$300 Beaker Bong.. is it worth it?

holy crap, i never heard of dhgate before. just did a search for glass beaker bongs and got like 14000 items. have you ordered from them? are they shipped well packaged so they dont' break from China?
Yeah i've ordered a few items from there. some sellers are better than others. packaging is generally been pretty good, recieved some smooshed boxes but never broken glass.
did you get it yet? how many weeks did it take? are you enjoying it?

OP, now that the dust has settled, hows that 300 dollar bong working out for you?
fantastically, rips like a absolute champ. no regret, at all. gonna get another piece from there sometime soon, a nice rig. won't be spending over $150 since i don't dab all that often.
Anyone remember the old PHX Trinity bongs? Back in the day they were state of the art, now their multiple percolator design is copied by everyone and they are long extinct.

I really miss mine.

I'm 51, have two kids and don't buy anything frivolous.


Just catching up here and smokes, I've got to stop again and head back out for another. Seeing as how this marathon called kids can and often does extend itself automatically by 2- and 3-years, there are some "parental support" things that are NOT frivolous. Just sayin, parents night out stopped being enough a long time ago.

ROOM SERVICE, now you're talking. Just for the night? Yes!
... OP, now that the dust has settled, hows that 300 dollar bong working out for you?

Great question @reallybigjesusfreak -- I love bong hits especially from a clean bong and I find the beaker bong with ice pinch doesn't clean like my tube does. I can run my bottle brush down the tube and be good-to-go in seconds.

fantastically, rips like a absolute champ....

For cleaning the beaker bong with that ice pinch I find myself using alcohol and salt, drop of soap, maybe some rice. Messy. I hear some say they can clean with flexible brushes through the pinch but I haven't seen anyone do it.

Here are my two:

What are the differences between a beaker and a flask?
A Beaker has a wide open Top! With a " beak".
A Flask has a Narrow Neck and Wide Body!
" The Only Beak on A Beaker Bong, is Your Nose!"-RBGene

First they take our words, then they change their meaning.
Hey do you guys remember that time a guy asked for an opinion but then didn't like it and got butthurt........but seriously scientific glass was cool when roor did it 20 years ago now every gas station has a shelf full.....where did all the truly unique shit go ?
Love how the op acts like they're asking a question when theyre just bragging about how much they're willing to spend on a piece...
so much hate..Got to love RIU! haha
I use a $100 glass piece. Each to their own.

"if it makes u happy, it carnt be that bad"

What do you all think about the ice pinch? Are you taking ice hits all the time? I really don't. I do have a bong with the triangular pinch though like the OPs does. I don't use it very often because I don't like cleaning it. For my everyday
go-to bong I want something I can run a bottle brush down and bingo, clean to go. I almost never take ice hits.
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What do you all think about the ice pinch? Are you taking ice hits all the time? I really don't. I do have a bong with the triangular pinch though like the OPs does. I don't use it very often because I don't like cleaning it. For my everyday
go-to bong I want something I can run a bottle brush down and bingo, clean to go. I almost never take ice hits.
i don't like using ice personally because i hate taking out the extra amount of water you get from the melted ice after the fact, so it's just kinda there. i don't use it myself.