Shroom tips..


Well-Known Member
So im about to trip on shrooms. Freind got busted for possesion, now he wants to trip after his court date. Any tips/hints? I've tripped on salvia before, but never something like this. Any help would be great.


Well-Known Member
drink them down with a glass of orange juice, then wait, and dont be nervous, be exited. u are going to love them, but the shroomz will let you know who is boss. o ya, blazing is awesome while on shroomz


Well-Known Member
I did shrooms 3 times at last bonnaroo.

1. basically, they taste shitty, theres no way around it, so make them into some food. my favorite way was slap em on a ham and cheese sandwich, or with peanut butter sandwich, get creative.

2. watch how much you eat. for a first time i wouldnt go over more than a half 8th. its kinda odd. my first trip was super intense, like almost too much but not quite, and the next 2(in the next 2 days) were more mellow, and i ate roughly the same amount each time. maybe how closely together you trip effects the trip, im not sure.

3. relax! dont sit around and be like "ok when can i start tripping now??" just do something and let it happen

4. be outdoors, if possible. ive never tripped inside but everybody i know tells me outdoors is better. I can attest to its amazingness

5. dont trip alone. but you got a buddy so no worries

6. enjoy!:mrgreen:

7. oh yeah. don't be alarmed if you can't quit smiling and/or your eyes wont stop watering like NUTS.


Well-Known Member
awesome...i cant not nervous, just...ready i guess. And, how much would an 1/8 be...if it were bud i could tell you, but shrooms? is it like a peice of one, or will it be multiple shrooms?


Well-Known Member
an 8th of shrooms usually goes from 30 to 40 dollars. the bag will be mushroom caps(hopefully) and stems, the stems will look white unless they are dirty


Well-Known Member
like he said hopefully you get mostly caps, but i will tell you that stems are nothing to laugh at either. or maybe they are! :D

but an eighth will definitely be more than one mushroom. in my bag i got what looked like 3-4 broken up


Well-Known Member
So im about to trip on shrooms. Freind got busted for possesion, now he wants to trip after his court date. Any tips/hints? I've tripped on salvia before, but never something like this. Any help would be great.
As a former grower and experienced user I would recommend all of the above and few other tips:
1) Take shrooms on an empty stomach
2) If you have an 1/8, separate it into 1/3rds. After you take the first 1/3 wait 30 minutes and take the next third. By the time you get to the last dose, you should know if your buzz needs more lift. If it does, take the last 1/3. If you are not sure, wait 15-30 minutes longer. Don't be in a hurry.
3) Don't eat any large meals during the trip and do not drink milk. When you are tripping, you shouldn't be hungry anyway.
4) Chew the shrooms until they are mush in your mouth.
5) Use orange juice (or any juice with vitamin C) to wash down the shrooms.
6) Plan what you are going to well ahead of time. There are a lot of fun things that you can do but make sure it will take up 6-8 hours. Going to parties have been the best of times for me while tripping. I had a lot fun at the zoo once. Concerts are also fun.
7) If you want to come down, eat a big meal.

You must have a sense of respect for shrooms. Tripping can be an awesome experience but don't try to take a too much. Three friends and I tripped of of some Blue Meanies a couple of years ago and one friend took a little more than us had a really bad trip. He ran out of a party in a bad part of town and called his girl friend to pick him up. Somewhere between the end of that call and her arriving, he passed out while standing and fell face first on pavement. He broke all of his front teeth. My other friend and I had the best trip of our lives. The difference in our doses was 2-3 stems.


Well-Known Member
As a former grower and experienced user I would recommend all of the above and few other tips:
1) Take shrooms on an empty stomach
2) If you have an 1/8, separate it into 1/3rds. After you take the first 1/3 wait 30 minutes and take the next third. By the time you get to the last dose, you should know if your buzz needs more lift. If it does, take the last 1/3. If you are not sure, wait 15-30 minutes longer. Don't be in a hurry.
3) Don't eat any large meals during the trip and do not drink milk. When you are tripping, you shouldn't be hungry anyway.
4) Chew the shrooms until they are mush in your mouth.
5) Use orange juice (or any juice with vitamin C) to wash down the shrooms.
6) Plan what you are going to well ahead of time. There are a lot of fun things that you can do but make sure it will take up 6-8 hours. Going to parties have been the best of times for me while tripping. I had a lot fun at the zoo once. Concerts are also fun.
7) If you want to come down, eat a big meal.

