When to start the pre-harvest flush?


Well-Known Member
Coming up on my first harvest with my plants about to enter week 8 of flowering in 3 days..

I’ve read about how to check the readiness of the buds and I’m aiming to chop them when the pistils are around 75% brown and when trichomes are mostly cloudy with only a little amber.

Haven’t seen much on when I should begin flushing the soil. Most say about 2 weeks out and some say flushing isn’t necessary. I assume it’s just a sort of feel it out thing?

This is where they’re at...

Any advice much appreciated!


Well-Known Member
Go get a nitrogen test kit from an agri center and then you can see how overfed your weed is. The same way farmers do it. Then with the help of mathematics you'll know how long you need to feed straight water aka flush.

PS most internet grower prefer high nitrogen pot, its the only way they can get faded off their shit, by poisoning themselves.


Well-Known Member
Aim for almost all pistils to be brown and withered as a simple guide. No one flushes and most likely newer growers havent got healthy enough plants anyway so it wont be a positive experience anyway :-)

Coming up on my first harvest with my plants about to enter week 8 of flowering in 3 days..

I’ve read about how to check the readiness of the buds and I’m aiming to chop them when the pistils are around 75% brown and when trichomes are mostly cloudy with only a little amber.

Haven’t seen much on when I should begin flushing the soil. Most say about 2 weeks out and some say flushing isn’t necessary. I assume it’s just a sort of feel it out thing?

This is where they’re at...
View attachment 4403978
View attachment 4403979

Any advice much appreciated!


Active Member
So true lol
The only time someone should flush is if they over fed and its killing your plant. Flushing nutes out of the soil when the plant needs it most is just so idiotic.
And what if you use something like general hydroponics flora series instead of organic nutes? does that make any difference?


Well-Known Member
Go get a nitrogen test kit from an agri center and then you can see how overfed your weed is. The same way farmers do it. Then with the help of mathematics you'll know how long you need to feed straight water aka flush.

PS most internet grower prefer high nitrogen pot, its the only way they can get faded off their shit, by poisoning themselves.
Or instead use a sliver of common sense and don't overfeed to begin with avoiding additional test kits, mathematical equations, and mythical flushing sauces.


Active Member
Im not positive as what people call "flushing " varies
Trying to "flush" a plant outdoors in the ground would be impossible and a lot of good weed has been grown that way
correct me please if i´m wrong but for what i know flushing is to get rid off all the excess nutes (not only nitrogen) in the soil and plant itself so
you don´t end up smoke this nutes (mostly speaking of non-organic) up your lung?!?? also speaking mostly about indoor-setups

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
correct me please if i´m wrong but for what i know flushing is to get rid off all the excess nutes (not only nitrogen) in the soil and plant itself so
you don´t end up smoke this nutes (mostly speaking of non-organic) up your lung?!?? also speaking mostly about indoor-setups
I don't think "flushing " does that
At least I haven't seen any difference and I am unaware of any testing to the same
Once that plant takes in Nutrients it would take a starvation diet and a month to remove them

yummy fur

Well-Known Member
Oh FFS, I've just gone through the fucking water thread, I mean who knew water boils and produces vapour, and if that didn't impress you you're sure to astounded to know that that is 212ºF. The funny thing is that they were right and then fucked up by putting in the 212 because that adds no extra knowledge and ironically it tries to gain authority by science speak but they actually were less accurate because water boils at 211 degrees and that's a fact, I seen water boil until it was so cold it freezes.

I'm thinking get to the fucking point, then the OP get's the honors bestowed. Look I appreciate the effort but all you need to know about water for your dope plant is if you can drink it you're golden. It then did put in a bunch of interesting stuff about water and that is good but really the whole post is bullshit. I mean if you're going to talk about water tell me something I don't know, I mean, I love it that there's someone on Earth operating some sort of device that can put a little bit of water under pressure of 2000 atm, don't quote me on that, and high heat. And they discovered something that no one knew, some property of the water changes, I think it's the angle between the H bonds, such that it can dissolve carbon. I think that's right. And that is a big deal as a clue for those looking to discover how life began.

