Could you charge the president with a crime after he left office? RESOUNDING YES!

At this rate tRUmp will be a drooling vegetable from dementia before he is brought to trial, all the signs are there and accelerating.
Then let him drool in a padded cell, the stress is only gonna accelerate the process of decline.

Donald is already in a daily struggle for survival and is being constantly humiliated in the media, compared to his former life and the fact that he's an extreme narcissist, it must be a living Hell. Every day Donald is shown to be a fool, unfit, incompetent, a criminal and a traitor who was a phony reality show star and con man, every day he is exposed for what he really is, a loser. He didn't even want to win the election, but lost by unexpectedly winning it anyway (with Putin's help), a feat worthy of fiction. That failed business and self promotion scheme backfired when he became POTUS and it destroyed his life and swept aside the curtain to revel the pathetic little fool cowering behind it. Donald ain't a happy camper, he knows he's going to prison and has never worked so hard in his entire life, even though he does almost nothing to govern, he's just working to keep his head above water and obstruct investigations and justice.

Bill Barr has been the only bright spot in Donald's life, he found his Roy Cohn with Billy boy, but it won't help him in the end. If he and the republicans lose the house and senate the GOP politicians will turn on him like a pack of dogs during the lame duck session, once they have nothing to lose and figure they can pile on. If Moscow Mitch loses his seat (ya never know these days) he'll take Donald with him out the door and drop him off at the jailhouse.
Better yet, she could stay in the senate.
If she wants to be POTUS one day it might help to raise her profile, jailing Trump and the republicans would be very popular with many (she could make history), besides her senate seat in California is plenty safe. If she was offered the job by the new POTUS ya never know, right now she's at 2%. There would be a bit of poetic justice to a black woman sending Donald up the river.

I figure this part of the American political process is not the business of a Canadian, so I don't have a strong opinion on it. Trump is a traitor to NATO and a direct threat to everybody, that makes it my business too, when he betrays your country to the Russians, he betrays mine too.
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If she wants to be POTUS one day it might help to raise her profile, jailing Trump and the republicans would be very popular with many (she could make history), besides her senate seat in California is plenty safe. If she was offered the job by the new POTUS ya never know, right now she's at 2%. There would be a bit of poetic justice to a black woman sending Donald up the river.

I figure this part of the American political process is not the business of a Canadian, so I don't have a strong opinion on it. Trump is a traitor to NATO and a direct threat to everybody, that makes it my business too, when he betrays your country to the Russians, he betrays mine too.
She's likely doing much better than 2% if a the primary was now. The media is really dragging her around and it's unfair. Anyway, her bill to de-schedule was the best thing written in a long time. Her prosecutory policy reforms in California were excellent and she has important work to do in the senate. I would much rather see her as a senator than AG. Her hands were tied from doing more as DA of California because she was beholden to the governor. It just wasn't her job. As VP she'd still be in the senate, that would be fantastic. I want her to legislate or lead, not just prosecute. Yes, she's a fantastic prosecutor and it informs her talent as a lawmaker.
She's likely doing much better than 2% if a the primary was now. The media is really dragging her around and it's unfair. Anyway, her bill to de-schedule was the best thing written in a long time. Her prosecutory policy reforms in California were excellent and she has important work to do in the senate. I would much rather see her as a senator than AG. Her hands were tied from doing more as DA of California because she was beholden to the governor. It just wasn't her job. As VP she'd still be in the senate, that would be fantastic. I want her to legislate or lead, not just prosecute. Yes, she's a fantastic prosecutor and it informs her talent as a lawmaker.
Which media are you talking about, I have not really seen anything bad about her other than the early trolling stuff online.
Calling people names after you get embarrassed in an argument isn't "shitting" on anyone. I hate to be the bearer of bad news.
Didn't call you names in that post, just said it was fun trying to educate you, helps with the writing skills and allows this gentle old liberal to vent some frustration. Thanks for that.
Separation from reality is a sign of mental health issues. You should seek help.
I'm not the one who is willingly blind to Trump's unfitness, corruption, psychopathy and treason. My perspective is not so warped by fear and hatred that I forget I have a heart and a brain and should be able to think these things through. I don't buy into every fruitcake conspiracy theory that comes out of Trump's asshole like you, You've made yourself a sucker for Trump and are wasting your time carrying his water around here, you'll drown, yer already choking and sputtering in a blue sea.
IOW calling the two most recent trump chump whipping boys! :lol:

Aren't most of the people who come to this site American white males? Trump's core demographic. Seems pretty blue around here, sure there are Trumpers and trolls, but they are slapped down pretty quick. I guess pot users are still overwhelmingly left wing and liberal, or perhaps more liberal than left..
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Didn't call you names in that post, just said it was fun trying to educate you, helps with the writing skills and allows this gentle old liberal to vent some frustration. Thanks for that.

I love a good debate so its all in good fun as far as I'm concerned. People can have their issues they are passionate about and thats a good thing, but should never take politics too seriously. Its a tool that is used to divide the population while BOTH parties rob us blind. The real fight isn't Rep vs Dem its the elite ruling class vs the serfs.
I love a good debate so its all in good fun as far as I'm concerned. People can have their issues they are passionate about and thats a good thing, but should never take politics too seriously. Its a tool that is used to divide the population while BOTH parties rob us blind. The real fight isn't Rep vs Dem its the elite ruling class vs the serfs.
Number one, you don’t debate. You lie

Number two, good job on supporting an elderly guy who lives in a golden tower to really stick it to those elites!

Number one, you don’t debate. You lie

Number two, good job on supporting an elderly guy who lives in a golden tower to really stick it to those elites!


And you should really learn to relax, its an internet message board dude get some perspective.