Is Gay Marriage Really That Big Deal?

"under God" was not in the origional pledge, it was added later. Personally I think the God part should be take out. America is a mixing pot that began with the Pilgrims were fleeing religious persecution. It's rather hypocritical.
The pledge is stupid anyway, I say get rid of it altogether. If you want to make your kid say a pledge to a flag everyday, go right ahead.
really, wouldn't it contradict Bible based religions? Thou shalt have no other gods before me, don't worship false idols, blah, blah, blah........

The pledge is stupid anyway, I say get rid of it altogether. If you want to make your kid say a pledge to a flag everyday, go right ahead.
"under God" was not in the origional pledge, it was added later. Personally I think the God part should be take out. America is a mixing pot that began with the Pilgrims were fleeing religious persecution. It's rather hypocritical.

Not really. There's nothing to stop from some one that doesn't believe in God from not saying that part.

They could easily pause for a breath or replace under God, with under Marx, or under Lenin, or under the Bamboo Tree.
God yeah?, God nay?......interesting discussion but not the "meat and potatoes" of the it is.

"Outraged lawmakers on both sides of the aisle blasted the ruling as "outrageous," "nuts," and "stupid." The U.S. Senate was so outraged by the decision that it passed a resolution 99-0 "expressing support for the Pledge of Allegiance" and asking Senate counsel to "seek to intervene in the case." (Full story) "

"We the People" doesn't much matter in the grand scheme of things if court rulings overturn consensus, at every turn. It starts with the mundane, and spreads from there. Like cancer. "We the Judges" will soon be more accurate...
God yeah?, God nay?......interesting discussion but not the "meat and potatoes" of the it is.

"Outraged lawmakers on both sides of the aisle blasted the ruling as "outrageous," "nuts," and "stupid." The U.S. Senate was so outraged by the decision that it passed a resolution 99-0 "expressing support for the Pledge of Allegiance" and asking Senate counsel to "seek to intervene in the case." (Full story) "

"We the People" doesn't much matter in the grand scheme of things if court rulings overturn consensus, at every turn. It starts with the mundane, and spreads from there. Like cancer. "We the Judges" will soon be more accurate...

I think it was Alexander Hamilton, or John Adams that warned that the most inherent danger inside government to the liberties of the population was the supreme court, because they are not elected by the people, and thus do not have to answer to the people for their idiocy.
Someone asked what I have against cops.. They have fucked with me repeatedly and sent friends of mine away. They catch some stupid kids and make em narcs which ruin their life from then on. They catch real dealers and let em go if they will work with them which puts cops in a position of to much power. Cops shouldn't run drugs due to some clause if people aren't allowed to. Lets take a look at who gets let back loose.. cowards and the people that are willing to stab anyone in the back.. the ones with integrity get sent to prison (eliminating the cops competition) because they won't fill cops pockets by stabbing their friends in the back. Every time I've needed cops to deal with a real crime I have got no resolution. Cops have waited outside with their thumb in their ass till after a guy killed his wife and child because they were to chicken shit to do the job they signed on for. Cops have planted stuff and set people up that I know and it was proven in court. I have never seen cops do anything that seemed like protection to me. If they are protecting anything then it seems like its the rich wallets. Cops spy and infringe on privacy so they can feel like james bond. I also believe cops are responsable for the hard drugs in this town in an effort to get a govt grant to fight drugs.. Must I really go on? Why shouldn't I hate cops and don't say they are just doing their job because thats bullshit(98% of the time) and you know it. When the law can break the law then there is no law. And I still stand that despite anything, based on sep. of church and state and just human morals, gay people should have every right anyone else has. Sexuality doesn't make a citizen so it shouldn't infringe on the rights of citizens.
Someone asked what I have against cops.. They have fucked with me repeatedly and sent friends of mine away. They catch some stupid kids and make em narcs which ruin their life from then on. They catch real dealers and let em go if they will work with them which puts cops in a position of to much power. Cops shouldn't run drugs due to some clause if people aren't allowed to. Lets take a look at who gets let back loose.. cowards and the people that are willing to stab anyone in the back.. the ones with integrity get sent to prison (eliminating the cops competition) because they won't fill cops pockets by stabbing their friends in the back. Every time I've needed cops to deal with a real crime I have got no resolution. Cops have waited outside with their thumb in their ass till after a guy killed his wife and child because they were to chicken shit to do the job they signed on for. Cops have planted stuff and set people up that I know and it was proven in court. I have never seen cops do anything that seemed like protection to me. If they are protecting anything then it seems like its the rich wallets. Cops spy and infringe on privacy so they can feel like james bond. I also believe cops are responsable for the hard drugs in this town in an effort to get a govt grant to fight drugs.. Must I really go on? Why shouldn't I hate cops and don't say they are just doing their job because thats bullshit(98% of the time) and you know it. When the law can break the law then there is no law. And I still stand that despite anything, based on sep. of church and state and just human morals, gay people should have every right anyone else has. Sexuality doesn't make a citizen so it shouldn't infringe on the rights of citizens.

