Could you charge the president with a crime after he left office? RESOUNDING YES!

Why can't you just let a man have his dreams.


You guys always seem to resort to posting GIF files when words run out. You should be singing Donald's praises and defending his policies, assuming you can figure out what they are. There is a clear pattern among a subset of trolls. Come on get into the details of how Donald is making America great, and while yer at it explain why he's got his nose shoved so far up Putin's arse that he'll never see the light of day again, I mean the guy can taste Vlad's lunch...
You guys always seem to resort to posting GIF files when words run out. You should be singing Donald's praises and defending his policies, assuming you can figure out what they are. There is a clear pattern among a subset of trolls. Come on get into the details of how Donald is making America great, and while yer at it explain why he's got his nose shoved so far up Putin's arse that he'll never see the light of day again, I mean the guy can taste Vlad's lunch...

Why are you so homophobic? in this day and age you should be more accepting.

Just making sure people can see this.

See what? A frail old man who is clearly dealing with the onset of dementia trying to answer questions about a report he clearly didn't write. Answers that later had to be corrected because he mis spoke. Why don't you just leave that poor frail old gentleman alone. Haven't you liberals done enough to tarnish his reputation after a lifetime of service.
See what?
A career cop and Vietnam veteran who reached the highest levels of law enforcement and with an impeccable record that puts him beyond the reproach of pretty much anyone in the government says that Trump is facing felony obstruction of justice charges.

You're terrified.
See what? A frail old man who is clearly dealing with the onset of dementia trying to answer questions about a report he clearly didn't write. Answers that later had to be corrected because he mis spoke. Why don't you just leave that poor frail old gentleman alone. Haven't you liberals done enough to tarnish his reputation after a lifetime of service.
It’s fun to watch you cry because you can’t deal with the fact that donald is a stupid shitty criminal
Does everyone remember when conald stayed that he “never settles” right after he settled multiple rape lawsuits and right before he settled a $25 million dollar fraud lawsuit?

I bet diaper boy fucking cried
Remember what I said about bullshit?

Hrrrmmm bullshit......shit.......shit comes out of asses. You certainly have a predisposed obsession about things that come out of asses or things that go in asses or things up peoples asses. I mean literally every post you have made has a comment that has to do with your fascination with the anal cavity. I'm no shrink but I think that means something. This is a safe place where you can be anyone or anything you want to be, you don't have to lie to yourself anymore.
A lot like him are gonna have shit on their faces when Donald goes to prison or runs to Russia.

The phrase is "egg on your face" but you said shit on their face which means you are thinking about eating ass again. See what I mean about your obsession? Search your feelings and stop living the lie.