Regardless of statistics, In your opinion....


100% Authentic A$$Hole
do you think marijuana is addictive? or do you believe you are addicted...

I believe I am and have no problem with that:joint:


New Member
the only problems are in your head. if you think you are addicted, then you couldn't possibly "have no problem with it." your best bet is to realize nothing can get any better than it already is and stop second guessing yourself. then you won't want to ask these questions.


New Member
What is true addiction? Ask yourself this question: If you knew that in ten days, there would be no mj left in the world, what would you do? Here's how to guage your "addiction:" Would you just check your current stash and say, "no problem, when this is gone, I'll just go straight?" Would you stock up on a couple of ounces and wean yourself off? Would you hit up every source you have and fill your garage to the rafters with the fine 'herb? Personally, I'd stock up a pound or two ... and when that ran out, I'd say "Oh Well."

I do believe that pot is not physically addictive. There are no cases of the "jones" when you quit .... like there is when you quit cigarettes, right? But, mj can become a mental crutch for some people who just cannot deal with reality. There are folks who stay stoned 24/7 ... and for those folks, I'd say that have an addiction problem with mj.




Well-Known Member
I don't think it is addictive for 99% of smokers but for that 1%, watch out!

That 1% is what gives us 99% a bad name! Damn it! I hate minorities!

I'm just playin', I love everybody.


100% Authentic A$$Hole
Ok here's the deal. I couldn't ask for anything more in my life.I have a beautiful wife and 2 children but if i were to tell you that Im not irritated,cranky,painful, and what not when I don't have my weed I would be lying. Im not say this addiction has to be a bad thing but I do (to an extent) believe I am. And by extent I mean not physically but mentally to say that Im unhapppy in my life because I smoke weed all the time is kinda harsh dont ya think? Connesiur(or however it's spelled YES) but unhappy..not a chance. Nor am I in denial about anything.:hump: :peace: :joint:


Well-Known Member
Here's the thing. I feel the same way about soda pop, pizza, ice cream, the sun...

If you really feel as though you are an addict you need to get it under control ASAP. This may mean quitting all together. I have a very important question for you that you may not want to hear but you need to.

What is more important to you, your wife and two children or the weed? Which can you live with? Which can you not live without?

Let me know...


Well-Known Member
What is true addiction? Ask yourself this question: If you knew that in ten days, there would be no marijuana left in the world, what would you do? Here's how to guage your "addiction:" Would you just check your current stash and say, "no problem, when this is gone, I'll just go straight?" Would you stock up on a couple of ounces and wean yourself off? Would you hit up every source you have and fill your garage to the rafters with the fine 'herb? Personally, I'd stock up a pound or two ... and when that ran out, I'd say "Oh Well."

I do believe that pot is not physically addictive. There are no cases of the "jones" when you quit .... like there is when you quit cigarettes, right? But, marijuana can become a mental crutch for some people who just cannot deal with reality. There are folks who stay stoned 24/7 ... and for those folks, I'd say that have an addiction problem with marijuana.

^^^^^^me bad last part fits well the 24/7 anyways


100% Authentic A$$Hole
It all just depends on a persons defenition of addiction. Maybe I am not addicted to someone else defenition but my definition I believe I am. I don't believe because I feel im addicted to marijuana I have a problem. Honestly I just think more people are so use to what we have grown to understand as marijuana not being a addictive substance but I believe it has to do with the person not what people hear and read in books. Answer this question please....would you much rather eat a slice of pizza or drink a soda or smoke a bowl? I mean I know I would definatly smoke a bowl so to compare food and such to marijuana is kinda not the same however for you it may be and I can dig that...This thread wasn't intended to say "I have a problem" it was more the less just to say to everyone that I love smokin budz and yeah I smoke everyday and I will when I wake up tomorrow god giving ;)....perhaps it is more of a lifesytyle then an addiction. Aight well Im gonna toke the bong now.:hump: Nah better yet I would rather a vanilla ice cream cone ;)
(not intended to be negative)


100% Authentic A$$Hole
ya know its like this site for instance.....I can almost guarantee you thier are some people who are addicted to


Well-Known Member
The old majrijuana is not addictive compared to the shit I've been addicted too :blsmoke: . I'm comparing it to prescription meds I've been on in the past couple of years for cronic pain from injury. Such as valium so I could sleep, man that shit was one month of pure hell to come off of cold turkey not to mention the side effects of codine and valtarin both of which I'm not to take now because they agrivate another condition.

I have a low tolerence to marijuana but it does the job for me with out all those nasty side effects and I enjoy the stone most times - depends which strain I think.:joint:



Well-Known Member
I get addicted to bongs but when im only smoking doobies i can be out of weed without a problem until i run into some . But i do get irritable for the first couple days


Well-Known Member
if you smoke everyday its hard not to say theres some kind of addiction there. but like one dude said, it is a lifestyle, i mean who would you rather hangout with, people who smoke or those that dont?


Active Member
I have to give up smoking for a week or so and flush myself out as much as possible since im getting a job. I have no problem with this. I am a little more worrysome and more easily frustrated but its not a problem. id say im not addicted, by the looks of it. And I do (or i did) smoke a lot. Every morning and night.