Same here, no stability in the weather and rampant, my garden was pretty much a complete flop this year, worst year ever.. not sure if it was the weather, was very hot with a lot of late rain or what the dillio, but yeah pretty disappointing to say the least.. oh well, onwards and upwards as they say..
Has anyone else seen a decline in the butterfly population over the years?
Could be cyclic or man made, I don't know.
I've a wide variety of flowers in the garden to attract allsorts of insects.
The butterflies are quite rare to see in my garden these days so I took the opportunity to take a few pics of them basking in the sun, maybe feeding.
Even rarer, 3 different ones together.
The Peacock
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Painted Lady
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The Small Tortoiseshell
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The Bumble Bee and Hoverfly numbers are down too over the years.
The most common butterfly to see here in my garden is the Cabbage White but they are becoming rarer too. I need to plant a few cabbages!
I've seen maybe 20 - 30 over the summer, mostly passing through to greener pastures.
we have a ton of sedum plants in our yard.. some in the front yard, out by the street, and some in the inner yard, out by the fish pond, and i'll tell you what, if you want to see butter fly activity in your yard, plant some sedum.. they've been going crazy over ours for the last two plus weeks or so.. sedum doesn't really do much in the way of flowering, the tops simply turn from green?, sorry i'm color blind, lol, to a pinkish color, but it must have some sort of pollen or idk what, but it really attracts the moths and butterflies.. some of the swallowtails were not a huge fan of having their pix taken, but some patience paid off in the long run..
Same here, no stability in the weather and rampant aphids.
Nice harvest! I am guessing you are going to can these? I sure hope so, you got a lot of 'maders to eat. Those beefsteaks are a beautiful strain, I love the classic crinkle look.We just had some rain with more in the forecast so I picked all of the tomatoes that were close to being ripe. I'd rather have them finish ripening on the counter than splitting open on the vine. The big ones are a Beefsteak variety called "Delicious". They are delicious and very big. A very good yielder. I plan on growing this variety again next year. I have a couple more bowls of cherry tomatoes to pick.
The weather has been odd this year and I got hit really bad and early with PM on my cucumbers and squash. I still ended up with more cucumbers than we could eat or I could make into pickles. I still canned 15 quarts and 10 pints of pickles. I only got one eggplant from two plants which annoys me. The beans went crazy and I have a bunch of bush beans I planted mid summer that are about a week away from being harvestable. After a slow start my peppers ended up doing okay. Next year I'm going to have to be patient and not put things out too soon causing them to be stunted from cold temperatures.
Nice harvest! I am guessing you are going to can these? I sure hope so, you got a lot of 'maders to eat. Those beefsteaks are a beautiful strain, I love the classic crinkle look.
We just had some rain with more in the forecast so I picked all of the tomatoes that were close to being ripe. I'd rather have them finish ripening on the counter than splitting open on the vine. The big ones are a Beefsteak variety called "Delicious". They are delicious and very big. A very good yielder. I plan on growing this variety again next year. I have a couple more bowls of cherry tomatoes to pick.
The weather has been odd this year and I got hit really bad and early with PM on my cucumbers and squash. I still ended up with more cucumbers than we could eat or I could make into pickles. I still canned 15 quarts and 10 pints of pickles. I only got one eggplant from two plants which annoys me. The beans went crazy and I have a bunch of bush beans I planted mid summer that are about a week away from being harvestable. After a slow start my peppers ended up doing okay. Next year I'm going to have to be patient and not put things out too soon causing them to be stunted from cold temperatures.
so true.. i don't know what the deal with that is, not sure if they're maybe grown in say mexico or indoors in green houses or what the dllio, but you're right, store bought veggies are never any where close to being as good as home grown..I wonder if people eating Walmart's tomatoes know that they are fake as hell. Fruit/vegtables from a store are not even close to fresh garden ones with taste, quality, and texture. Walmart is a lot like McDonalds. You might order a burger, it may look like a burger, but its not a burger.
Almost all seasonal fruit is picked green, then stored in chilled, climate controlled warehouses. When they need them to "ripen", they pipe in the hormone that signals it's time to get ripe. That is how they are able to be in stores year true.. i don't know what the deal with that is, not sure if they're maybe grown in say mexico or indoors in green houses or what the dllio, but you're right, store bought veggies are never any where close to being as good as home grown..