However I've got to say, that I'm super please, and I was surprised so you got me there, that the first two posts is really all you need to know.

But that's not how I want to answer the question. As they say if you build a man a fire, he's warm for the night, but if you set a man on fire he's warm for life. I want to set people on fire, with a passion to use your fucking brain, even just for the exercise.

Look you start out saying you're dilemma is to flush or not to flush, ok that's a bit like starting a which oil is best thread, on a motorcycle forum, you know how it's going to go.

Look let me ask you this, you've searched the internets, you've addled your brain, trying to sort out which is which because they can't both be right. Well actually they are both right, because it makes no fucking difference but you don't know that and that is implied in the thread itself.

Stay with me here I am going to an interesting place with this. Here's my question, what in the name of Jesus Christ in a chicken basket makes you think that this time you're definitely going to get the answer. I've wondered this also, but I never got around to it because I'm 12 zip autos by doing hardly anything. I just splash the GH nutrients in sometimes. I've never needed a cal mag additive.

Now the 50c question is Why the fuck don't you just see for yourself, then you'll know which is right and begin to get yourself out of this cycle of over information. Look I was like that once, not so bad, it only take a few grows.

OK folks, do your worst.


Well-Known Member
Oh FFS, I've just gone through the fucking water thread, I mean who knew water boils and produces vapour, and if that didn't impress you you're sure to astounded to know that that is 212ºF. The funny thing is that they were right and then fucked up by putting in the 212 because that adds no extra knowledge and ironically it tries to gain authority by science speak but they actually were less accurate because water boils at 211 degrees and that's a fact, I seen water boil until it was so cold it freezes.

I'm thinking get to the fucking point, then the OP get's the honors bestowed. Look I appreciate the effort but all you need to know about water for your dope plant is if you can drink it you're golden. It then did put in a bunch of interesting stuff about water and that is good but really the whole post is bullshit. I mean if you're going to talk about water tell me something I don't know, I mean, I love it that there's someone on Earth operating some sort of device that can put a little bit of water under pressure of 2000 atm, don't quote me on that, and high heat. And they discovered something that no one knew, some property of the water changes, I think it's the angle between the H bonds, such that it can dissolve carbon. I think that's right. And that is a big deal as a clue for those looking to discover how life began.

However I've got to say, that I'm super please, and I was surprised so you got me there, that the first two posts is really all you need to know.

But that's not how I want to answer the question. As they say if you build a man a fire, he's warm for the night, but if you set a man on fire he's warm for life. I want to set people on fire, with a passion to use your fucking brain, even just for the exercise.

Look you start out saying you're dilemma is to flush or not to flush, ok that's a bit like starting a which oil is best thread, on a motorcycle forum, you know how it's going to go.

Look let me ask you this, you've searched the internets, you've addled your brain, trying to sort out which is which because they can't both be right. Well actually they are both right, because it makes no fucking difference but you don't know that and that is implied in the thread itself.

Stay with me here I am going to an interesting place with this. Here's my question, what in the name of Jesus Christ in a chicken basket makes you think that this time you're definitely going to get the answer. I've wondered this also, but I never got around to it because I'm 12 zip autos by doing hardly anything. I just splash the GH nutrients in sometimes. I've never needed a cal mag additive.

Now the 50c question is Why the fuck don't you just see for yourself, then you'll know which is right and begin to get yourself out of this cycle of over information. Look I was like that once, not so bad, it only take a few grows.

OK folks, do your worst.
You seem to have a lot of time on your hand. I’m on a forum, meant for helping out people with silly beginner questions and you’re ridiculing people asking just that.. talking about hydrogen bonds and boiling point.

Maybe because of the misinformation that we both know is rampant everywhere, I’d rather come here and get a clear cut answer from people with a bit more experience. Seems much simpler than the trial and error you suggest.

Also, if answering these questions frustrates you. Why the hell would you take the time to type 10 paragraphs of random spew?