Newby-What am I doing wrong?


Well-Known Member
What kind of stuff were you using for your grow tent. I've been trying to find something like that and can't find it anywhere. I have the PVC for the base but I just need the walls and stuff for it what you have looks like a thicker mylar than what I've been able to come across so I was wondering is it like the emergency blankets?
Any of these would work pretty well depending on the size of your tent


OOOooh shit man let’s see if I can remember.. I got it at Home Depot %100 I know that. The one roll was enough for my 2x2x4 tent. Easy to cut and tape with reflective metal tape. It’s some type of insulation line or something like that. Check around plumbing and electrical, then maybe by insulation/lumber area. I’ll see if I can find a link for ya
Ok, thanks! Thanks for everyone's help! Mines gonna be about the same size as yours.


Technically you can re veg a plant, but your plant is a dwarf, so you really should start over or you are wasting your time and money. You have to trust us… We know what we’re doing

You had one brilliant deduction… Emergency blankets work great to create a makeshift tent if you’re not worried about odor leaking out
Straight out of the package they are way too flat and shiny. Open them up crinkle them up re-open them re-crinkled them a few times, and they will work exactly like reticulated mylar. This is important or they will reflect like a mirror and that can create hotspots! Six blankets for eight dollars on Amazon
that’s all my tent consists of.

I offered you a valuable gift which you didn’t even acknowledge! As a man of the cloth, I have a social obligation to remain polite, but as a grower, I’m GROWING weary of your stubbornness. Face the facts. Your plant is worthless.
No I didn't not acknowledge that. Thanks for the offer but I'm new here and don't know how to dm sorry if I offended you! I did not mean to!


Well-Known Member
Ok, thanks! Thanks for everyone's help! Mines gonna be about the same size as yours.
Depending on your needs to might build it out of wood and then line it with that reflective stuff. I’ve gotten better climate control having a solid box than the pvc-duct tape wrapped frame tent thing