Ontario Cannabis Lottery Disqualifications On The Rise


Well-Known Member

here ya go Miss

Ontario’s second round cannabis retail lottery was held on August 20. The 42 winners won the opportunity to apply for a licence to operate a cannabis retail store in Ontario.

While the first lottery for 25 licences held in January was characterized by a gold rush mentality with 17,300 participants, the second round lottery participants faced prequalification requirements that created challenges of their own. For example, more than a week before the lottery window opened on August 7, the few banks that had been willing to provide the required comfort letters (essentially confirming that applicants had $300,000 available) stopped doing so. The banks, including the go-to Ontario cannabis credit union, started turning customers away after being inundated with requests. This prevented some otherwise qualified individuals and organizations from being able to participate in the lottery. Some participants also faced landlords who exploited the requirement that applicants secure a store premises prior to entering the lottery.

This was followed by the discovery that certain retail brands had coordinated dozens or more lottery participants to submit applications for the same store premises – though multiple lottery participants using the same location was not, by itself, a breach of the lottery rules.

Now, at the time of writing, 18 of the 42 second round lottery winners have been disqualified from the application process by the AGCO and one winner has withdrawn. Of the 18, 12 were disqualified for failing to submit all required application documents within the prescribed period after the lottery. In a surely fatal blow to the already much-maligned Ontario cannabis lottery process, 11 of the 12 have now initiated legal action against the AGCO, claiming that the AGCO failed to follow its own rules by delivering late notice of the lottery win. Until the matter can be determined, the Ontario court has ordered a two-week stay of the entire lottery process, preventing the AGCO from advancing the application process for any of the lottery winners.

The other six of 18 disqualified applicants were eliminated for breach of the lottery rule that dictated the pre-qualification requirements for entering the lottery in the first place. Though we don’t know the specific causes, the fact that these winners are being disqualified only after the lottery for reasons relating to pre-qualification requirements is telling.

At this point, it’s unlikely the Ontario government will have the stomach for a third lottery, but let’s hope the Ontario Cannabis Retail Corporation and federal cannabis producers get their cannabis supply chain act together soon so Ontario consumers and would-be cannabis retail participants alike can avoid any risk of having to suffer through another lottery.

Presuming there is no further lottery, and absent a further amendment to the regulations under Cannabis Licence Act (Ontario), the Ontario cannabis retail market will open to all on July 3, 2020.
Its funny that Alberta and Nova Scotia was first up and running with cannabis shops.

In BC its been slow but the applications are now being approved.

The reality its there is still not enough legal cannabis to go around, and if not for the black market there would still be shortages in the stores. Hence why BC still has the largest black market for cannabis in Canada.

There is MORE THAN ENOUGH SHWAGS for sale now from LP;s :idea::bigjoint:(::lol:
They just cant get rid of it///
The stores they have now lose millions

do Ya think more will help (::idea::hump:? LMAOROTFF BRING THEM ON!!! SO we can SHOW THE FUCKS WHO"S WHO in the BUSINESS of CANNABIS :)
who are you getting yer info from ??(:

There is MORE THAN ENOUGH SHWAGS for sale now from LP;s :idea::bigjoint:(::lol:
They just cant get rid of it///
The stores they have now lose millions

do Ya think more will help (::idea::hump:? LMAOROTFF BRING THEM ON!!! SO we can SHOW THE FUCKS WHO"S WHO in the BUSINESS of CANNABIS :)
who are you getting yer info from ??(:

Sure buddy that is why moonshine is still preferred over store bought booze.

History repeats.

BTW have your tried that Swag? I've yet to come across any LP weed that is not better then anything I bought in the 80ies off the street.
Sure buddy that is why moonshine is still preferred over store bought booze.

History repeats.

