well basically heres the deal.. right now our national "responsibilities" is between 70-99 trillion dollars. this includes things that are not calculated in our "national debt" such as government pensions, trade deficits, social security responsibilities, govt. service programs i.e. infrastructure projects welfare etc.. the national debt is only calculated by outstanding financial instruments such as t-bills notes and bonds which is how our national debt is sold and calculated.
think about it like this... if you make 10,000 a month, and for sake of math live soley off of credit cards, and are making the minimum payments. if you continue to make your payments on time, the companies will allow your debt to grow, and give you higher limits. now lets say every month you are spending 15,000 dollars, that means every month you are creating 5,000 dollar deficit or, 60,000 dollars worth of "debt responsibility"
now lets say you have to pay ten percent interest on your debt. this means that evey year you will be paying 6,000 dollars in interest alone. if you continue to just make the minimum monthly payments, after 10 years you will be in 600,000 dollars worth of debt, paying 60,000 dollars a year in interest. after 20 years, you will be in 1.2 million dollars worth of debt and be paying your entire salary to interest alone. on the 21st year you will not be able to make the minimum monthly payments on the interest and will start to default on your payments. once this happens you will not be able to secure any more debt because you will be seen as a credit risk. at this time you will declare bankruptcy and you will lose everything.
now the reason i went into this lengthy explination is because china owns about 2.5 trillion dollars worth of the national debt in tbills and notes as well as currency surplus due to the offbalance of trade. when we default on our loans china is going to want something for it right?
plus the way that our gov. is printing and spending money is going to create hyperinflation and turn our money into nothing in the coming months.
As some of us know the NAU or north american union has been in the works for years and will create a soverign state between the us, mexico, and canada, and will throw out the national currencies and create a new currency called the amero. it will be just like the EU but with the north american countries. this is all over the place, just google it.
now, it is my theory that most americans would not accept this or like it if they knew a lot about it and was getting the media coverage it deserves. the only way that we would accept it is if we had no other choice.
i believe that this whole credit crisis and economic meltdown was calculated in an effort to devalue the dollar to near nothing, and put our national debt into default mode. once this happens, basically overnight our currency will become worthless, and will not be recognized as a tender for all debts foreign and domestic because it will no longer have the full faith and trust of the us gov. as it states on the bills. this is when the new currency will be issued, americans will grovel and accept it, they will throw out the constitution and the borders will be opened.
back to the original statement, why would ameros be going to china? they have gone over there to satisfy the 2.5 trillion dollars worth of debt for the coming months when our currency gets completely changed over.
what does this mean to us? well it basically means that overnight any cash asset such as a tbill, bond, 401k, ira, checkings, savings, mutual fund etc. will become next to worthless, and the gov will buy these notes for pennies on the dollar with the new ameros. it will almost instantly bankrupt a large portion of the middle class.
have fun!
all this information can be found using the glorious tool of google. here are some terms to check out in correspondance to this reply.
800 billion ameros to china
the north american union
how is national debt calculated