OK then. Biden 2020.

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solid argument bro. doh, damn it there I go again assuming peoples genders. point of personal privilege comrade. I shall not assume genders anymore.
should I log into my "well known member" account. is that what i have to do to converse with you?
I don't understand why he's so upset.
sorry bro, but being upset is what leftys do. i am simply trying to get the rollitup legend unclebuck to talk to me instead of arbitrarily stating my message and like numbers.

damn it I assumed your gender again. point of personal privilege comrade. my apologies.
No, I have issues with fake ass veterans who go around telling people they were in special ops when they never wore a uniform at all. It's a disservice to actual vets who don't want that glory.

It's also a crime.
It's also being an asshole and a liar among other things...