or two. The damge that the plants have incurred is there now, but the drooping should subside and they should begin to perk up and come back to life.

As for pH, you gotta get that in check. Those kinds of pH swings you are getting are very taxing on plants in hydroponics and a tell tale sign of root rot. What is your starting pH of your water before you do anything to it?
Also, what are you using to feed and how much?
@HydroRed thanks for all that detail.
Also thanks for your advice on my setup few years back. I’m still using it

I did use h2o2 about way less than you recommend. Only 10ml for 30 gallon.
15ml per gallon it’s a lot. Will the plants get hurt by using that much?

I usually set my ph around 5.7-5.8.
I feed maxi fro as my base nutes.
Extrem blend, enzyme powder, silica powder, vitamins B from Kelp4less.
I always keep my ec low. At the moment I saw problems. My EC was 0.78

I’m also wondering all roots have sign of rot.
How come only few of them get stunned?

Again thanks for your advice.
Please help me out identify what am I missing here.
Any feedback are welcome
Thanks guys

Don't bother trying to work it out, it's exactly the type of root problem that my DIY sig link sorts out. That was a proof of concept, but I prefer working with the round tubs.
I don't think you can bring them back from this far gone with pythium.
@Renfro thanks for the feedback
I thought about that too.
I want to figure out what the problem is.
That way I can learn.
If I can’t bring it back, at least I can make sure I don’t go worst.

It’s weird that my res have chiller, I thought I don’t have to worry root rot

Any advice on how to deal with it?

Not so weird. Many people have this issue. It could be due to the strain you are growing.
Alright...I see
I thought keep res temp low enough, then I can keep away with root rot.
Seems like I need to do more research on prevent it.

A chiller helps increase DO levels but thats not always the cure all.
I see. Again thanks for the feedback

Yep, root rot!
Keep res temp in check, provide a lot of aeration at root zone and keep light away from roots. :cool:
@Hydro4life thanks for the feedback.
yap 69F on my res temp, I believe the buckets of Ebb system its light proof, and when nutes drain should be enough aeration at the root zone.
Are you getting a sulpherous/hard boiled egg smell from the roots/res? There appears to be a film floating on the top of the water left in the bottom of the res. I'd suggest running sterile (no teas or organics/beneficials etc), at least til your suspected root rot is gone. You can use pool shock to maintain a sterile res, but use H2o2 once root rot has already set in.
In your case Id wash everything you can, rinse the hydroton and roots under tap water real good, and then use 15ml of (3%) H2o2 per gallon in the res. Run the system for 24 hrs and change out all the water. Rinse and clean all the gear again and repeat the H2o2 process once more. You should start to see everything getting whiter again within a day or two. The damge that the plants have incurred is there now, but the drooping should subside and they should begin to perk up and come back to life.

As for pH, you gotta get that in check. Those kinds of pH swings you are getting are very taxing on plants in hydroponics and a tell tale sign of root rot. What is your starting pH of your water before you do anything to it?
Also, what are you using to feed and how much?
Just change my res today, and use H2o2.
I wonder if H2o2 its ok to use on the regular basis? I have read the article on
They dont recommend use H2o2.
but also read some articles from other sites, they said H2o2 have lots of benefit for hydro. even increase plants growing.

keep anything organic out of the mix, the h202 is going to kill the organic feed etc. Do exactly as hydrored told you. If you give the roots a little tug and they break away so do it they are dead.
Also how many times a day are you flooding the plants?.
I see. Again thanks for the feedback

@Hydro4life thanks for the feedback.
yap 69F on my res temp, I believe the buckets of Ebb system its light proof, and when nutes drain should be enough aeration at the root zone.
No worries man.
Not sure about ebb as I’ve never tried it. Could your root temps be high in between flood cycles?
Also do you oxygenate the res for your ebb? I’m not sure if this is a done thing with ebb? But I would imagine it would have nothing but benefits.
Itl keep the solution from settling, give you highly oxygenated water and keep res water healthier for longer.

I grow dwc. And aim for lots of fine bubbles from my air stones.
I’ve used h2o2 for root rot and did not help I’m my case.
Personally I think You shouldn’t need to use it as a preventative if you have temps under control and plenty of fine bubbles with no light leaks.

Although it’s not ideal for your bennies and general health of the plant, using a res with chlorinated tap water for a week here or there helps keep roots nice and white......

Just some food for thought. Good luck! :cool:
Just change my res today, and use H2o2.
I wonder if H2o2 its ok to use on the regular basis? I have read the article on
They dont recommend use H2o2.
but also read some articles from other sites, they said H2o2 have lots of benefit for hydro. even increase plants growing.

H2o2 kills off all bacteria including beneficial bacteria like teas, organic feeds etc. Thats why most wont use it, not because its bad for plants. I run a sterile res all the time and use synthetic nutes. I add 10ml of 3% every 3 days and my res stays squeaky clean. Nice white roots and amazing growth. The only byproduct of H2o2 is water. The plants will perk up and love life when you use it.
I see there 3 Issues, the first one is a nutrient lock, caused by the second one that is big PH fluctuations, the third issue is overwatering, so possibly there is lack of oxygen, you maybe need to make the watering timer with longer breaks.

Now the PH dropping was possibly caused by an excess of K (Potassium), and that happens often on F&D and drip systems cause of salt build-up, make sure to clean the whole system on the next run, including the tubes.

Anyway i don't know how much 0,8ec from your meter converts to PPM, but i would do 1 flush, i would start by changing all the water to 150PPM or ROI if possible for 12h, then take all that out and change once again and keep it running on a steady ph for 24h.
Make sure to figure out why the plants show overwatering symptoms, possibly lack of oxygen is due to watering after watering without time for the roots to breathe.