Sounds like you are discriminating based on stereotyping. Nice.
Someone asked what I have against cops.. They have fucked with me repeatedly and sent friends of mine away. They catch some stupid kids and make em narcs which ruin their life from then on. They catch real dealers and let em go if they will work with them which puts cops in a position of to much power. Cops shouldn't run drugs due to some clause if people aren't allowed to. Lets take a look at who gets let back loose.. cowards and the people that are willing to stab anyone in the back.. the ones with integrity get sent to prison (eliminating the cops competition) because they won't fill cops pockets by stabbing their friends in the back. Every time I've needed cops to deal with a real crime I have got no resolution. Cops have waited outside with their thumb in their ass till after a guy killed his wife and child because they were to chicken shit to do the job they signed on for. Cops have planted stuff and set people up that I know and it was proven in court. I have never seen cops do anything that seemed like protection to me. If they are protecting anything then it seems like its the rich wallets. Cops spy and infringe on privacy so they can feel like james bond. I also believe cops are responsable for the hard drugs in this town in an effort to get a govt grant to fight drugs.. Must I really go on? Why shouldn't I hate cops and don't say they are just doing their job because thats bullshit(98% of the time) and you know it. When the law can break the law then there is no law. And I still stand that despite anything, based on sep. of church and state and just human morals, gay people should have every right anyone else has. Sexuality doesn't make a citizen so it shouldn't infringe on the rights of citizens.

I'm confused about where this enters the topic, but simple question. What on Earth possessed you to think that you could trust the cops in the first place?

Hate them, not so much, think they are useless, yes.

A good pistol will do more to protect me from a criminal then a cop will any day.
when seconds count the police are minutes away......

Shit one night I called because a water main had burst and it still took them 30 minutes to do a drive by on the situation. You can walk from one end of this town to the other in less than 30 minutes and needless to say there is really no crime going on here.
I'm confused about where this enters the topic, but simple question. What on Earth possessed you to think that you could trust the cops in the first place?

Hate them, not so much, think they are useless, yes.

A good pistol will do more to protect me from a criminal then a cop will any day.

Yeah, the second Amendment is a great deterrent to crime, but the preamble clearly states....

[SIZE=+1]We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. [/SIZE]

This being the case, I love cops.:blsmoke:
I admit that I am but of all the cops I have ever seen and everything they have ever done. They deserve my hate. And all of this was first hand witness. Still, I have a good reason to hate cops.. as good a reason as it gets but what reason does anyone have to hate gay people? I mean name me one case that is in any way as bad for your personal life and your own lil world as the things cops have done to mine that a gay person has done to yours and I will be amazed. However as I stated in a post above, being politically correct is destroying free speech so hate me and gays and cops and everyone else if you want to.. What I ask is that what cop would actually want that job that didn't want it to abuse it? Who would actually like taking people they know to jail and being hated by the community (if you didn't manage to get enough half ass truth on the cover of the newspaper). Im sure some actually want to be a cop for the right reasons but I bet that after 10 years their hands are as dirty as the rest.
Yeah, the second Amendment is a great deterrent to crime, but the preamble clearly states....

[SIZE=+1]We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. [/SIZE]

This being the case, I love cops.:blsmoke:

Let's see

person attempts to rob you after breaking into your house.

You kill them.

Sounds like justice to me, they had no right to be in your house in the first place.
That should be true, but it isn't. The criminal has more right to enter your home than you have right to protect your family and property. That is wrong on so many levels if you ask me.

Let's see

person attempts to rob you after breaking into your house.

You kill them.

Sounds like justice to me, they had no right to be in your house in the first place.
Let's see

person attempts to rob you after breaking into your house.

You kill them.

Sounds like justice to me, they had no right to be in your house in the first place.

Back to the preamble, "promote the general welfare"; I concur with your assessment. Bad for the robber, good for society. :blsmoke:
Look a page or 2 back and you will see why I ranted as I did if you find my other post. He is attacking my credability because I said that I would think potheads discriminating against gay people was hypocritical since we are discriminated against.. I mentioned how society needs something to hate and that my pick was cops.. and btw, what about anything I have said made you think I ever trusted cops? I have always avoided them as much as possible.. cept once I tried to get them to do something about someone breaking into my house and stealing shit from me which was a pointless effort. I just pay attention to what happens in my area though I admit that I think cops are worse here than most places. People not in the game only see what newspapers tell them but I was in position to see both sides. I am not saying that I am not wrong in my hate becaue hate is inherantly wrong but untill I feel free then my hate isn't going anywhere. Even then it will likely never leave concerning the specific cops that earned it.

sorry if i double posted.. Its not letting me edit
When my kids were in school they learned of this case where some people were on vacation and a guy broke into their garage. The door was messed up and the guy got trapped for like 4 or 5 days. The criminal sued the homeowners for not having food and water stored in their garage (just in case a criminal gets stuck in there) and the damn criminal won the case. What kind of stupid people were on that jury?
Look a page or 2 back and you will see why I ranted as I did if you find my other post. He is attacking my credability because I said that I would think potheads discriminating against asian people was hypocritical since we are discriminated against.. I mentioned how society needs something to hate and that my pick was blacks.. and btw, what about anything I have said made you think I ever trusted whites? I have always avoided them as much as possible.. cept once I tried to get them to do something about someone breaking into my house and stealing shit from me which was a pointless effort. I just pay attention to what happens in my area though I admit that I think white women are worse here than most places. People not in the game only see what newspapers tell them but I was in position to see both sides. I am not saying that I am not wrong in my hate becaue hate is inherantly wrong but untill I feel free then my hate isn't going anywhere. Even then it will likely never leave concerning the specific homosexual that earned it.

sorry if i double posted.. Its not letting me edit

Oh, OK. I get it. ;-)
When my kids were in school they learned of this case where some people were on vacation and a guy broke into their garage. The door was messed up and the guy got trapped for like 4 or 5 days. The criminal sued the homeowners for not having food and water stored in their garage (just in case a criminal gets stuck in there) and the damn criminal won the case. What kind of stupid people were on that jury?

I don't know, though I fail to see how it would actually be possible to get trapped in a garage. Most garages I have seen typically have tools, and it doesn't really take all that much effort to destroy a simple locking doorknob.

Dead bolts on the other hand do take considerable effort, depending on how deep they go into the wall.