Strange Male with very small Balls?


Well-Known Member
Ok so I've had a separate growroom strictly for my males for years now. I've seen quite a few. Anyways I had a very fat leafed male come out of a long breeding project Ive been working on. I figured it was a recessive combination of traits. The smell was spot on dank so it was put in the all-male flowering room. It literally produced hundreds of very small densely packed balls rather than the regular large size balls. It takes forever to finally produce any pollen and only makes a very small amount. I am very curious to what traits this might give to the offspring as I have never seen a male act like this before. The clusters of balls are very dense which I like, but am concerned it might translate to small calyxes in the offspring. Anyone seen a male make microballs before? How did it carry over for you? It is a very stable male with a winning scent. No mutations or anything besides the strange small tightly clustered ball trait. Thanks.
Yes I used it to make a BX with the PK mom it came from in the first place. I have a couple different versions of the BX using different males. This should be a good one
Lol Sorry folks that male came and went but the seeds from it are hanging and drying. Im learning just how many roads (different males) there are to a BX (to the PK). Im exploring a few of them but eliminated most. I have a lot of confidence in the terpines of this F1 male. Ill try to take pictures if the same traits appear in the offspring.