BTW have your tried that Swag? I've yet to come across any LP weed that is not better then anything I bought in the 80ies off the street.
Then you smoke pesticides that don't wash of but yer ok with that and ..you should have learned in the 80's ;) How to grow Better than COMMERCIAL :)
Food crop pesticides.....ones HC thinks are OK because they have no clue what gets done with POT .................EH :idea:
There's still time

Booze and or Butts............... AINT the same dealeo Buuuudd! :lol:

Just shakin my head here...:roll:
anything we or anyone I ever knew that grew dope DID IT RIGHT

bunch of cannabis wanna bes
Sure buddy that is why moonshine is still preferred over store bought booze.

History repeats.

BTW have your tried that Swag? I've yet to come across any LP weed that is not better then anything I bought in the 80ies off the street.
A rather poor comparison. The 80's went from columbian to insane good home produced. I know I was doing it.
Lp weed is suck up jailer hypocrite knee dropper I like it in my ass weed.
I wouldn't buy from those who'd like to jail me....now or before. They are NOW paying for that mistake.
Don't think it will get better for them.
BOYCOTTING is WORKING ..GREAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And we laughed and laughed and laughed.
The samples I have tried from other med patients were super harsh and chemmie tasting...yes it still gave you a buzz...
but yuck
Pind grabbed some..I just friggin laughed at him. I said.....so..how much did that cost you?:lol:
he said well it was only the one time...
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Angry at the man Hippy? Laughing my ass off smoking a joint.

Nostalgia is a real thing their are those who will claim cannabis was more potent in the 60s and 70s. Hate the man if you like but the people running the local legal grow here in BC have been growing since the 1970s. Claiming all legal cannabis is crap is like claiming all politicians are the same, that the NDP or |Liberals or Conservatives are just as evil as the Nazis were.

You think legal cannabis and soon legal hash is bad? Take a look at whats in illegal cannabis and hash.


A team of researchers with Complutense University just published the first scientific study of the cannabis resin, i.e. hash, sold illegally on the streets of Madrid, Spain. And their findings suggest that street hash poses a major public health risk, both for the people handling it and those smoking it. According to the report, most, as in 88.3 percent of the 90 hash samples researchers obtained, were not suitable for human consumption due to the presence of feces and other contaminants.
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LP and the gov need to pay for their sins.......simple as that. You get what you gave.

OMG that is the same type of reasoning behind Narcs all drug users have to pay for their sins.

Welcome to the machine where the everlasting cycle revenge breeds hate and anger into you. The best you can do is forgive then go out a try some legal weed. FYI if legal weed sucks then I guess your plants that are now legal to grow will suck too right? What a joke.

LOL you guys remind me of my buddy who brews his own beer. He loves the stuff and won't drink any commercial beer! Only thing is no one else even likes his beer even if he follows Bavarian law and commercial brews don't.

BTW we all know how criminals who profit from illegal cannabis and can't be held accountable for the crap in their weed care more about its quality then companies that are quality controlled and have recalls if they fuck it up. Everyone knows criminals are far more law abiding and caring then those who don't break the law. Wow what have you guys been drinking eh?
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Angry at the man Hippy? Laughing my ass off smoking a joint.

Nostalgia is a real thing their are those who will claim cannabis was more potent in the 60s and 70s. Hate the man if you like but the people running the local legal grow here in BC have been growing since the 1970s. Claiming all legal cannabis is crap is like claiming all politicians are the same, that the NDP or |Liberals or Conservatives are just as evil as the Nazis were.

You think legal cannabis and soon legal hash is bad? Take a look at whats in illegal cannabis and hash.


