Could you charge the president with a crime after he left office? RESOUNDING YES!

I was getting scared until you mentioned milkshake...

I'm so sorry mate, if you're involving the milkshake you're clearly a bigger man than me.

My apologies.
I see you and The Grim Reaper have been posting messages to each other on my profile page, He is a psychopath looking for revenge and who is manipulating you. He is trying to take advantage of the situation and use you to wipe his ass with.

PM would be a better way to communicate, unless ya wanted me to see it. Yer still a coward grimy and I'm shocked @potroast hasn't put ya down like a rabid dog yet. Guess I'll have to look into your antisocial activities some more. I figure you'd be all over my profile, grimy is predictable and stupid too.

Grimy has even said slanderous things there, but I'm gonna leave the conversation of these two idiots there so others can see if I spoke the truth about this malicious communication.
I can see why ya want to post shit to my profile page grimy, You wouldn't want to attack me in public where all can see, but put this bullshit on my profile page. A sure sign of cowardice grimy and lack of character.

Yer like a cockroach grimy and a scurry in the bright sunlight of the truth. I was hoping they would put ya out of yer misery so I didn't have to waste my time, coach roaches like you infest any community of decent people. I'd rather be helping good folks and talking news and policy like most here.

That's why the fonts here are big and bold grimy, I want folks to see you for who you really are and be warned that you will manipulate and use them for your own selfish purposes and cause suffering and harm to this community. That is why yer dealing with me, buck and other happy warriors on this forum. Have fun grimy cause I'm spreading the word and I'm honest and honorable and act with self consistency and you do not. Others notice those things boy.

Your country is in peril and here you are playing games in a place of adult conversation, sowing the seeds of social division and strife, as if America didn't have enough already, hate come first grimy, it always does.

Your only use to me is to teach object lessons for the benefit of others on what a loser looks like. There seem to be a lot of your kind around here too, more than the average number in the population by a couple of factors at least from what I've seen. You and dongle among are among them, but perhaps buck could speak to this too.
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I love it

That's made my day mate.
Haven't you seen a thing I've posted to you about @The Gram Reaper manipulating you to violent acts?

Using you to wipe his arse with

Have you learned nothing and why don't you care?

Have the courage answer these questions and we can see about other arrangements.

But I am guided by a moral and ethical code and my conscience as well as the opinion of my peers to avoid violence and promote peace by educating others in what drives human relationships. I try to help people with personal issues and problems and generally try to reduce suffering (with certain notable exceptions).

Be nice to me and I'll be nice to you?

You should try this approach to life too, it's much easier and a lot more fun.

Why haven't you Moody?

Are ya really moody much?
That's nothing to be proud of mate.
You can PM me if ya want to talk sense and not play stupid macho games.
I might be able to help ya if ya got a heart, but no heart no hope and you will continue to suffer.
Do you want to die in peace or squeal like a pig in fear and terror when you die, because I can show you how, live in peace too?
As if your moms insatiable need for cock ended just because she got old

Your moms favorite bird is the cockswallow
Mate, I'm 40 years old, and she's been in the ground for the last 10.

If you want to go all Jimmy Savile on my matriarch, you go ahead.

Each to their own
Buck is provoking you to lose your temper, he does that when challenged cause he's got guts.
Meh, I'm getting too old to lose my temper on forums.

It's embarrassing really.

I don't know you, you don't know me. Which is a shame really, I'm sure you've got a lot of love to give.

This is the nature of the Internet.

I love it

That's made my day mate.
We get a lot of trolls and even Russians around here trying to sway opinions, deceitfully, people here defend the country the best way they can. It's a war zone here moody, middle ground is dead man's ground and the line between good and evil couldn't be more stark. Feelings are running high, give folks here some slack mate.
A nice quick read of a fact checking from the AP, this one struck me funny.

KAMALA HARRIS, on Trump: “The only reason he has not been indicted is because there was a memo in the Department of Justice that says a sitting president cannot be charged with a crime.” — Democratic debate.

THE FACTS: We don’t know that it’s the only reason.
A nice quick read of a fact checking from the AP, this one struck me funny.
Like to comment but it's yer folks business who the democratic nominee is, I don't care if they got horns a tail and four fucking hoofs, and look like a goddamn donkey. As long as they can beat Trump, help win back the senate and have a sizable mandate or governing responsibly, change and renewal. With this election I believe an old America will die and a newer better version will arise that will be able to defend itself from foreign interference and social division. It's the only way a modern multicultural society can survive into the future, look what happened in America, when circumstances let it get away from ya. Ya been fucked for almost 3 years and yer nation has suffered greatly and your security has been compromised by treasonous leadership (a fact, not an insult). America has become in effect a vassal state for Russia and yer lucky Vlad doesn't wanna nuke our asses, cause it would fuck up his and his buddies investments in Trump properties and all the other places they laundered their money into. Uncle Sam is gonna collect a lot of cold hard cash and property after 2021 as they twist arms around the world to get it and give half back to the country the money cam from to shut them up and induce cooperation, or just let them keep it themselves. There are gonna be a lot of poor Russians and the oligarchs and Putin will be lighter by hundreds of billions of dollars.

That's what I figure might happen, so expect a fight

BTW They are gonna chop MDS's fucking head off, cause he chose the wrong side and is unstable, he won't last long and I figure he knows it. It's literally life and death for him, so expect trouble from there too.
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