News of the Warm

I was all ready to talk about climate change and how 'global warming' is used to confuse people, but then I saw you are a flat earther.....

Ignore button is a great stress reliever.
Bill boy is a pseudoscience talking head. Anyone can see that unless they are a globetard with mush between the ears. I love to come here and laugh at all the ignorant individuals talk about fake outer space. Completely clueless. :roll:
Research: Terra Firma. It's a great book that uses facts and reason not to mention scripture to prove flat earth. Cultivate your minds you cheeto eating, bong toking, mouth breathing Neanderthal Globetards. :dunce:
Meanwhile more October snow and record cold on the way........Step into the sunlight and feel the warmth, step into the moonlight and feel the cold. The moon is self luminescent and is the ying to the suns yang. A nitrogen bubble? LMAO !!! I-G-N-O-R-A-N-T :dunce:
Jesus, you’re so stupid. Mix that with your third grade arrogance and you’re just a child

too bad you have no basic understanding of basic science. You drag in your ghetto speak and all it does is tell everyone you’re an uneducated bible thumper
Ever see a bubble or a falling raindrop? We are basically walking on the relatively solid object inside of one giant nitrogen bubble circling the sun.
I guess you have never witnessed the midnight sun right? The sun circles above the level plane earth. In the summer it makes smaller circles close to the northern center or magnetic north pole therefore you have long 23 hour days in the extreme northern regions. In the winter the sun circles in the deep southern latitudes so we have short winter days in the North. The longest day is around June 21st. The shortest day is around Dec. 21st. The process is very precise and repetitive. Eclipses, meteor showers and other cosmic events are all repetitive therefore they are easy to predict. The firmament is a time piece of intelligent design mastered by the ancients such as the Mayans and others. Modern man piggy backs off the ground work laid by ancient man in regards to predicting cosmic events.
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I guess you have never witnessed the midnight sun right? The sun circles above the level plane earth. In the summer it makes smaller circles close to the northern center or magnetic north pole therefore you have long 23 hour days in the extreme northern regions. In the winter the sun circles in the deep southern latitudes so we have short winter days in the North. The longest day is around June 21st. The shortest day is around Dec. 21st. The process is very precise and repetitive. Eclipses, meteor showers and other cosmic events are all repetitive therefore they are easy to predict. The firmament is a ancient time piece of intelligent design mastered by the ancients such as the Mayans and others.
And where were you told this from?