You must have a sense of respect for shrooms. Tripping can be an awesome experience but don't try to take a too much. Three friends and I tripped of of some Blue Meanies a couple of years ago and one friend took a little more than us had a really bad trip. He ran out of a party in a bad part of town and called his girl friend to pick him up. Somewhere between the end of that call and her arriving, he passed out while standing and fell face first on pavement. He broke all of his front teeth. My other friend and I had the best trip of our lives. The difference in our doses was 2-3 stems.
damn thats really helpful....

ive only tripped once and i had a bad was miserable

but i plan to do it again


Well-Known Member
awesome...great advise..cant wait to test it.
but why an wmpty stomach, and why chew them till their mushy? I mean they taste shitty(no pun intended) right?

Da Kine 420

Well-Known Member
they do taste shitty, they are not "dirty" in the dirt sense of the word.

ah, those were the days. a friend of mine is going to get some for me next year at this hippie festival.


Well-Known Member
the stems are just as powerful as the caps btw. and shrooms are tricky even taken a week between each other you will not trip as hard. Your body builds a tolerance much quicker to mushrooms than weed. Tripping on mushrooms is a form of food poisoning but enjoyable poison.


Well-Known Member
awesome...great advise..cant wait to test it.
but why an wmpty stomach, and why chew them till their mushy? I mean they taste shitty(no pun intended) right?
Empty Stomach = quicker digestion. I usually liked to do shrooms after waking.
Chewing until mushy = Digestion of the shrooms will start with your saliva. If chew them until they are mushy, you should get all of the important ingredients digested before the shrooms move to the small intestine.


Active Member
i love mushrooms more than acid, in fact, i dont like acid that much at all. Only herbs! the chewing them until mushy is so the psilocybin is absorbed faster in the mouth than in the stomach, chew them up, hold them in your mouth for a couple minutes, and then swallow. if thats too bad, then try grinding them up in a bud grinder or coffee grinder and place on a sandwich or mix with some other type of food.


Well-Known Member
I used to cultivate shrooms and spent an entire summer (when I wasn't working) tripping. You will want to take them on an empty stomach, as they have a tendency to make you a bit queasy. Having no food in your stomach helps with this. Tripping on shrooms is a reaction to the alkaloids in your bloodstream. You are essentially poisoning yourself, and the "trip" is a reaction. Your body will build a tolerance, hence the decreasing potency of the same amount/kind of shrooms ingested multiple times in a row.

My personal favorite way is to make a tea. Finely dice them up (a food processor helps) and put them in the water you intend to boil. Once you add your teabag, let it steep until desired tea strength is achieved. Then use a fine mesh strainer to remove the bits of shroom. I would then make shroom-chai tea and trip balls most of the night. Have fun!



Well-Known Member
I did shrooms 3 times at last bonnaroo.

2. watch how much you eat. for a first time i wouldnt go over more than a half 8th. its kinda odd. my first trip was super intense, like almost too much but not quite, and the next 2(in the next 2 days) were more mellow, and i ate roughly the same amount each time. maybe how closely together you trip effects the trip, im not sure.

yeah it does. obviously your first time doing shrooms you had zero tolerance. then if you took them again in the next few days (the same amount) you wouldn't trip as hard.


Well-Known Member
2. watch how much you eat. for a first time i wouldnt go over more than a half 8th. its kinda odd. my first trip was super intense, like almost too much but not quite, and the next 2(in the next 2 days) were more mellow, and i ate roughly the same amount each time. maybe how closely together you trip effects the trip, im not sure.
yeah it does. obviously your first time doing shrooms you had zero tolerance. then if you took them again in the next few days (the same amount) you wouldn't trip as hard.


Well-Known Member
I'm actually gonna be doing shrooms in a week or two. these helped me as well. only thing is that I'm doing them with 3 other people. would this make anything bad. I don't expect it too, just wanted to know really....there's gonna be a sober person there as well looking over us.


Well-Known Member
The more friends you do it with and the more fun it will be. I have done them alone but my best trips were with friends.