Testing Timber's B-lux Decor Vero fixture(1750k)= Hello beautiful SPD, finger still on the trigger

Ok , time to scale up this shit.................................started last Monday after an 8 day hang and took me till Sunday due to schedule and season starting. I know, slacker, please send complaints to Timber and it will be forwarded to my I don't give a fuck BOX: )

View attachment 4310981 monday when I started

View attachment 4310982 View attachment 4310983View attachment 4310984 View attachment 4310985 .......by Saturday got very dry and a bitch to trim, threw in all into the TJ's bag with some 58% bovedas to bring it back a little after the hair cut; no bitching please. So 463g DRY off of 410watts, 30 days 20/4 and the 75 days 12/12 in a 2.5 x 2.5 area. I thought you're supposed to get better at this with each round?lol, my wife always says that I'm a "special" person. Left all the bottom shit on the plant stems/ container pile, will make canna butter or rso, whatever......or just eat it

View attachment 4310986 View attachment 4310987......oops, left a couple stems on! haha & Random nug in the window. I trim conservatively and long flower period for high amber count as always==more yield

@ChronicWonders. congrats! you are the winner...........PM me a SAFE address to send the kickass cob fixture to, NOT your growing location. I will get it out to you ASAP after timber sends me a shipping label.

View attachment 4310989 plenty of cannabis for me, so I will take a long break......hopefully moving and such.

be safe and happy growing RIU
so, about a pound. not bad :) i was guessing it would be near this amount ;)
so, about a pound. not bad :) i was guessing it would be near this amount ;)

Yes "about a pound" friend...................fuck you OHD, lol, can hear you snickering in the background

it's been 2 months paper bag(+boveda 58%) cure give or take. I lost my notes of course... so going off memory, bare with me.......vape time, remember everyone's experiences with cannabinoids are different!

DSC00036.JPG DSC00037.JPG DSC00038.JPG......both IHG, strains= top cookies and cream and lower black nitro. Using a SS grasshopper(HP cap), Mendo mulcher microdose grinder, 10 arm single perc 14mm female joint bubbler

Black nitro(lowest setting 380f starting)= cut early, I was lazy, it shows and comes through......I taste citrus(limonene?), hops, grass. Euphoric & terpy , slight heavy eyes and body high lasted about 2hrs. decent day strain i guess?, nothing I would pay for though

Cookies and cream(lowest setting 380f starting)= purple, yes purple bitch. .......I taste cinnamon, cloves, chocolate.....hit my amber count 20% +, couch lock indica numbing my work pain and bill(s) ; ) . less than 2 hrs for me and took another couple hits. No contest vs PS anesthesia, still a rock star. For the price it's unbeatable IMO, their tut is very good too

DSC00041.JPG DSC00042.JPG let's talk about the grasshopper, to hit my temp is 2 secs(on demand), full convection, lifetime warranty, even AVB as you see in the pic. Cons the removeable battery is proprietary(why, why, why????), pricey, the tip does get hot during session style no question, it's uncomfortable. regardless best portable vape I own so far, no joke ( honeymoon phase(purchased during 4/20 sale). I've tried all except butane powered/lit, this little pen vape is very impressive and stealthy too boot; puts some desktops to shame....

Oh, the dinosaur book ^^^ ........well OHD said he wanted some light reading when he comes over to my apt. Didn't want to overwhelm him, so I chose something less intensive while he belittles my led grown flower...haha

that's it, breaking down the grow closet and moving this summer

much love RIU
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Well done as always! Nice little contest too!
I really like that test it and give it away mentality. I do the same with my lights but don't give them away for free, lol!

If the winner lives in the EU (maybe next one) just make sure to send him an email with "congrats, you're the winner of this light" (with picture, but don't mention RUI). Also make sure to mention its for private use and not used commercially and he don't has to pay any import taxes. My party cup prize is on the way(Amare SolarBar-8) and friday the logistic company has called me and asked if it's for commercial or for private usage. It told them its a prize I've won and send him a screenshot of the gratulation email and it was already enough. Next week it will arrive and it costs nothing extra.

