Could you charge the president with a crime after he left office? RESOUNDING YES!

Like I said it's an eyeballs/ money equation and they tend to go for the bigger fish, I don't use social media (this excepted) and don't care for it's effects on people and society as it is currently structured. I'm also pretty ignorant about it and lack first hand experience.
I never made a Facebook account either, but I understood its analytics. I was in sales prior to the recession and saw how data was starting to be used to pinpoint customers and how much data was already available by 2008. I think it was around 2012 that Target brought it to the front with sending some girl (living at home) coupons for new baby stuff, and nobody knew she was pregnant, based on the items she started buying.

If you get a chance watch the Cambridge Analytica video:

There is no reason to worry about limiting themselves anymore, they want to spam every single person with their propaganda that the data shows they are most susceptible to.
I never made a Facebook account either, but I understood its analytics. I was in sales prior to the recession and saw how data was starting to be used to pinpoint customers and how much data was already available by 2008. I think it was around 2012 that Target brought it to the front with sending some girl (living at home) coupons for new baby stuff, and nobody knew she was pregnant, based on the items she started buying.

If you get a chance watch the Cambridge Analytica video:

There is no reason to worry about limiting themselves anymore, they want to spam every single person with their propaganda that the data shows they are most susceptible to.
We are living in an increasingly different world and these outfits use wedge issues in American society as their weapon of choice. The Russians were traditionally the masters of human espionage and disinformation, this is nothing new, only the tools and technology has changed, the kinds of people were up against are largely the same, only the ideology and economic system has changed. 2016 was America's 21st century Pearl Harbor, I wish more Americans would appreciate that fact, but a large proportion of the population is blinded by hatred, fear and political tribalism linked to race and ethnicity. I figure that will change with investigations, the restoration of responsible government, public inquiries, blue ribbon panels of experts, patriotism and the fullness of time.

Every responsible person apprehends the danger to the nation the threat this kind of cyber activity presents and everybody knows that racism is a national security threat of the first order and must be addressed by government policy within the confines of the constitution. If you have a just society that reflects the will of the people and shared the wealth a bit more, you don't have nearly the number of rocks yer enemies can throw at ya and divisions he can exploit.

The most effective propaganda is based on the truth or twisting it, Propaganda serves those who create it, news serves the consumer and is given in good faith from reliable sources using professional standards and practices. The quality of the information could not be more different, and the quality of one's decisions are are only as good as the information one has to work with, not to mention the fucking brains to tell shit from shoe polish...
Nothing shows up in your news feed by accident anymore. News stories, even breaking stories about urgent issues and impactful events, are indeed opportunities to sell something. Be it to guide a decision for a purchase or to deliver an idea to one's phyche, you are not the consumer on this giant market called the internet. You are the product.
Nothing shows up in your news feed by accident anymore. News stories, even breaking stories about urgent issues and impactful events, are indeed opportunities to sell something. Be it to guide a decision for a purchase or to deliver an idea to one's phyche, you are not the consumer on this giant market called the internet. You are the product.
Yep, my browser is full of drone and RC hobby shit in the ads from banggood, that's what I do and they know it, so does the Chinese government. I might change my settings in windows and the browser and make other changes as my views evolve over time, but I'm like most,it's a pain in the ass!
You're a fool and if I were a cruel man I would take you up on it and if you PMed me I'd publish it here, and you'd be fucked and might get some local visitors to help get your aggression's out. Or a milk shake over yer head. Getting an idea of what yer up against and how smart you are? This was an act of compassion too.

I was getting scared until you mentioned milkshake...

I'm so sorry mate, if you're involving the milkshake you're clearly a bigger man than me.

My apologies.
I was getting scared until you mentioned milkshake...

I'm so sorry mate, if you're involving the milkshake you're clearly a bigger man than me.

My apologies.
I though they banned yer arse fur being a fucking moron moody, another idiot to play with, welcome aboard, the bed, the chains, didos and guys are waiting fer yer arse hole sonny. I figure I should have yer ego chained to the bed with yer cheeks spread like a twink boy and have ya all set up fur action. It'll be funny as Hell for those who enjoy that kinda blood sport.

Tell ya what, PM me yer name and address and I might just buy me a ticket when my knee heals up and go to the UK and beat the shit out of a moron. It might be an interesting change...
@zeddd should met this guy and see what he thinks.
I though they banned yer arse fur being a fucking moron moody, another idiot to play with, welcome aboard, the bed, the chains, didos and guys are waiting fer yer arse hole sonny. I figure I should have yer ego chained to the bed with yer cheeks spread like a twink boy and have ya all set up fur action. It'll be funny as Hell for those who enjoy that kinda blood sport.

Tell ya what, PM me yer name and address and I might just buy me a ticket when my knee heals up and go to the UK and beat the shit out of a moron. It might be an interesting change...
@zeddd should met this guy and see what he thinks.
Why do you clowns keep talking about me being banned?
Little man talking shit behind a screen.

Remind yourself mate, I'm happy to give you my address, and you can talk this shit to my face.

But you won't.....because you're a little boy, who thinks he's a big man on the Internet.
Watch out, he has some really dangerous mike tyson quotes.
I've sent a pm to one of you clowns.

I'm happy to meet in person.
Watch out, he's got a posse.

Oops, I meant a pussy.
Can't send you a pm. Because you're a poof.
But an old and wise one who has trained in judo and came 2nd Nova Scotia (sport like wrestling) at 16 and learned bit of jujitsu from my teacher. I'm much older now and don't have any real skills, but I do know a trick or two and if we meet I'd have a flexible plan and if I got on the inside...

Yer not to swift and prone to violence, tell me do you have a heart or has bad life experience brought you to this place?
Did your ego draw you back because my insults?
Why are you here?
What are you looking for?

There are many kinds of courage, let's see if you have the variety that allows you to be honest, honorable and open.