Rudy is Gonna Go to Jail


Well-Known Member

Stop your messing around
Better think of your future
Time you straighten right out
Creating problems in town

Stop your fooling around
Time you straighten right out
Better think of your future
Else you'll wind up in jail

So it looks like Rudy Giuliani has turned into a mob-style bag man for Trump. Hilarious.

Sorry to drop this turd at the top of yer thread baldrick, it relevant for context, professional assessment of Donald, Id say Hare PCR - 3 score of 30+ 32 is max

Watching the news Ari Melber on MSNBC "Fake news" the Ukrainian incident

My opinion

It sure looks like ole Rudy has cognitive problems that might be exacerbated by alcohol. His brains are apparently running out of his ears, figger he'll die in prison or before from stress. Rudy never had much of a moral compass and was driven by greed, lust and plain old fashioned stupidity!

Is it any wonder these two clowns are in shit?

Donald's cognitive issues are easy to see, his lack of social and emotional skills are obvious to any body with eyes, he is impulsive, has no morals or ethics, uses deceitful manipulative behavior, is a fabulist and a compulsive liar, whose volume of lies increases with his stress level. Donald has neurolinguistic difficulties, he has no empathy and therefore no compassion and has no conscience and therefore no internal brakes on his emotional control, he rages in private and inside is a most unhappy sociopath. Nothing is sacred to such a man and others are mere objects for their selfish desires, the constitution is as meaningless to him as the law or the rights of others. A man with out a friend in the world, alone in the wilderness, scarred and scared, he is terrified about the future. He knows that the tribe is hunting him down and will kill him for antisocial acts. He is a criminal, an abuser, a rapist, con artist, thief, racist, a traitor......
Get the idea.

What do you think this guy is gonna do in court?

Who the fuck would vote for someone like that?

Would a patriot vote for such a creature?

Once more
Would a patriot vote for such a creature?

Feel free to copy and post this any where ya like on the internet, no copy right on that, no surprise either for those with hearts and brains and aren't stupid enough to use them.

Stop your messing around
Better think of your future
Time you straighten right out
Creating problems in town

Stop your fooling around
Time you straighten right out
Better think of your future
Else you'll wind up in jail

So it looks like Rudy Giuliani has turned into a mob-style bag man for Trump. Hilarious.

Sorry for being intense baldrick I would like to void unpleasantness and will warn gently at first.
I'd also like help in looking out for him and spread the word sympatheticly about his suffering.
Have others protect him and tell him to stay off line. This place is very bad for him Baldrick

Do I have to care for an American when his fellow citizens turn there backs?
So it looks like Rudy Giuliani has turned into a mob-style bag man for Trump. Hilarious.

Well, what he did was against international law. He acted as a foreign agent on an illegal mission. Here, he'd get 7 years in prison for that. In Ukraine, they still have people shot for espionage for that sort of thing.

We also now know that Trump has been hiding his personal shit on the national security intelligence server to keep anybody from looking at it. That too is illegal.

This is making what Nixon did look like a Sunday afternoon church social.
I got my Masters in Psychology from Google too. What year did you graduate?
I took a harder road and my knowledge is based on long years as a practitioner an teacher, very little of what I know comes from books. That not how you develop the level of emotional and social skills demonstrated here. The best teacher put themselves before their students or those who seek counsel and comfort. It's what I do best, help the suffering. I've trained MBSR instructors too and trained with psychologists and shrinks, we talked during training etc..

Go to my profile and go through my posts for the last 3 days very carefully
sure, i have a few minutes before i go camping.

You are trying too hard and it's not working very well. Fin.
I offered a challenge and you have insulted not just my honor but that of my master by your egotism and stupidity. Announce your intentions and I will show mercy. Challenge me to honorable combat. Have the courage of your convictions, or apologize now, I would, but I've got guts.

Answer my challenge or be called a coward by an honorable man
I got my Masters in Psychology from Google too. What year did you graduate?
Rail road worker union guy, just some college. Back then you didn't get a piece of paper for what i did, experience and training are my masters. I run an evidence based practice, a Buddhist Geek these days with a tribal values system integrated into myself.