Any suggestions for a good microscope for checking trichomes?


Well-Known Member

I've read through the threads & did searches with no luck, so I thought I'd ask y'all. I've been using a Carson Microbrite Plus 60x 120x (11.99 at amazon), and it's killing me! If I'm lucky enough to hone in on trichomes, they only stay in focus for a split second....I can make do, but I need something better and am more than willing to spend more money (not hundreds!). I purchased one of those wifi digital microscopes that hooks up to your phone, ipad or desktop, but my phone won't download the app (I'm having trouble with it looping from "get" to put your thumbprint, back to "get"...etc...loop, loop). I know I need to contact Apple at the minimum, but I've got more to do than that right now.
Back to the issue at hand.Any suggestions? what are you using? Anything easier out there?



Well-Known Member
I use a 30x-60x LED jewelers loupe i got on amazon for $6. It is a pain to use, have to turn it around to get the light just right then keep still holding the branch in one hand scope in the other, sometimes I use a flashlight for more light. I don't go crazy with trimming so I have alot of small buds I can cut off and sacrafice, view it at my desk making it easier to control.


Well-Known Member
I use a 30x-60x LED jewelers loupe i got on amazon for $6. It is a pain to use, have to turn it around to get the light just right then keep still holding the branch in one hand scope in the other, sometimes I use a flashlight for more light. I don't go crazy with trimming so I have alot of small buds I can cut off and sacrafice, view it at my desk making it easier to control.
thanks. it sort of sounds like the "pain" I have to go through holding the scope still enough to see the trichomes long enough to tell what's going on :wall:. By the time I get them in focus, it jumps off of them. (I do go crazy trimming :p. I like neat, correctly sized buds that I can just stick in my pipe :lol:).


Well-Known Member
Just take a photo and zoom in on it.
What kind of camera do you have that will take a photo that good? (BTW, I won't use my phone as it has the location, etc). My old digital camera wouldn't take a close-up good enough anyway. But, still don't see how it could get that close. Wish it would.


Active Member
I don't take photos. I just figured that all of the images that show up online were taken with a breakfast portrait device. I didn't know people still used cameras. I'm not sure how many billion pixels we can get now but I'd have thought that some sort of macro setting would be standard.


Well-Known Member
I don't take photos. I just figured that all of the images that show up online were taken with a breakfast portrait device. I didn't know people still used cameras. I'm not sure how many billion pixels we can get now but I'd have thought that some sort of macro setting would be standard.
What is a "breakfast portrait device"? Got me really curious. (I only use the old camera I found in a drawer since I didn't want to use my phone & still looking for something, as you can see ;))


New Member
A year ago I got the same Carson microbrite 60-120x and I agree it’s hard to keep still and focused. Beautiful picture when it is in perfect focus.

This year I got a 40x Jewelers loup and it is worse in my opinion. It doesn’t seem zoomed enough and is still hard to get in focus.

I’m still hoping to find something better too


Well-Known Member
You don't have one? Go to the Apple store. I believe they call their model 'iPhone' or something. I hear the good ones even have the ability to make phonecalls but I don't recall ever seeing them used like that. Might be just marketing hype, because I've never found it in the menu.
What’s an IPhone?


Well-Known Member
I'm beginning to think all these beautiful photos of trichomes.....clear, sharp, up-close...... are my imagination. Unless I can find something else, I guess i'll just keep on trying to focus in with my little Carson. I'll check out the USB microscope (as long as I don't have to get an app for it. My phone isn't working for "get" apps. Just goes in a loop ..."get", thumbprint, "get", thumbprint, "get" get it. I've got to contact Apple, and not looking forward to it! I'd really like to see my trichomes up close like the photos I'm seeing!


Well-Known Member
Android phone from 8 years ago. 13 megapixel. I could use the Carson but all my visitors who had to try were too stupid. They get galaxy s4 photos now.


Well-Known Member
Android phone from 8 years ago. 13 megapixel. I could use the Carson but all my visitors who had to try were too stupid. They get galaxy s4 photos now.
thanks, but I don't want to use a phone due to the location, etc that is put on the photos.

And, what about being stupid makes using the Carson not work. I don't think I'm stupid, but I can't make it stay still enough, long enough to see enough. Do you have any suggestions?

I did just see Carson has a higher magnification version; a "microflip 100x 250. I'm thinking of purchasing it, but the one thing about it is holding it still enough with the higher magnification. I think it may be easier to fix my phone to get an app to use one of those digital scopes. Gotta fix it some day anyway :p.
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Active Member
thanks, but I don't want to use a phone due to the location, etc that is put on the photos.
Find a good EXIF stripper.

..or just get take a screenshot of your computer showing the image and scale/crop it as a 'new' creation using GIMP or something.


Well-Known Member
Those $6 joints on Amazon are absolute crap, just returned 1 last week. Now I got the iPhone and a $1 magnifying glass lol that ghetto rig actually works ok.


Well-Known Member
Find a good EXIF stripper.

..or just get take a screenshot of your computer showing the image and scale/crop it as a 'new' creation using GIMP or something.
Okay, now I'm going to show off my computer/technology illiteracy..... I know how to use them at their basics. SO, I don't know what a EXIF stripper is (sorry)/ Nor, do I know how to do the second thing.

Thanks in advance if you want to explain/ teach :roll: it to me. I'm just an old hippie trying to grow some weed to help my ailments. I've learned a lot growing, but still slow at the technology.