Large field near me is losing 50 plants a night.
They stole the cameras they setup, they walked around multiple fences, dirt piles, etc.
They've moved to humans on duty, but even then it's just too big of an area and they're losing.
My neighbour down the road, had his new internet satellite stollen right off his driveway, almost like they knew he had wifi security cams lol. They only found like 3 plants, thats why if ur a home-gamer just doing it for smoke your better off having diversified plots in order to keep people from finding everything.. One other rhing ive learned is the stuff we use to protect/guard from deer and rodents is the same shit that highlights an otherwise camouflage plant jn most scenarios, that and exposed turned/potting soil in a feild lol.
Just thought I would check in.. and use this thread to see if anyone else is doing their own night time security...
its a sad world but ultimately you have to look after your own.
The next few weeks will be tiring ones...
I have 3 friends all who were robbed already:(
Also the 1 thing that sneak thieve's and rippers can't hide in the commission of their crimes...
is their footprints in the dew.....with a flash light it stands out like a black line on white paper..
at my place ..they try and attack from a farm behind me and of course climb a farm fence and drop into my place.
but from there the dew, I can see exactly everywhere they walk and sneak,stop and peek they advance on the inner fence.
once close to the inner fence, they are already in camera.... day or night...clear as a bell ...say cheese ...
either a security light or my flashlight will have them already running back to the farm fence and over...disappearing in the bush on the farm property....
I usually can hear them for quite some time ...snapping twigs and fallen branches as they fight their way thru the bush in the pitch black.