Calcium Deficiency?


Active Member
does this look like calcium def? day 34 flower in living soil(Stepwell Supersoil). Grown in autopots, well water PH 7, top dressed with organic dry amendments. (gaiagreen). Any suggestions on what to use to help this that is organic? Thanks in advance



Well-Known Member
Just on this one plant, out of 8 on the table. On most of the fan leaves tho
I would have 1 plant out of many that would go to shit. Then, I realized that I had a cat pissing in the pot. Later, I found out that the same cat was shitting in my compost pile too. Animals love organic soil, my dog was eating some fermented manure(malibu) that I made with boakshi. Man, even my chickens will dig in my soil if I leave it out when I am aging it. I don't know if any of this applies to you?


Well-Known Member
Just on this one plant, out of 8 on the table. On most of the fan leaves tho
I take back my last comment, it looks like mite damage. Do you have specks on other plants, they will look like little tiny dots and if you look on the bottom of the leaf you will see them.


Well-Known Member
You got mites buddy. And they are pretty far advanced from the looks of things. In a few days they will likely dominate the whole area.


Active Member
Wasn’t getting alerts from these responses, been over 2 weeks and still only on this one plant, cannot find a mite anywhere? All other plants fine?


Well-Known Member
Wasn’t getting alerts from these responses, been over 2 weeks and still only on this one plant, cannot find a mite anywhere? All other plants fine?
You been keeping the soil wet? I was getting the same when I grew living soil and would let the the soil get too dry.


Well-Known Member
It's to dry. Guaranteed. I'm not at home for the next 5 days, so I cant show you my pictures, but I had the exact same thing. I even hired someone from our grow shop in town to come inspect each plant I got to be sure as my eyes are shit for things that that small. No bugs. However the dryness was yellowing and crisping edges of leaves. Being under the direct light it dries up the water faster, but the plant is doing more under direct light and used it faster than expected. I have mine all automated now. Made my life way easier. Sprinkler system on a timer and it started doing better. But, could be anything else as well. Just my two cents, and probably not worth a whole lot lol. Also I am using stepwell soil