Another plant another problem :-/

Hey again,
Just looking for some advice on another plant, she has been vegging all summer (like 4 months) outside, I can't take her in at night so she has only started flowering a cpl of weeks ago, some of the colas have little buds starting to appear, but most of them look like they are still stretching and have no pistils yet. I'm in a cold part of the world and it's gonna be freezing soon so I don't know if she'll even be done by November by which time it'll prob be 3° most days. Is there a way to quicken the flowering stage up? I'm scared she will die with the cold by the time she's finished flowering :-(


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Really a shame. Nice looking plant. Built or buy a mini greenhouse over her? Next year maybe go with autos outdoors.
I could probably sort something out to cover her but its still the cold that's the problem! Yeh I've been growing other ones outside that are almost done but that's cause I take them in at night, she is too big to take in :-( I'll stick to the smaller pots next year :leaf:
When I first starting growing in the late 60(s) I didn't think about things like that, because truthfully I didn't know anything about photo period plants. But I do recall me and all my buddies sitting up in our tree-house wondering why some of the plants we were growing weren't even beginning to flower even though labor day had just past by. Needless to say, but I will say it, we didn't get much out of those plants that first year. Anyhow, I remember finally getting up the nerve to ask my older cousin Billy what was up with that, because I figured he would know about that cause I did steal the seeds from his rolling tray, LoL! So he explained the whole lighting thing to all us dumb kids, where you can't ever control a cannabis plants flower times, but you can "induce" flowering before they would really begin flowering by covering up the plant everyday after they have had 12 hours of light until they could actually continue to flower on their own cause the daylight hours were less than their genetic flower times. And you know how us dumb kids did that... we got old refrigerator boxes that were left out-back of the TV and Appliance store that was up on Main St. in our little town.
When I first starting growing in the late 60(s) I didn't think about things like that, because truthfully I didn't know anything about photo period plants. But I do recall me and all my buddies sitting up in our tree-house wondering why some of the plants we were growing weren't even beginning to flower even though labor day had just past by. Needless to say, but I will say it, we didn't get much out of those plants that first year. Anyhow, I remember finally getting up the nerve to ask my older cousin Billy what was up with that, because I figured he would know about that cause I did steal the seeds from his rolling tray, LoL! So he explained the whole lighting thing to all us dumb kids, where you can't ever control a cannabis plants flower times, but you can "induce" flowering before they would really begin flowering by covering up the plant everyday after they have had 12 hours of light until they could actually continue to flower on their own cause the daylight hours were less than their genetic flower times. And you know how us dumb kids did that... we got old refrigerator boxes that were left out-back of the TV and Appliance store that was up on Main St. in our little town.
Haha love the story! Yeh I've been taking the others in so they are getting 12/12 theyv only got a cpl of weeks left till harvest, the problem with this is the size of the pot, I can't take her indoors and I've left it too late to have her finish this year :-( I'm gutted. IF anyone had any ideas on keeping her warm even...
No you can not speed up the ripening of a plant other than growing under lights which guarantees everyday is a Sunny one
Quick question... Is it the soil that has to be kept warm or would the cold have an effect on the leaves and buds? Like could I wrap the soil up in something... A big blanket or newspaper or something? Could she still flower if I kept her warm?
I would suggest a green house or cover her up man! That’ll keep in the heat.. I’m in a cold area too (not nearly as cold though) but we’re having 30*f nights and 50*f days. I just cover my plant with a trash bag at night held up by a stake in the pot. Keeps it really warm, especially when the sun comes up.
We had frost last night and my plant is doing fine :)
Quick question... Is it the soil that has to be kept warm or would the cold have an effect on the leaves and buds? Like could I wrap the soil up in something... A big blanket or newspaper or something? Could she still flower if I kept her warm?
I was wondering this too man! I have mine in a felt pot so I’m worried about the root base being exposed.. I covered it just Incase.
I D K bro. Even if it’s an 8 week strain you’re looking at a Dec 1 harvest. Maybe the end of Nov. not sure how committed you are but you can get a 57 x 57” greenhouse on amazon for $50 Throw an electric heater in there with a circ fan. Maybe some big black containers full of water as a heat battery. It’s going to get pretty warm in there during the day though so you’ll have to figure that out.
I D K bro. Even if it’s an 8 week strain you’re looking at a Dec 1 harvest. Maybe the end of Nov. not sure how committed you are but you can get a 57 x 57” greenhouse on amazon for $50 Throw an electric heater in there with a circ fan. Maybe some big black containers full of water as a heat battery. It’s going to get pretty warm in there during the day though so you’ll have to figure that out.
I've been looking at them on Amazon, I'm gonna get one just to make sure she's a bit warmer! Thanks!!