2019 Mushie Grow Journal

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Well-Known Member
I am thinking about starting another go at it.

Going to go PF tek. Only 6-12 half pint jars.
Need to pick up some BR/BRF and some VERM.

Does anyone have any very reliable spore sources? I need a deep purple, violet syringe please.


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So I'm going to be making a substrate mixture later and filling the jars.

I still am looking for a decent syringe like I posted in the image above.
Does anyone have any spore leads?
Thesporedepot is where I got mine a few years ago. They weren't nearly as filled looking as the ones you posted but they worked great, good luck :)!
Thesporedepot is where I got mine a few years ago. They weren't nearly as filled looking as the ones you posted but they worked great, good luck :)!
I will check Them out. Thanks.

I'm sick of looking all over the net for a syringe with actual spores in Them now a days.
The last ones I picked up had no spores and got Them from somewhere on here.. Probably microsupply.... They sucked.

Thanks again, Mate.

Made up a substrate mixture for 6 jars last night. Sterilized in a pressure cooker for 3 hours.

Got the old glove box out and knocked up 6 jars.

I went through Over Night and got 5 syringes. Got Them this morning around noon.
Huautla, B+, Costa Ricans, Cambodians, and Texans.


Used up a whole syringe on 6 jars. THEY ARE READY TO GO!!!! :)

Today is Day 1. I will keep updates.
Gotta love express overnight.
Thanks for tuning in. ;D

Feeling the hankering to knock some more jars up but not sure...
Got them all warm tight, snug together in a bin. Up in a closest.
Constant 75-78 degrees F.

He is pretending that he inoculated jars with spores he got in 12-18 hours impressive.

Unfortunately, the picture he stole and posted is of someone doing a live culture (mushroom clone) onto agar plates. You can clearly see the section of mushroom stem being cut with a scalpel for the process.
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