It’s fun to watch you cry because you can’t deal with the fact that donald is a stupid shitty criminal
Apparently hes not too stupid, so far he's outsmarted you guys.
Nope, most of us see right through the trump shit ...
just you southern pill-billies don't understand it.
If I racked up 10 felony obstruction of justice charges and was named as an unindicted co conspirator in a federal felony for which my personal lawyer got sent to prison, who did I outsmart?Apparently hes not too stupid, so far he's outsmarted you guys.
If they didn’t find anything actionable then why did mueller say he can be charged with 10 felony obstruction of justice charges after he’s voted out?Right, right, right because he is such a stupid criminal that a 2 year special consul investigation didn't find a single actionable item. The entirety of the mainstream media looking for anything to bring him down hasn't found a single actionable item and both political parties are looking to bring him down and can't find a single actionable item. But you genius on a message board got him all figured out and know in your heart of hearts that there is some evidence out there..........somewhere............that will bring him down. Guess what, there isn't #Trump2020
To be honest, I'm just like, whatever man. Not to just rudely dismiss you but because I don't like personality cults. I'm not going to ever be die hard loyal to any politician. I think she's the right one for a certain job now. Outside of that, I don't invest my hopes and feelings.If she wants to be POTUS one day it might help to raise her profile, jailing Trump and the republicans would be very popular with many (she could make history), besides her senate seat in California is plenty safe. If she was offered the job by the new POTUS ya never know, right now she's at 2%. There would be a bit of poetic justice to a black woman sending Donald up the river.
I figure this part of the American political process is not the business of a Canadian, so I don't have a strong opinion on it. Trump is a traitor to NATO and a direct threat to everybody, that makes it my business too, when he betrays your country to the Russians, he betrays mine too.
yeah, repeating right wing propaganda with conviction must just wear a person out.Now if you'll excuse me I'm off to bed. Embarrassing all of you has been exhausting.
yeah, repeating right wing propaganda with conviction must just wear a person out.
Hrrrmmm bullshit......shit.......shit comes out of asses. You certainly have a predisposed obsession about things that come out of asses or things that go in asses or things up peoples asses. I mean literally every post you have made has a comment that has to do with your fascination with the anal cavity. I'm no shrink but I think that means something. This is a safe place where you can be anyone or anything you want to be, you don't have to lie to yourself anymore.
it would be nice if we could just feel sorry for them and their disability.The really unfortunate part of this is that sheeple like him are a part of our society. I mean, if half of all adults have a below average IQ, then it explains how trump and fox news can spew shit and they soak it up, find some of it plausible, and then believe it.
Some of them even post the same bullshit like it's fact, and they think it makes them sound smart.
You are the one coming in here saying all the propaganda. That is on you.Ah what fun would it be if you guys didn't have someone to argue against. Echo chambers are boring. Let me know when you guys get past the my guy vs your guy elementary school crap and we can talk about the real shit.
You do understand that is the reason for all the hardcore trolling that the Russians (And other countries) have done at the invitation of Trump right? It is to target us and divide us right down to the districts we vote in. Either you get it, you have been in an echo chamber, or you are in on their joke against our citizens.But in all seriousness we all found this message board because of a bond we have in common and that forms a community we all are a part of. Regardless of what political views we have we should all wish each other well and hope for the best for each other. There is enough negativity out there in the world deal with without adding to it by being nasty to each other.
You are still saying this even though you know it is a lie? Its stuff like this that makes it hard to buy you being a non-troll.See what? A frail old man who is clearly dealing with the onset of dementia trying to answer questions about a report he clearly didn't write. Answers that later had to be corrected because he mis spoke. Why don't you just leave that poor frail old gentleman alone. Haven't you liberals done enough to tarnish his reputation after a lifetime of service.
Wow I don’t get how the whole “you can’t indict a sitting president” got missed by all you trumptards. The minute he’s voted out, and I hope to god he is, they’ll slam him. What part of that doesn’t make sense?Right, right, right because he is such a stupid criminal that a 2 year special consul investigation didn't find a single actionable item. The entirety of the mainstream media looking for anything to bring him down hasn't found a single actionable item and both political parties are looking to bring him down and can't find a single actionable item. But you genius on a message board got him all figured out and know in your heart of hearts that there is some evidence out there..........somewhere............that will bring him down. Guess what, there isn't #Trump2020
You're an asshole, keep repeating it to yourself as a reminder, then others won't have to remind youAre you in the UK?
If so, let's meet up, I'll bet you can't call me a cuck with no fucking teeth.
Or keep talking shit, you child. I couldn't care less. Keyboard warrior.
Your wife has sex with other men to humiliate youAre you in the UK?
If so, let's meet up, I'll bet you can't call me a cuck with no fucking teeth.
Or keep talking shit, you child. I couldn't care less. Keyboard warrior.
There's a guy on here called @zedd I think he's in the UK and might like to spar with you, he might enjoy it too.Are you in the UK?
If so, let's meet up, I'll bet you can't call me a cuck with no fucking teeth.
Or keep talking shit, you child. I couldn't care less. Keyboard warrior.
Little man talking shit behind a screen.You're an asshole, keep repeating it to yourself as a reminder, then others won't have to remind you