Convection is so much better IMO. I've a CFX vape with convection heater since a while now and I'm still impressed about its performance. Needs <20sec. to heat up but has a pretty big 0,5g chamber. Only downside is it can't be used with any type of bongs or water pipes.

That's my new 20$ toy..
kangvape 650mA mod with 0,5ml atomizer, 1,4ohm, 12,5w max.png
Kangvape 650mA mod, 3,4-4,2v with pre-heating and can be used with 1,2-2ohm coils. Works better as it looks like but I would not use it with more like 1,5ohm coils. I've tried it with 2ohms(8,8w max.) but it needs a little more power to create enough vapor. 12,5-15w gives the best vaping experience. One battery charge is enough for 1ml ejuice(50% oil/wax, 50% liquidizer) and lasts at least the whole day... at least for me. You guys in the US should have different Kangvape mods available. I've seen some pretty nice ones but sold from CA, makes no sense to order them because of the shipping costs.


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No Brother P I Dont Have Popcorn Lung. On A Side Note My 5L Rotovap Arrived Today :weed:

What Has Happen To The Haagen Dazs Boy's!!!!!!! I'm Sorry Your Head Looks Like A Potato :hug:

Peace And How Do You Spell Perfect Season :weed::hump::hug::clap:

What's up big poodle, how's the pimp cane treating you these days? I won't lie, I missed your foul mouth and healthy Asian obsession.... Are the upgrades on the bedazzled trailer going foward? If you need help coating the roof with some aluminium compound let me know, I'll jump right over...... Lol

No bullshit popcorn lung, It's coming down to lipid pneumonia as the result from these shitty dab carts, granted It doesn't hold a candle to the 1300 deaths a day from cigarettes in the US. They got so greedy from overcutting pure/safe distillate with chem terps that they started using oil based thickeners(honey stick/vita E) to bring it back to passable on the street. A chemist would have caught that, inhaling oil is a big no no vs water/Co2/alcohol based solvents.

Anyways long story short I'm back to flower full time till federally legal/regulated. A rosin press would help the situation, let me borrow yours... Ha
Nope Not Lipid Pneumonia Cause By Vitamin E. Looking More Like A Chemical Burn Cause By A Caustic Substance. See Related Mayo Report Below

Really Your Not In The Closet??Or Did You Come Out Da Closet Lmao. I'm In The Process Of Turning My Spare Bedroom Into My Next Grow Area. I Will Run 2 3x3 and a 3x5. That Should Get Me Enough Crude To Run In My Custom Built Short Path. No I Just Pimped Out My Press By Adding A Hand Pump With Gauge And New Hydraulic Piston From Dab Press.Check Them Out They Have A Nice 10 Ton Complete Press Under 600.00 USD. I Plan On Experimenting With Solventless Thca Extraction. I Will Be Picking Up Some Black Lime Clones This Weekend.:hump:
Nope Not Lipid Pneumonia Cause By Vitamin E. Looking More Like A Chemical Burn Cause By A Caustic Substance. See Related Mayo Report Below

Really Your Not In The Closet??Or Did You Come Out Da Closet Lmao. I'm In The Process Of Turning My Spare Bedroom Into My Next Grow Area. I Will Run 2 3x3 and a 3x5. That Should Get Me Enough Crude To Run In My Custom Built Short Path. No I Just Pimped Out My Press By Adding A Hand Pump With Gauge And New Hydraulic Piston From Dab Press.Check Them Out They Have A Nice 10 Ton Complete Press Under 600.00 USD. I Plan On Experimenting With Solventless Thca Extraction. I Will Be Picking Up Some Black Lime Clones This Weekend.:hump:

Damn, your Amazonian partner gave you permission to garden indoors again? Or you finally grew some furry poodle balls and told her off? Good for you either way...

The CDC can't tell a vape stick from a lead pencil imo. Yeah saw that, Mayo clinic, couple cases out of 900. Chemical pneumonia, or similar..... Could be a combination? Dumb illegal growers have been spraying eagle 20,Myclobutanil(hydrogen cyanide/hydrogen chloride byproducts when heated) whatever on flowering crops for years without major incident. Why all of a sudden it's a US only issue? When vaping is a worldwide phenomena. Something came on the market in March that is causing this.

