The 'humanitarian crisis' in Venezuela... or not

Your federal reserve conspiracy theories are manna for Jew hating neo nazis

Go back to stormfront ya fucking pedophile

Would you force a black sex worker to serve you or your wife (while you watch) against his/her wishes or do you think people have a right to use their own discretion regarding who they will do business with ?
can't you ever ask a fucking normal question...where the fuck do you come up with the fucking stupid ass goddamn shit?
if you didn't waste your time thinking of this RIDICULOUS fucking goddamn stupid bullshit you might get a fucking clue about reality....
fucking seriously...
take your fucking meds and get the fuck away from the computer for a while...go build a bomb, look at some kiddy porn, take a fucking break, and give us one, too.....
can't you ever ask a fucking normal question...where the fuck do you come up with the fucking stupid ass goddamn shit?
if you didn't waste your time thinking of this RIDICULOUS fucking goddamn stupid bullshit you might get a fucking clue about reality....
fucking seriously...
take your fucking meds and get the fuck away from the computer for a while...go build a bomb, look at some kiddy porn, take a fucking break, and give us one, too.....

Would you force a black sex worker to serve you or your wife (while you watch) against his/her wishes or do you think people have a right to use their own discretion regarding who they will do business with ?
Why do you insist on sharing your lifestyle with everyone ?
As the title of this thread proves (I KEEP TELLING YOU!!!), there is no humanitarian crisis in Venezuela. According to the Carter Foundation, the "vast majority of Venezuelans support Maduro". Anybody that says differently supports Trump, is in favor of regime change and backs war with Venezuela for the benefit of American corporations.

So now that the Peruvian government has shamelessly decided to imposes harsher requirements against entering the country, millions of loyal pro-Maduro Venezuelans have inundated the Peruvian border in order to embark on missionary work to other countries extolling the virtues of Maduro! Hooray, brutal dictators are finally supporting their people's interests so much so that Venezuelans are supporting them back with their feet in order to spread Maduro's gospel of hyperinflation, medical shortages and political repression.

Venezuelans Rush to Peru Before New Requirements Take Effect

Look at how happy they look to be embarking on such a noble cause. Some of them are choking back tears because of their deep regret in leaving Venezuela.

As the title of this thread proves (I KEEP TELLING YOU!!!), there is no humanitarian crisis in Venezuela. According to the Carter Foundation, the "vast majority of Venezuelans support Maduro". Anybody that says differently supports Trump, is in favor of regime change and backs war with Venezuela for the benefit of American corporations.

So now that the Peruvian government has shamelessly decided to imposes harsher requirements against entering the country, millions of loyal pro-Maduro Venezuelans have inundated the Peruvian border in order to embark on missionary work to other countries extolling the virtues of Maduro! Hooray, brutal dictators are finally supporting their people's interests so much so that Venezuelans are supporting them back with their feet in order to spread Maduro's gospel of hyperinflation, medical shortages and political repression.

Venezuelans Rush to Peru Before New Requirements Take Effect

Look at how happy they look to be embarking on such a noble cause. Some of them are choking back tears because of their deep regret in leaving Venezuela.

They do seem so happy and content. Tty must have gotten it right.........seems he is having a fuck of a time finding collaborating eveidence of the certification though, along with 1000 other requests for citations ................. chirp chirp chirp....... “I know, I’ll start another thread, they’ll just forget” lol
There’s millions of Venezuelans who have left the country. Sooner or later wealthy people, mostly Venezuelans hopefully, will be looking to finance the beginning of a revolution. I’m way old. Old enough to remember when Central/Latin/South America and revolution were just a given. Somewhere in the part of America south of Mexico there was revolution going on. Sometimes hot. Sometimes not but there was always some bunch of funky GI Joes and ragtag bands of “revolutionaries” that went across the countryside raping, burning and pillaging. While usually just a smoldering revolution instead of outright “bring everything ya got” warfare the casualties they caused saw it as pretty damned serious. Actually I remember some of the major stories of the Cuban revolution including the end and Texas wanting to go invade and “kick those greasers into the damned bay there”.

In short - we only have to wait.
“Leftist rebels” and “right wing death squads” were household language for news freaks. I hated the “news” as a kid. Only a radio where we lived until about 1960 and even then 120 miles from town you could rarely pick it up. All those old ranchers and farmers at the feed store around the radio. “Gotdamn we shoulda chased them goddamned Russkies all the way back to Moscow akillin’ ever step of the way!”

It’s 2019 and has never become necessary. Despite the political furor that’s continuous now.
So the Carter Foundation lied about the Venezuelan elections are free and fair.

The UN investigator lied when he said there isn't a humanitarian disaster in Venezuela.

Pulitzer prize winning journalists don't know what they're talking about.

Your position is in lockstep with the Trump proto fascist regime- a regime- you say you don't support.

You ignore the documented evidence of western theft of Venezuelan income, denial of their purchases and medical supplies and other sanctions over the last several years- and then blame the Venezuelan government for these very activities.

We've all seen the wreckage of American interventionism around the world over the last half century and more, yet this time Venezuela will be the exception.

Holy fvck, you've even got Tom Bolton gleefully making plans to give their oil to American oil companies on camera.

But you say that I'm the deluded one.

Tell us more about how the Carter Foundation said Maduro's election was "free and fair". Where did you hear that? I mean, this is the right thread for it, isn't it? Am I staying on topic?