Normal or hermie?

Hey guys I know this question has been asked a million times. I'm at day 40 in flowering og kush. Just the last few days I've noticed a huge increase in swollen calyxs, just wanted to know if it's normal to have this many or is my plant has gone hermie. Any help.would be greatly appreciated! And yes this is my first time grow!


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Hey guys I know this question has been asked a million times. I'm at day 40 in flowering og kush. Just the last few days I've noticed a huge increase in swollen calyxs, just wanted to know if it's normal to have this many or is my plant has gone hermie. Any help.would be greatly appreciated! And yes this is my first time grow!
I don't see any balls, but I'm really no expert. Looks like swollen calyxs to me.
If you don’t see any male parts then it’s not hermie. It may have been pollinated though. Hard to tell without a little surgery. Cannabis is mostly wind pollinated in nature. Any hemp farmers near you?
Hey guys mine is still going, although it formed a couple seeds, it has still continue to grow and alot of calyxs that look like they may have seeds or swollen but they actually dont, I've only found about 7 total so far, other then that I was told to keep her going, so that's what I'm doing. Just check for bananas or sac of seeds..... I dont have much experience but the bud is starting to fill up more and I havnt found more so I'm gonna go until trichomes are rdy, if I were you i would just continue to monitor it and check trichs!
And alot of spots were airy, but noe starting to fill in. These pics were from a week ago.


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Just pick a bunch off with tweezers and check for seeds.... if they are forming everywhere, more then bud, then you gotta make decision on what you wanna do.
Ok I'll check some in the morning. Looked to be just the one spot on the lower of that bud. Don't know how it would have polenated, there's just females in the tent. Don't know if it is a genetic thing, but I know a few other people that had clones from the same plant and got some seeds. I'll pull a few and respond tomorrow. If they are seeds do I pluck them all or just let them do their thing?