My money is on the typical American business tactic ==== get rich quick. Have a runny/overcutt dab product that no one buys on the street? We have the solution for you! Lol, just add our untested proprietary thickener(Honeycut/Uberthick came out this year)........ Assholes

Disclaimer ..... I'm NOT a doctor, researcher, scientist, etc. If You're truly worried about using this wonderful plant for medicinal uses then ingest it and let your body's gut, filter do the work it was intended for;-)
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Damn, your Amazonian partner gave you permission to garden indoors again? Or you finally grew some furry poodle balls and told her off? Good for you either way...

The CDC can't tell a vape stick from a lead pencil imo. Yeah saw that, Mayo clinic, couple cases out of 900. Chemical pneumonia, or similar..... Could be a combination? Dumb illegal growers have been spraying eagle 20,Myclobutanil(hydrogen cyanide/hydrogen chloride byproducts when heated) whatever on flowering crops for years without major incident. Why all of a sudden it's a US only issue? When vaping is a worldwide phenomena. Something came on the market in March that is causing this.

My money is on the typical American business tactic ==== get rich quick. Have a runny/overcutt dab product that no one buys on the street? We have the solution for you! Lol, just add our untested proprietary thickener(Honeycut/Uberthick came out this year)........ Assholes

Disclaimer ..... I'm NOT a doctor, researcher, scientist, etc. If You're truly worried about using this wonderful plant for medicinal uses then ingest it and let your body's gut, filter do the work it was intended for;-)

You Are So Miss Informed My Hommie. My Guess Is Its A Special Interest Group Pushing All This Miss Information. My Question To You Sir Is Why Julu Ceo Step Down Among Controversy? When All The Smoke Clears The Truth Will come Out Da Bag And It was The Tobacco Vaping Industry Trying To Blame The Thc Vaping Industry On The Recent Death's. And I Did Give You A Clue When I Said Popcorn Lung Below is A Report From 2000 Warning People Of The Possiablities Of Lung Damage Associated With E-Cigarettes. bongsmilie

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Recent study on street carts, full of junk

Yeah, it's not about nic vaping...... The guys that jumped on the ecig wagon 15 yrs ago aren't dropping like flies, it's the new thc vape users. I know poodle is biased obviously , but federal regulation is needed without a doubt to curb dumb/ greedy middlemen who can't cut properly

Juul doesn't have shit to do with this, other than making a very popular stealthy device that kids get a buzz with from the high Nic concentrations.....ceo stepping down is just a business move to focus towards stock holders, usual

Again edibles, grow your own plants is the best bet..……$20 gram street carts are not a good idea ever, their $50 for legit/tested half gram here in PA dispensary .
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Do you know that Scotland is the vaping centre of the World.....?
They've been vaping for Hundreds of years. It must be safe?
They even have parades celebrating vaping.......
Even Susan Boyle offa Britain's got talent fame endorses vaping....
And here's the Whirled Champion himself.... Vaping is now banned indoors after he set fire to Edinburgh castle.
And if you are caught vaping without a skirt on in public you get 2 weeks in jail.
Vaping Whiskey is popular in the Highlands.
It's not lame, because the government is lumping ALL VAPING TOGETHER....... It doesn't matter if it's herb, cart, mod, eliquid,pod,distillate, etc=====that's the fucking problem.

The Problem Is Everyone Is Paying The Blame Game. Your Post Is lame Cause It Shows No Real Data Just %. Omg They Found 89% Contained Vitamin E. Fact The Vitamin Community Has Been Vaping E With No Lung Problem's For Years. Fact The CBD Community Uses E As Their Diluetent With No Problems. So It's Probroley Safe To Say The E Is Not The Problem.

The AMA Has Said That Their Are Possabley 1000's Upon 1000's Of Misdiagnosed Lung Cases Out Their. So This Thing Has Been Ramping Up For Years And Now It's Coming To A Head... What I Find Suspicious Is Out Of The 1000's Of New Lung Cases Only About 50 Said They Vape Both Thc And Nic. When Statistics Show 75% Of Ppl Who Vape Nic Also Vape Thc??????