Do you start feeding in small solo cup style pots?


Active Member
I'm running 50/50 coco and soil, first week going on and i wonder if i should start feeding anything before transplanting to bigger pots? I wonder how long the nutes in the soil are gonna last, similar grow (not mine) started feeding after like a month in their final big pots.

Jypsy Dog

Well-Known Member
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Well-Known Member
I was going to say the same thing. There literally is no benefit to it unless its a small part of building a super soil.

In solos even though you've taken 50% of the nutrients away you should still have enough to see them through until transplant as long as you don't transplant late.


Active Member
I got them a while ago, what would you change about it for a first time grower? Well it's maybe too late to change now since i'm almost a week in the little pots, have to deal with this now. When i asked about the medium many people just said it's okay what i have. Btw in your link some people say they do it just fine, where's the "never ends well" part?
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Well-Known Member
I'm running 50/50 coco and soil, first week going on and i wonder if i should start feeding anything before transplanting to bigger pots? I wonder how long the nutes in the soil are gonna last, similar grow (not mine) started feeding after like a month in their final big pots.
What type of soil? I use a 0.05-0.0-0.0 and I start giving fertilizer fairly soon, 3rd week I will start adding a tiny amount and watch the leaves to see how they take it.


Well-Known Member
take your bloody plants and put them in straight soil or straight coco. Run the roots under the tap to get all the shit off and go from there. If straight coco feed from day one starting at ec0.5/0.6 and move up as they grow.