Smuggling seeds

I’m leaving Germany tomorrow and want to know if anyone has had success in bringing seeds home through international flight/ customs. Really need to know..
Buy some peanut butter slap them in there and boom. Thats what i do to smuggle stuff from Germany.
Back in my Navy days, Sister would send smoke in PNB. What she did was chill it in the fridge. Then cut a circle out, put the bag in, cut off some of the cylinder of PNB and plug the hole with it. Put in sun to melt it back together.
Mail them to yourself. Corrugated plastic signs make great shipping containers. Hard to tell from the picture, but just stop up one side with cotton from q-tips and tape it up. Slide seeds in from other side and add cotton to keep them from rattling. If you are doing lots of strains, put your names on before you start putting seeds in. And when taking them out, get in a big open area. Sometimes you have to poke them out with q-tips, and they have been known to fly.

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Inside the foam inserts of some Bose headphones, over the ear type, and in your carry on. Or inside of a bean bag neck rest., lay them evenly on the inside of a hatband. ...or stack em in your pee hole ( this is a more advanced move, and I do not recommend this ) LOL!
Buy a snack pack of mixed nuts and dried fruit. Wrap the beans in cellophane and toss into pack. Keep package open. Casually eat from it. And just act normal.
Good luck!
Put them in a scrunchie and tie your wifes hair up with it. Go to the toilet just before your wife is getting looked over. If you don't have a wife, are there any single women here looking for a travel companion?

You guys have it easy. I'm in Australia and if I want to smuggle FRUIT into the country, I have to spend 1000s of $$$ trying to disguise it as a convincing gun/drugs package.