A team of researchers with Complutense University just published the first scientific study of the cannabis resin, i.e. hash, sold illegally on the streets of Madrid, Spain. And their findings suggest that street hash poses a major public health risk, both for the people handling it and those smoking it. According to the report, most, as in 88.3 percent of the 90 hash samples researchers obtained, were not suitable for human consumption due to the presence of feces and other contaminants.
So how do findings from a study conducted in Spain apply to hash across the world here in Canada? As it stands the current LPs producing cannabis have yet to turn a profit let alone cannabis worthy of the prices they ask . If i was to pay a fair price for the current legal cannabis it would be free and even then I wouldn't touch it .I got a bunch for my birthday a few months ago, I opened it all and promptly put it on the shelf. Absolute garbage, lol. ZERO smell, ZERO trichs, and dryer than a popcorn farts fart. Hell i threw a Boveda pack in one of the containers and its STILL as dry as the day I got it, and that was back in early July.
BTW we all know how criminals who profit from illegal cannabis and can't be held accountable for the crap in their weed care more about its quality then companies that are quality controlled and have recalls if they fuck it up.
LOL,Except this has been shown to not be the case given the recalls, illegal pesticide use, and operating before being licensed. Oh and don't forget the back door selling. All this DESPITE having all the advantages over the BM. Have a vested interest? Because your claims don't align with the reality of the failed legal market.
So how do findings from a study conducted in Spain apply to hash across the world here in Canada? As it stands the current LPs producing cannabis have yet to turn a profit let alone cannabis worthy of the prices they ask . If i was to pay a fair price for the current legal cannabis it would be free and even then I wouldn't touch it .I got a bunch for my birthday a few months ago, I opened it all and promptly put it on the shelf. Absolute garbage, lol. ZERO smell, ZERO trichs, and dryer than a popcorn farts fart. Hell i threw a Boveda pack in one of the containers and its STILL as dry as the day I got it, and that was back in early July.
The moron is talking out his ass..Just another wanna be who THNKS they know a thing or two

PPPPHHHHTTTT Next ..:eyesmoke:

Watch them ALL LOSE .....More stores will only see more losses.. he can't help that action ;)

ya wanna talk Craft now but nut?!?! Start LEARNING FIRST! :)
Growing since the 70's :lol: Classic Shit right there

Like his name says

Rider 101 Learning ! on the heals of others ...:lol:
Have a vested interest?
Works for LP


that seems quite obvious considering...
but its not the kinda job you want to tell people on a med cannabis forum...that you do...well at least this one...lol
if you have done any reading at all on the subject...
Someone is having a hard time with criticism ....of what they produce.
:lol: oh It's OK eh There is Nothing the person can say to get his way..
can come up with every possible scenario he wants but the truth is
ITS OUR INDUSTRY:weed:(::idea::hump:
YA CANT TOUCH THE PEOPLES PLANT! :weed:(::idea::finger:
SEE :)
LOL the picture you posted says it all .LPs are STILL hiring people who don't have a fucking clue. The reason you saw no difference between LEd and HID is because you couldn't grow properly under either. It's not the light it's your obvious lack of skill or talent. :bigjoint: There are people pulling way more than 0.5-1gram/watt on HID and LED. Get good scrub
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OMG that is the same type of reasoning behind Narcs all drug users have to pay for their sins.

Welcome to the machine where the everlasting cycle revenge breeds hate and anger into you. The best you can do is forgive then go out a try some legal weed. FYI if legal weed sucks then I guess your plants that are now legal to grow will suck too right? What a joke.

LOL you guys remind me of my buddy who brews his own beer. He loves the stuff and won't drink any commercial beer! Only thing is no one else even likes his beer even if he follows Bavarian law and commercial brews don't.

BTW we all know how criminals who profit from illegal cannabis and can't be held accountable for the crap in their weed care more about its quality then companies that are quality controlled and have recalls if they fuck it up. Everyone knows criminals are far more law abiding and caring then those who don't break the law. Wow what have you guys been drinking eh?
Help yourself to all the LP weed they can fleeze you for chicken little.
And your stories of contaminated weed aren't even on par with the LP recalls.
Once you mature some you don't listen to dumb shit like you do that same way you do.
If your comfortable on your knee's so have it. And we laughed and laughed and laughed. You go ahead and pay my way....hahahahahahaha